HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pancreatitis: What is it? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Disease

Questions about why pancreatitis occurs, what it is and how to treat it, are quite relevant today. After all, inflammation of the pancreas is extremely dangerous, as it is accompanied by severe pain and affects the digestive processes, and sometimes leads to a violation of the normal hormonal background.

Pancreatitis: what is it and why does it occur?

In fact, inflammation of the pancreatic tissues can be caused by various factors. According to statistical studies, most often pancreatitis occurs against the background of other diseases of the digestive system, including cholecystitis, hepatic colic, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. In some cases, the cause is an infection.

On the other hand, risk factors include poor nutrition and alcohol abuse. In fact, the constant use of fatty and fried foods, as well as a monotonous menu, can provoke an inflammatory process.

It should be noted that such a disease requires treatment. In the absence of therapy, digestion, metabolism, and sometimes the hormonal background are violated , since the pancreas contains specific cells that produce the hormone insulin.

Pancreatitis: what is it and what are its symptoms?

In fact, the clinical picture can be different, depending on the form of the disease and the degree of pancreatic damage . Nevertheless, several main symptoms can be distinguished.

As a rule, the disease begins with acute, severe pain, localized in the upper abdomen. In some cases, the entire abdominal wall may be painful. The pain can also be shrouded in nature and given in the shoulder blade, back or even arm.

Patients with pancreatitis are also suffering from persistent nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately, vomiting spasms do not bring any relief to a person. Naturally, in connection with the deterioration of the state of health, there is a lack of appetite. Inflammation may be accompanied by fever and weakness.

In the future, there are violations of the digestive system, in particular, constipation, severe swelling, accumulation of gases in the intestine. Often, the damage to the pancreas is associated with liver damage, in particular with jaundice. Symptoms include confusion.

Disease pancreatitis can have a chronic course. With a similar form of the disease, the symptoms may be less pronounced - pain and nausea occur only during periods of exacerbation, but at the same time persistent digestive disorders are observed.

Pancreatitis: what is it and how to treat it?

When the first symptoms appear, it is urgent to go to the doctor. Only a specialist can determine the presence of an inflammatory process and choose the most effective treatment regimen.

Therapy is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions. In the first few days, a strict "hungry" diet is extremely important, in which patients are given only alkaline water. To eliminate pain, analgesics are used, as well as drugs that relieve spasms, in particular, the drug "No-Shpa". Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs are also used.

After a few days for the patient make up a special diet. The diet should necessarily include proteins, but exclude fats of animal origin, as well as coarse fiber. Recommended fractional meals, in which a person eats 6-8 times a day, but in small portions.

In the presence of necrosis sites, a surgical operation is necessary, during which the doctors remove the damaged parts of the pancreas.

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