
New panacea for old age: massage of asahi

In our latitudes, asahi massage has become popular as a technique for getting rid of the second chin. Fans of oriental culture say that massage movements fully meet the world-famous Japanese technique of wrinkle smoothing.

Asahi massage in Japanese cosmetology

The revival of the ancient technique was done by Japanese cosmetologists. The results even impress skeptics. The Japanese are accustomed to discipline, especially women. They do not violate the main condition: systematically perform the procedure. Light and simple exercises make the skin of Japanese women elastic and rejuvenated. There is an osteopathic effect, the skull bones retain an ideal position in spite of age-related changes.

The lower sphere of the facial muscles and the connective tissue are deeply affected. To evaluate the effect of the Japanese technique can be from photos of women practicing asahi massage. Before and after the course, there is a difference in skin condition, obvious signs of rejuvenation.

Asahi massage, basic rules

All movements are performed in the direction from the center of the face to the periphery, to the lymph nodes. Therefore, first you need to study the lymphatic system.


The work is performed by index, middle and ring fingers.

Beams bring together on the line of the middle of the forehead. Mental count to three. A smooth movement to the temples is carried out. In the zone of the temples, the palms are looking down, the force of the impact is deliberately somewhat weakened. From the temples - movement on the contour of the face under the lobes of the ears. From the earlobes, the ultimate goal is the pits on the clavicles. The philosophy of the movement is to gently "squeeze out" the lymph fluid that is stagnant along the contour of the face. That's why you need to do this every day. After all, in 24 hours lymph will gather in the usual place again.

Asahi massage from the outflow of eyes

Pose - elbows raised at shoulder level in parallel with the floor line. Bunches of middle fingers touch the outer corners of the eyes. A gentle movement under the eyelids, along the edge of the cranial bone to the inner corners. Trajectory along the bones of the orbit, then - over the edge of the nose bridge over the upper eyelid again to the outer corners. Stop for 3 seconds in front of the temples. The next suspension is the inner corner of the eye. From here back to the outer corner of the eyes. Stop between the corner and the temple in the middle for 3 seconds. Next stop of fingers on temples for 3 seconds. Then move under the earlobe and down to the pinches of the clavicles. The aim of the cycle is to drive away the stagnant lymph from the eyes.

Asahi massage for the mouth zone

Movement of tufts of medium and nameless fingers. Start in the fovea of the chin center. Mental count to three. Moderately pressing, the fingers diverge in a circle, the trajectory around the contour of the lips. Stop 3 seconds with moderate pressure under the nose, so that the nasal septum lifts the nasal fingers. A sharp detachment of fingers. Again put the bunches of middle and index fingers in the center of the chin. The goal is to raise the corners of the lips.

These are the basic movements to affect the lymphatic flow in the face area. Complicating the exercises, you can influence the beauty of the upper jaw and zygomatic arches, to lift the cheeks and eliminate nasolabial folds. The asahi massage specialist successfully corrects the face oval, deepens lifting and removes the second chin.

Asahi body massage

The movements of the hands of the masseur are aimed at affecting the area of the lymph nodes and the lymphatic vessels of the human body. Lymphatic flow moves from separate organs and tissues to the heart. In this direction, an experienced masseur produces special painless manipulations.

As a result, the work improves not only the lymphatic system, but also the circulatory system. Therefore, massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body. This is the best known method to increase muscle tone.

When performing all movements, remember to carefully touch the lymph nodes.

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