HealthDiseases and Conditions

Omission of the uterus: symptoms, causes, treatment

One of the most common diagnoses that gynecologists make to their patients is the omission of the uterus. Symptoms, causes and methods of treatment are different, therefore, no doctor will answer you all the questions at once, until he carries out a thorough examination.

Despite various reasons, omission of the uterus, in the first place, is accompanied by loss of elasticity of the pelvic muscles. In this condition, the muscles are unable to retain the uterus, bladder and other female organs in the correct, physiological position. The most common cause is the postpartum condition.

Omission of the uterus after childbirth is a common ailment that occurs due to strong pressure from above on the pelvic muscles, especially in the last three months of pregnancy. During labor, breaks in the muscles of the pelvic floor, perineum and vagina, which subsequently leads to the omission of the uterus, are also possible. But an undesirable ailment can be avoided if pregnant women follow certain important midwife advice in the course of labor, will also read supplementary literature, adhere to proper, rational nutrition, drink enough fluid and lead an active lifestyle.

At the initial stage, a woman may not notice that the uterus descended. Symptoms are rather insignificant and often resemble signs of approaching monthly or inflammation of the appendages. But with a thorough gynecological examination, the doctor will quickly determine the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. It is important for every woman to remember that, at a minimum, an examination by a gynecologist once a year is mandatory, in order to prevent the detection of possible diseases at an early stage. In the case of timely treatment, the treatment will be much more effective and give a positive result.

At an early stage, the disease of uterine prolapse, the symptoms and causes of which have already been identified by the doctor, requires conservative treatment with compliance with medical recommendations and preventive measures. The main treatment is in the exercises, thanks to which the ligaments are trained, and then the organ displacement is stopped. The complex of these exercises is called Kegel exercises, their meaning lies in working with intimate muscles. The process of execution is simple and accessible at any time and in any place: it is necessary to actively alternate compress and relax the intimate muscles. The consequences of performing exercises Kegel pleasant surprise you, because in return you will get a more elastic and narrow vagina, and accordingly, not only will the problem disappear with the omission of the uterus, but there will be a brighter sensation during sex.

But if the treatment has not been scheduled in time, the uterus descending, the symptoms of which become more intense, will give unpleasant sensations associated with incontinence or difficulty urinating. You will be tormented by the constant sensation of a foreign body in the vagina, which will lead to painful sexual intercourse. In addition, cases of cystitis or pyelonephritis are common. The reason for all is that the cervix dips closer to the exit from the vagina. At this stage, Kegel exercises are not given the proper result, and an operation is required to eliminate the inflammatory process and establish a special pessary on the cervix.

Do not bring to the third stage, when the uterus completely falls out of the vagina. In this case, one can not do without surgery, and sometimes a complete removal of the uterus is required .

Despite everything, whether it is the omission of the uterus during pregnancy or because of the inflammatory process, timely treatment to the gynecologist will save you from unnecessary problems. It is recommended not to engage in self-medication, because this can lead to negative consequences.

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