
Numeral as part of speech. Numerical examples

Numbers in everyday life play an important role, with their help people determine the number of objects, count the time, determine the mass, cost and order of the account. Words that can be designated on the letter, written in letters and numbers, are called numerals. Another definition is: numerals are words denoting the ordinal number of an object or quantity.

Grammatical signs of the numerals

All tokens that denote integers and fractional numbers, as well as the number of people, animals or objects, are a special group of words, the composition of which is fully formed and does not change.

Such units are one of the important, or, as they say, significant parts of speech and can have several notations:

• the concept of a number as such: five, ten, fifteen, and so on;

• Number of certain items: two cars, six houses;

• the cumulative value of several items that counted.

Accordingly, and the questions to them sound like this: what is the score? which the? how? Depending on the meaning and question, to which the numerals answer, they are divided into several types (we will talk about this a little later).

For example: Thirty (subject) is divided into ten. Six six to thirty-six (the nominal part of the predicate). Speaking about the place of numerals in the sentence, it should be noted that they can be both main and secondary members. Another feature is that the numerative name as part of speech is not replenished by a group of words. All forms used in oral and written speech are formed solely from the name of the numbers. In the syntactic construction, the numerals as part of the speech can be both in the composition of the principal and part of the minor member of the sentence.

Note! Numerical, denoting the number, and the noun associated with it, always act as one inseparable member of the sentence. For example: We walked until six in the morning. Classes in the pool begin at five o'clock. The girls collected twenty-five daisies.

Types of numerals

According to the numerical question put to the name, it is possible to determine to which category it belongs. By value and attributes, they are all divided into quantitative (how many?) And order (which? Which?). In turn, quantitative numerals include three types: collective, fractional and integer numbers.

By the number of words in its composition, this part of speech, regardless of the category, can be compound or simple. For example: the fourth, thirty-third, five, sixty-eight.

Features of the name of the numerals

From the point of view of morphological features, the numerative word as a part of speech is almost always devoid of number, there is also no category of the genus, and many of these words have singularities in declension by case. At the same time, it should be noted and features from the syntactic side. They consist in the fact that numerals, combined with the names of nouns, become indecomposable and always act as one member in a sentence, regardless of whether any other part of speech is inserted between them. For example: three nights, four days, five days; Three proud palms stood silently.

It is worth noting that not always words that indicate the number are actually numerals. The main distinguishing feature of this part of the speech is that the number can be formalized by writing words and figures. For example: three horses - 3 horses or three horses.

How do quantitative numerals change

Examples of changes in the names of numerals, which denote integers, can be found both in colloquial speech and in writing.

These words are characterized by such grammatical features:

• Change by case:

Them. P .: six, eight.

RP: six, eight.

DP: six, eight.

V.P .: six, eight.

TV. P .: six, eight.

Paragraph: about six, about eight.

The cases of numerals depend on those parts of speech with which they are connected.

• Some have a gender category. For example: one film, one sun, one birch; Two trees, two lakes, two hands.

• In the plural and singular, only the numerative can be used, the initial form of which is one. For example: one chair, one bed, one friends, one sleigh. It is worth noting that this same word can be used as a restrictive particle, used in meaning only , for example: some girls, some men.

• Virtually all quantitative numerals lack the category of animation and inanity. Exceptions here are only such numbers - one, two, three, four . When you use these words, there are corresponding changes in the endings. For example: four flowers, four girlfriends .

• Numerical, examples of which indicate a large number of things (million, thousand and billion), have their grammatical differences: gender, number of declension by case. Such words in phrases often behave like nouns. For example: a million roses, a million roses, a million roses, a million roses, a million roses.

How do compound ordinal numbers change?

Simple and compound numerals tend to cases. In this case, simple change the ending, but only the last word is subjected to compound changes. For example:

Them. N: one thousand three hundred and eighty-five.

RP: one thousand three hundred and eighty-fifth.

DP: one thousand three hundred and eighty-fifth.

V. p.: One thousand three hundred and eighty-fifth (s).

TV. Item: one thousand three hundred and eighty-fifth.

Item: one thousand three hundred and eighty-fifth.

And how do simple ordinal numbers change ? When specifying a date, such a word may tend to depend on the context, but the name of the month with which the number is associated is always used in the genitive case. For example: the tenth of August, the tenth of August, the tenth of August.

In the names of events ( the Eighth March holiday ) after the defining words - a holiday, a day, a date - a numeral must be used in the nominative case, and it is necessary to write this word with a capital letter.

How to slant by fractional numbers

Quite often, when decaying fractional numbers, many are lost and confused with compound numerals, but there is nothing complicated in this. In both cases, both parts of the word combination are inclined: the first, expressed by an integer, and the second is the ordinal numeral standing in the plural. For example:

Them. P .: three fourths.

Three. Fourth.

D.P .: the third fourth.

V.P .: three fourths.

TV. Item: three fourths.

PP: about three-fourths.

Special Numerals

Often the difficulty is caused by declension by case of collective numerals, mostly used only in colloquial speech. Here the same rule applies, as when changing adjectives in the plural, that is, numerals in this case acquire the same endings. For example:

Them. P.: Two, five.

RP: two, five.

D.P .: two, five.

VP: two, five.

TV. Two, five.

Paragraph: about two, about five.

Features have both a numeral both. Changing by case, the collective word in the middle and masculine forms forms the same forms, but in the feminine gender, when it is declined, it is completely transformed. For example:

Them. P .: both, both.

RP: - both, both.

D.P .: - to both, both.

VP: - both, both, both, both.

TV. П .: - both, both.

PP: - about both, about both.

How to make a morphological analysis

One of the topics in the study of the numerals in the school curriculum is the analysis of numerals by morphological features. It is produced according to a certain plan.

First of all, the numerically presented is defined as part of speech, and its morphological features are indicated .

Next, it is necessary to distinguish the initial form of the word being analyzed, to what category it refers (ordinal or quantitative numerals), structure (simple or composite), and features of its declension by case.

The next step is the definition of non-permanent features. This case, gender and number, if any, can be recognized.

At the end of the analysis, they describe the syntactic function of the word in the sentence, with which part of the speech it is related and whether it is consistent with it. And although such a parsing of the numerals is unlikely to be useful to anyone (except to future philologists), but to properly use words in speech and writing, it is absolutely necessary to be able to produce it.

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