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Pain on the right under the ribs from behind: causes

If you suddenly start to worry the pain on the right under the ribs from behind, a person does not always understand what kind of doctor he needs to handle. People who are not versed in medicine usually associate the occurrence of this anxiety symptom with the pathology of the kidneys. But practice shows that in many cases the painful manifestations on the right side of the back are provoked by other equally serious diseases. Let's figure out which ailments can be the culprits for the occurrence of the above-described symptom.

Pain, localized in the right hypochondrium from the back, has many causes. In addition to the kidney, in this area there are a gallbladder, intestine, pancreas, lung. Problems in the work of any of these organs can manifest as unpleasant sensations in the lower back. Also, the pain on the right, giving in the back, is often due to problems with the nervous system, spine and pelvic organs.

What if my back hurts?

You can see that the discomfort in the right hypochondrium is serious. When it occurs, a person should register as soon as possible to see a doctor. The specialist will refer the patient to the tests and examination and only after that will give him an accurate diagnosis, and also prescribe the treatment. Wait, when the pain subsides independently, or engage in self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated, because such actions can lead to deterioration of health.

So how do you determine which doctor to apply to? For this you need to listen to yourself. The pain on the right under the ribs from behind is distinguished by localization, degree of intensity and periodicity. They can be permanent or arise from time to time, be sharp, blunt or aching, focus at one point or spread over a large area. Depending on the type and localization of pain, it is possible to draw preliminary conclusions about which organ can provoke them.


Pain in the sides under the ribs in the lower back is a sign of chronic or acute pyelonephritis. In the case when the unpleasant sensations of a person are concerned only on the right, the pathology of the kidney located in this side should be deleted.

The acute course of pyelonephritis is accompanied by constant blunt noisy pains in the side, which are amplified by tapping the lower rib on the back, from the side of the affected kidney. In addition to painful sensations, the disease is accompanied by fever, chills, frequent urination, the appearance of swelling, a general decline in strength, nausea, vomiting. In the absence of treatment of pain in the lower back, the person will become stronger, and the state of health worsen. In neglected forms, the ailment can lead to severe consequences.

Chronic right-sided pyelonephritis is characterized by a slight aching pain, which becomes more intense when the body is undercooled. Signs of the disease, in addition to discomfort in the lumbar region, are also a slight increase in body temperature and frequent urination. If, in addition to pain under the right hypochondrium, a person has other symptoms, characteristic of acute or chronic pyelonephritis, he should immediately appear to the urologist.

Urolithiasis disease

Visit a urologist and with suspicions of urolithiasis. With her, the pains on the right under the ribs from the back worry the patient if he has kidney stones from the affected side. Unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region can be of varying degrees of intensity. They depend on the size of the stone and its position in the urinary tract. Most often, with a patient's ailment, dull pain is disturbed, which are aggravated by fast walking, running, riding in transport, and also with the use of a large amount of liquid. They can be either permanent or emerging from time to time. An unchanging companion of the disease is a painful, difficult urination: the lower the stone in the ureter, the more pronounced discomfort.

Problems with the liver

If the back hurts under the ribs, diseases of the digestive tract should be ruled out. On the right side are the gallbladder, pancreas and liver. Inflammatory process in any of these organs is manifested by pain, irradiating both in the abdominal region and in the back. In case of malfunctioning in the digestive tract, a person should visit a gastroenterologist.

Prolonged aching pain, giving in the back to the right, should become an occasion for examination of the liver. With diseases of this body, unpleasant sensations increase with physical activity and become weaker at rest. In hepatic ailments, pain in the right lower back is exacerbated after consuming fatty, spicy foods and spirits. In addition to her pathological processes in the body, evidence of nausea, heartburn, belching, fast fatigue, poor appetite, bitterness in the mouth. Often liver diseases are accompanied by yellowing of the skin.

Gallstone disease and cholecystitis

Acute pain on the right under the ribs from behind and in front can indicate an attack of cholelithiasis and require immediate medical attention. Exacerbation occurs due to blockage of the gallbladder with a stone and often the only way to treat the disease is surgery. Pain during an attack can radiate to the right shoulder, scapula, neck. Sometimes it spreads to the heart, causing angina. Concomitant symptoms in the attack of cholelithiasis are fever, discoloration of stool, yellowing of the skin. Provoke an aggravation of the disease can abuse fatty and spicy food, exercise.

If the right hypochondrium hurts for several days and this symptom is accompanied by a febrile condition, nausea, vomiting, constipation, flatulence and muscle tension of the abdominal cavity, then doctors first of all exclude the attack of acute cholecystitis. This ailment is characterized by persistent aching pain of medium intensity, which is sometimes accompanied by a sensation of heaviness and burning. Attacks cholecystitis in the vast majority of cases occur in people suffering from cholelithiasis.


Intensive exhausting pain, irradiating under the ribs (or under one of them), in the waist and scapula area, can occur with inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). But not all people have the disease manifested only unpleasant sensations in the described areas of the body. Often during an exacerbation of the ailment of the patient, shingles surrounding the abdomen and back are excruciated. They are accompanied by chills, severe vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, fever and a general decline in strength. Pain during an attack of pancreatitis lasts up to several days and ceases only after a person starts taking prescribed medications by a gastroenterologist drugs, so it is not necessary to postpone a visit to it. Severe course of the disease requires urgent hospitalization.

Inflammation of the appendix

The pain on the right under the ribs from behind can provoke appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix is characterized by a constant moderate dull pain, which is aggravated by movement. Its localization is the right side, however at the beginning of an attack it can occur in the navel region, in the back under the rib or cover the entire abdomen. In addition to painful sensations, appendicitis is also manifested by fever, loss of appetite, nausea, single vomiting, loose stool, and increased heart rate. If a person develops the described symptoms, he should urgently call an ambulance. Any delay can result in peritonitis and death.

Diseases of the lungs

Constant or intermittent aching pain under the right scapula may indicate pathological processes in the lung located on the affected side. It can be pneumonia, pleurisy and even a malignant tumor. With these diseases, pain in the back to the right is accompanied by a strong cough with poorly separated sputum, weakness, feverish condition. If a person is concerned about these symptoms, he should consult a therapist or pulmonologist.

Problems with the spine

Very severe pain in the right lower back arises from the lumbar intervertebral hernia. They can spread from the focus of inflammation to the popliteal region, the shin, to the back of the thigh. Often when people are ill, they complain about numbness of individual zones of lower extremities, tingling and burning in the toes, paresis. Pain when walking increases, and in lying position becomes tolerant. Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region is treated by an orthopedic surgeon.

Painful sensations of varying degrees of intensity in the region of the right hypochondrium may occur with injuries to the spinal column during falls. If within 1-2 days after the accident a person does not become lighter, he should consult a surgeon and exclude the possibility of damage to the internal organs.

Other reasons

Acute or drawing pain with tingling under the right rib can appear as a result of psychosomatic diseases. Usually it occurs periodically and does not last long. In this case, a neuropathologist or psychiatrist will help a person get rid of the pain.

The culprits of the discomfort in the lower right side of the back can be diseases of the urinary system. At them unpleasant sensations do not pass and do not decrease, even if the person is in a motionless condition. Representatives of the weaker sex should take into account that the pains, concentrated under the right rib, are a sign of a number of gynecological diseases. For their diagnosis, you need to contact a women's consultation.

But not always drawing pain in the lower back indicates a health problem. If it arises after the night, and then completely disappears, then its cause is an uncomfortable bed. In this case, the person just needs to change the mattress.

With pains in the right lower back, it is strictly forbidden to put to oneself diagnoses and take medications that were not prescribed by a doctor. You can not apply a heating pad, even if it makes it easier for a person to get warm. It is important to remember that in the right hypochondrium there are vital organs, therefore, for any complaints of pain in this area, it is necessary to immediately see a doctor. Only the right approach to treatment will help the patient to become healthy.

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