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Museum-apartment, house-museum, museum-estate: description, examples

The museum in terms of antiquity - the sanctuary of the Muses, the Museon (Museion), but in modern times this concept has lost its original so wide meaning. The place where people were engaged in science, art, literature received a different cultural context: they are monuments from distant times and works of art, samples on which you can study the world of nature, all kinds of rarities and curiosities, collected in a single exposition for viewing by all comers. The apartment museum is usually not created as a collectible institution. They keep personal things, household items, furniture and spirit of that outstanding person to whom this place of memory is dedicated. Almost every large city has far more than one such museum-apartment.

Capital Cities

In each major cultural and educational center, the most talented people with a bright mind and bright destiny are concentrated. Therefore, a form such as a museum-apartment, is especially widely represented in both capitals.

Here you can get an idea of the life of a famous person, see the things that surrounded him, here remains the atmosphere of a long time gone, and even that spirit or that muse that was hovering next to a genius man when he worked or was resting. This completely applies to such museum forms as museum-apartment, house-museum, museum-estate.

Pushkin, Zoshchenko and others

It should be noted that often the museum-apartment environment is not genuine, everything is recreated according to the style of the era, relying on different kinds of documents. So created and a museum apartment Pushkin on the embankment of the Moika, although there are many artifacts that belonged to the poet personally. However, he lived in this apartment not for long and very long time, it is almost impossible now to restore the decoration of his chambers. But in the same house at another time lived Princess Volkonskaya and Duke Biron.

And here is a small museum. Apartments in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the life and work of Mikhail Zoshchenko, did not affect the time - they store all items and interior in integrity and in absolute authenticity, these are exactly the same things that surrounded the writer and his family a little less than a hundred years ago. Also in St. Petersburg you can join the culture of the broadest profile: there are surviving dwellings not only of writers: Blok, Nabokov, Gumilev, Nekrasov, Brodsky and others, but also Shalyapin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Academician Pavlov, actors Samoilovs and many other outstanding personalities of different Kind of activity. In the Northern capital you can find any form of such as museum-apartment, house-museum, museum-estate. In St. Petersburg only the last more than forty, and they are all interesting. This city is very fond of its past.


In Moscow, only memorial apartments, waiting for visitors, about forty, so many extraordinary personalities lived in our capital. Here, too, there are many forms of museums devoted to people who have influenced the history of not only the city and the country, but the whole world. Not even objects are exhibited as much as the spirit of the time in which these or other great deeds were performed.

For example, the museum apartment on the Arbat is dedicated to M. Yu. Lermontov. On Tverskaya you can visit the memorial museum-workshop of the great sculptor S.T. Konenkov. In FM Dostoyevsky on the street of his name is a very atmospheric preserved museum-apartment, the house-museum of the excellent playwright Alexander Ostrovsky is on Ordynka.

In the center of Moscow

You can take a walk in Khamovniki, on the street of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. There is a wonderful museum-estate of this writer. But the street Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy renamed Spiridonovka, but the writer's home is perfectly preserved and invites all comers. Walking in the center of the capital, people almost on every house can read: a museum-apartment, a house-museum, a museum-estate. Nevertheless, there are a lot of similar interesting sights on the outskirts.

On weekends, usually a lot of visitors accept museum-apartments in Moscow. In some you can even drink coffee, as, for example, in Bolshaya Sadovaya, from MA Bulgakov. Very often museum-apartment, house-museum, museum-estate -names can be substituted for almost everything-they are used as concert platforms. Magnificent chamber musicians, for example, are welcomed in the memorial museum of MN Ermolova on Tverskoy Boulevard.

Korolev, Stanislavsky, Herzen and other great people

Museum-apartments in Moscow are too numerous to tell about all, although I really want to. Not far from the South entrance of VDNKh - a wonderful house-museum, where the atmosphere itself is permeated with space, which Academician S.P.Korolev gave to mankind. And in the center of the city, in Leontievsky Lane is the home of Stanislavsky, where concerts and performances for the public are a common thing.

In the home of AI Herzen near Smolensk Square, visitors may not be prompted, "What should I do?", But they will definitely tell "Who is to blame?", Since each item breathes the name of the author of this immortal work. The museum-apartment, the name of absolutely any, always leads the visitor not only to new knowledge, but also to the discovery in oneself of certain reserved corners of the soul.

On Novinsky Boulevard, you can visit the building where FI Shalyapin lived, on the square of IV Kurchatov - the dwelling of outstanding nuclear physicist, academician PL Kapitsa, which has survived to the present day. MV Keldysh and VN Vinogradov are also one of those many people you always want to know more about, these memorable places are never empty. Therefore, such institutions as a museum-apartment, a house-museum, a museum-estate, whose names speak for themselves, are created, that the people who left their ranks are interested in the people.


Moscow and the suburbs are famous for the fact that there is no problem of a pleasant and useful weekend, unless the problem of choice. If the soul wants not only architectural beauties and a creative atmosphere, but also closeness to nature, there is always an opportunity to visit the museum-estate, of which there are many.

What is a museum-estate? According to V. I. Dal, the manor (otherwise the manor) is a manor house in the countryside, with a garden, a garden and all the vestibules. And the museum assumes that the former masters of the estate have many talents or an extraordinary destiny.


At the top of the hill in Dubrovitsy is a baroque temple, which is completely uncharacteristic for Russian architecture. This is an object from the category "to watch necessarily." First, at least on the photo. The Temple of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos is amazingly beautiful. It was not in vain that Prince Golitsyn entrusted its construction not only to Polish, Swedish, German and Dutch masters, but also to the celebrated Domenico Trezzini (his previous work was the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg). At other times this estate was owned by Potemkin.

The manor palace was also conceived and even built in the Baroque style, but in the nineteenth century it was rebuilt in a classic: a three-story building with terraces, covered galleries and balconies. Nearby - four wings for servants and priests. The interior decoration of the house is magnificent, especially the Armorial Hall. Here, foreign ambassadors, and even the Romanovs, were frequent guests. A very interesting feeling is experienced by the visitor when he imagines that by the same corridor, the same Russian parquet was held by Russian princes at one time. Here, many films were shot, for example, "Monte Cristo".


This manor was created at the most favorable time, we can say, in the golden age of Russian construction of the mansion houses. Stolypin owned it, and since the grandmother of M. Yu. Lermontov was from this family, the glory of the estate is associated with the poet's name, although here, for example, all his childhood and youth was spent by the outstanding reformer PA Stolypin. Subsequently, a lot of time was spent by such celebrities as Rachmaninoff and Shalyapin.

The architectural style is very light and romantic, the historical interiors are preserved in the Parade House. The park is very good for the landscape painters, since even without ever holding a brush here from the magnificence of species, I really want to master this art. There is a cinema with the decorations of England three centuries old. Here the films "Servant of the Tsar", "Admiral", "Lermontov", "Poor Nastya" and many others were shot.


This estate was known even in the times of Ivan the Terrible, but the ensemble and the architectural and park are now represented in the style of classicism of the eighteenth century. Lived in Arkhangelsk for three hundred last years Yusupov, Odoyevsky, Golitsyn.

The manor resembles its own luxury French castles or Roman villas: lawns, terraces, groomed avenues with many marble statues. Stairs and balustrades, descending to the river, an excellent extensive park with huge larch - there is a place to walk and relax Muscovite after hard work. The park is considered the best in Russia. Here, from the time of Prince Nikolai Yusupov, there is a museum in which more than four hundred paintings of Western European painting alone are a very significant collection.


Muscovites consider the museum-estate Kuskovo a park like Sokolniki, where you can have fun and cultural rest, at the same time and have a look at a beautiful manor on the shore. However, this opinion is incorrect. Kuskovo Forest Park is in itself, and the Kuskovo Estate is a museum where you can ride in a carriage, see the palace itself, Italian and Dutch lodges and a grotto - that is, its exhibits. Also on the territory of the estate there is a museum of ceramics with an abundance of magnificent objects located in Greenhouses - American and large stone.

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