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Name day of Egor. Possible dates of the birthday of Egor

Name day is the holiday, also known as the Day of the Angel. It is timed to the day of memory of a saint whose name is worn by a man. This saint, according to the church tradition, is the heavenly patron for him and for all who are named in his honor. Thus, it turns out that this is purely Christian, or even only Orthodox (partly Catholic) tradition, since Protestant churches do not recognize the veneration of saints. Therefore, for all who are not Orthodox Christians (or Catholics), there is no such holiday. In this article we will list the saints who are patrons of people named Egor.

About Name Day

Names are connected exclusively with the name that the infant was given in the sacrament of baptism. Accordingly, an unbaptized person can not celebrate this day, whatever name he wore. At the same time, the name in the font is not just for that, but in honor of a holy saint who becomes a special patron before God, as Orthodox Christians believe. In the future, change the church name and, consequently, the patron saint can not. The only exception is monastic tonsure, in which a person takes a new name.

The date of the name day after the baptism will be the day in which the church's calendar honors the memory of the saint. Of course, many of them were called in life the same way. Therefore, choosing a specific name, you can choose a saint who wore it. In the event that a person was baptized as a child, and there was no information about which saint he was named, they proceed as follows: they find in the saints the day of the memory of the same-named saint, the person closest to the birthday. He will be considered a name day. But if you want to choose some particular person, to which you feel a special sympathy, then you can do so, neglecting formal procedures.

Name days of Egor

At once it is necessary to say that there is no such name in the saints. Egor celebrates the name-day in the church in the days of the memory of the saints Georgiev - this is exactly how Egorov is baptized. And most often their patron is, of course, the great martyr George, whom we know from the coat of arms of Russia and ten-kopecks. But in fact this is not the only option, since in the church calendar there are a lot of saints with the name George (Egor). Orthodox names can be associated with any of them. Previously, this name, by the way, was used as an epithet to the god Zeus. Below, we give the main list of all the saints Georgiev by months.


On the 19th of this month is the feast day of the holy St. George. Unfortunately, besides the name and the rank of glorification in the face of the saints, nothing more is known about him. Moreover, there are a lot of such unknown saints in the church calendar.


July 4 marks the memory of the Russian saint named Georgy. During his lifetime he was a monk, a priest in the rank of archimandrite. Death took in Nizhny Novgorod, in 1932, at the hands of the Soviet authorities.

July 16 is another day of an unknown saint with the same name.


On the 3rd and 13th of the month, Egor's name-days are celebrated in honor of the two saints Georgiev. Both of them are martyrs. And about both, except this, nothing is known.


September 21 is the day when the confessor of the church is remembered, Archimandrite Georgy (Mkheidze).


At the beginning of October, on the 2nd, the faithful prince Georgy Olegovich was commemorated. He was the ruler of the city of Chernigov, and also the Grand Duke of Kiev, until he was betrayed by the conspirators and overthrown from the throne of the throne. Then he bore the name Igor, and George was called him during monastic vows, which he was forced to take by force, in order to avoid murder. However, he was still killed, leading to the execution from the church right in the middle of the service. The body of the murdered prince-monk was thrown at the city square.


In November, the namesakes of Egor are celebrated, the patron of which is the martyr George Yurenev. At the beginning of the 20th century he lived in Vitebsk, where he worked as a judge. But in the 1920s he was exiled. And in the 1930s they were also charged with counter-revolutionary activities. Initially, he was sentenced to forced labor in correctional camps, but later changed the sentence to the maximum penalty for participating in the activities of the catacomb church. The shooting took place in 1937.


In December, the memory of the confessor Georgy Sedov is honored . He was not a clergyman, but as a layman was serving the headman of various temples. In the 30s and 40s, he was repeatedly subjected to repression by the Soviet authorities. One day a part of the staircase fell on him, as a result of which Georgi suffered serious injuries. They died a year later and died, and could not recover from the disease.

Another December St. George is the eponymous Stolypnik, whose memory day falls on December 31. There is no more information about him.


January 30 is the day dedicated to the memory of the martyr killed in 1838 in the Turkish city of Paramite. The reason for accusing this saint was that, being a born Muslim, he professed Christianity. He was seized in the market square and demanded that he renounce Christ, and after being refused, the young man was hanged at the city gate.


February 10 is the day of the unknown Saint George.

February 17 is a day of memory of one more holy prince George, but this time Vladimirsky.


March 23 is the day of the venerable monk.

March 18 is also the day of the unknown saint, but already a martyr.


April 17 - celebration of the Monk from the island of Peloponnese.


May 6 - Egor's name-day, which falls on the day of the memory of St. George the Victorious. Glorified as the great martyr, who was chopped off for believing in Christ on the orders of Emperor Diocletian.


This is not a complete list of the saints Georgiev - patrons of those who were given the name of Yegor at baptism. His name-day can be chosen from thousands of options. It should be remembered that there is no single register of all Orthodox saints. Different churches in different regions have their own saints unknown in other parishes, and therefore official saints can not accommodate them all.

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