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Mtsyri as a romantic hero. Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri"

In Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" as a romantic hero shows a young man who escaped from the monastery. The author develops ideas of protest and courage in his work. Mikhail Yurievich almost completely excluded from his creation a love story, which played a big role in his poem "Confession." This motif in "Mtsyri" was reflected only in the fleeting meeting of the protagonist with the Georgian, which occurred near the mountain stream.

Overcoming the rush of her young heart, Mtsyri, for the sake of the ideal of freedom, refuses personal happiness. In the poem, the patriotic idea is inextricably linked with the theme of freedom. This is also observed in the work of the Decembrist poets. Mikhail Yurievich does not share these concepts. In his work in the "fiery passion," the desire for will and love for the Fatherland merge. Mtsyri is very attractive as a romantic hero. The plan for analyzing this character should include his attitude towards the monastery. We will now talk about this.

The attitude of Mtsyri to the monastery

The monastery for our hero is a prison. The cells seem stuffy to him, and the walls are deaf and dusky. Guardians-monks seem miserable and cowardly to the protagonist, and he himself is a prisoner and slave. The impulse to freedom is determined by his desire to know what we were born for, "for the will or prison." For the young man, will be a few days spent in the world after his escape from the monastery. Outside the deaf walls, he lived a full life, and not vegetated. The hero calls bliss this time. It is in the days spent at large that the image of Mtsyri is fully revealed. As a romantic hero, he manifests himself outside the walls of the monastery.

Patriotism of the protagonist

The least freedom-loving patriotism of the protagonist is similar to the love of expensive graves and beautiful native landscapes, although Mtsyri misses them. He truly loves his homeland, he wants to fight for her freedom. With undoubted sympathy Mikhail Yuryevich sings these youthful dreams. The work does not reveal the aspirations of the protagonist to the end, but in the hints they are quite palpable. The young man remembers his acquaintances and his father mainly as warriors. This hero does not accidentally see a battle in which he turns out to be the winner. Not without reason in the world of battles and troubles attract his dreams.

Character of the main character

Mtsyri as a romantic hero is shown brave and courageous. He himself is convinced that "at the edge of the fathers" could be one of the "daredevils." And although it was not fated to learn the ecstasy of the battle with this hero, he is a real warrior in the nature of his character. Since his youth, Mtsyri was distinguished by severe restraint. Proud of this, the hero says that he never knew tears. Only during the escape does the young man give tears to the will, since no one sees them. The will of the protagonist was tempered by loneliness in the monastery walls. It was not by chance that it was on a stormy night that Mtsyri decided to escape: fearful monks were frightened by the spree of the elements, but not this young man. To the thunderstorm he had only a feeling of brotherhood.

Persistence and Masculinity of a Young Man

Fortitude and manhood Mtsyri manifests itself with the greatest strength in the episode of the battle with the leopard. His grave did not frighten him, for he understood that returning to the monastery would be a continuation of suffering. The author's tragic finale shows that the spirit of the hero is not weakened by the approach of death. His freedom-loving patriotism does not disappear in front of her face. Mtsyri is not forced to repent the monk's exhortations. He says that he would exchange again eternity and paradise for a few minutes, held among his relatives. There is no fault of Mtsyri that circumstances could not be overcome, and he could not get into the ranks of fighters. The hero in vain tried to argue with his fate. He was defeated, but internally not broken. Mtsyri is a positive hero of Russian literature. His integrity, courage, courage were a reproach to the inactive and timid representatives of the noble society, modern Lermontov.

The role of landscape in revealing the character

The Caucasian landscape serves to reveal the image of the youth from the poem "Mtsyri". As a romantic hero, despising the environment, he feels a kinship only with nature. Growing up in the walls of the monastery, he compares himself with a greenhouse sheet. Having escaped to freedom, he lifts his head with flowers at sunrise. Being a child of nature, Mtsyri falls to the ground and, like a hero of fairy tales, learns the secret of the chirping of birds, the mysteries of their songs. He understands the thought of thirsting for the meeting of disjointed rocks, a dispute with the stones of the stream. He sharpens the eyes of the young man: he notices how the wool of a leopard wears silver, the glitter of a snake glitters, sees a pale band between the earth and the sky and the teeth of distant mountains. Mtsyri as a romantic hero of the poem thinks that through the blue of the sky he could see the flight of angels.

Traditions of romanticism and new features of the poem by Lermontov

Certainly, the poem of Mikhail Yurievich continues the tradition of romanticism. This is indicated, in particular, by the central image of the work. Full of fiery passion Mtsyri as a romantic hero, lonely and gloomy, in the story-confession reveals his soul. In this, Mikhail Yuryevich followed the tradition. All this is typical for romanticism. Nevertheless, Lermontov, who wrote his poem in the years when he was working on the realistic work "Hero of Our Time", in "Mtsyri" introduced features not typical of his earlier poems. Indeed, the past of the heroes of "Boyar Orsha" and "Confessions" remains unknown to us. We do not know what social conditions influenced the formation of their characters. And in the work "Mtsyri" we find the lines that the childhood and adolescence of the protagonist were unhappy. This helps us to better understand his thoughts and experiences. It should be noted that the form of confession, so characteristic for poems in the style of romanticism, is connected with the desire to "tell the soul," that is, to maximally reveal it. Such detailing of experiences, psychologism of the work is natural for Lermontov, since he created simultaneously a social and psychological novel.

The combination in the confession of numerous metaphors that have a romantic character (images of flame, fire), with a poetically stingy and precise speech of entry, characteristic of realism, is very expressive. The poem begins with the lines: "Once a Russian General ..." The work, romantic in its form, testified to the fact that realistic trends became increasingly clear in Lermontov's work.

Innovation of Lermontov

So, we opened the theme "Mtsyri as a romantic hero." Lermontov entered the domestic literature as a continuer of poets, the Decembrists and traditions of Pushkin. However, he introduced a new one in the development of the Russian artistic expression.

Belinsky said that we can talk about the so-called Lermontov element. The critic explained that under it is meant primarily "original living thought." Of course, it is felt in the creation of such an image as Mtsyri. As a romantic hero, this young man was briefly described by us. You saw that there are some realistic features in the work.

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