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Moshoztorg: reviews of employees, features and services

It is always difficult to choose an employer. Modern job seekers try to find out information about work in a company from former or current employees. This method allows you to assess all the pros and cons of corporations. Further we are to get acquainted with a company called Moshoztorg. Feedback from employees about it, description of activities, positive and negative aspects of cooperation - all this will help to draw the right conclusions about the employer. How much is Moshozdorg a conscientious corporation? What does she do?

About activity

To begin with, a little bit about what "Moshoztorg" represents itself. This organization is a fairly large trading network. It offers a wide selection of building materials, as well as home furnishings.

In other words, Moshoztorg is a shop where everyone can buy everything for repairs, construction and everyday life. Goods for home and garden - that's what the organization offers.


Where is Moshoztorg? Feedback from employees and customers indicates that this trading network is distributed in the Russian capital. This is exclusively a Moscow store. In other regions of the Russian Federation Moshoztorg does not conduct its business.

In total, there are about 44 outlets in Moscow. Soon we plan to open 5 more stores. Trade network Moshoztorg is actively developing. This company is constantly looking for new employees for employment. But is it worth it to communicate with her?

About the interview

Judging about LLC "Moshoztorg" reviews of employees will help. But everyone makes the final conclusions on their own. The mass of positive emotions is the job interview.

Employees note that the first conversation with a potential employer takes place in a cozy office with friendly managers. They detail about all the advantages of working in the company. There is a flexible working schedule, high earnings, and a friendly team.

The rest of the interview is conducted using understandable templates - filling out a questionnaire, telling about yourself and presenting a resume. Some employees complain that many people do not call back after the interview. However, the refusal to find employment here is very problematic. Virtually everyone can get a job in Moshoztorg.


But this is only the beginning. Staff feedback on the company "Moshoztorg" often emphasize discontent with posted vacancies. The thing is that applicants will be able to take only ordinary posts. Leaders of the "Moshoztorg", as a rule, no.

Most often, work is required:

  • Sales managers;
  • Merchandisers;
  • Employees in the warehouse;
  • Loaders;
  • Drivers.

Accordingly, get a job as an accountant, lawyer or assistant director in "Moshoztorg" is very problematic. But ordinary work in the company is for everyone. And this fact pleases many applicants.


Employee feedback about Moshozdorg (Moscow) is often negative because of the schedule. At the interview, a citizen is promised one schedule, in fact, it turns out quite different.

If you believe the numerous reviews, then after employment in the "Moshoztorg" will have to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. At the same time, employees are forced to perform many duties. This causes fatigue.

The bulk of the staff describes their work as hellish and ungrateful work. Especially considering that sometimes you have to stay for work or for overtime work. It can be said with certainty that the schedule is not flexible in Moshoztrorg. He is tense and exhausting.


Work in the "Moshoztorg" reviews employees of an ambiguous nature receives for the work team. The bulk of subordinates emphasize that with colleagues they are mostly lucky - the company employs different people. There are also friendly, open personalities and unfriendly rough staff.

Nevertheless, in general, the work collective in all outlets is really friendly. With colleagues, you can agree on substitution or replacement. Communicate with friends is pleasant. Therefore, many say that Moshoztorg is the ideal place for new acquaintances.

Despite this, some emphasize some rudeness on the part of the staff of Moshoztorg. For example, in the accounting department can be rude during the signing of certain securities. But this is not a reason for refusing to work.

Working conditions

What else stands out "Moshoztorg"? Reviews about the employer this leaves much to be desired. Many workers complain about difficult working conditions.

It's cold to work in shops, it's hot. Some rooms are dark and uncomfortable. It is always cold in warehouses. There is not enough time for lunch, it's a huge problem to be away from the working point.

In general, working conditions differ little from those offered at any other store. You have to adapt. Therefore, you can not call "Moshoztorg" a terrible employer because of non-ideal working conditions.


The next nuance is the salary. OOO "Moshoztorg" reviews employees (Moscow) in this area receives negative. The bulk of subordinates emphasize that with earnings in the company everything is bad.

First, employees are deceived concerning the size of a payment. At the interview, all without exception promise high salaries, in fact - a miserable salary (up to 20 thousand rubles).

Secondly, there are constant delays in payments. The salary can be waited for several months. If you believe some reviews, then the stability of the payment of salaries depends on the mood of the leadership.

Thirdly, the "Moshoztorg" uses a system of fines. It is needed to punish negligent employees. The staff emphasizes that due to the constant penalties imposed for any oversight, the employee receives very little money.

Of course, all this only repels. But sometimes "Moshoztorg" reviews employees of a positive nature for their salaries. Such views usually emphasize the stability of payments and the average wage.


What is the direction of the Moshoztorg company? Staff feedback (Moscow) indicates that the organization is not run by the most friendly and fair people. Some subordinates assure that their superiors are angry and rude citizens. To agree with them about something is impossible.

In addition, it is necessary to put up with the unfair attitude of managers towards subordinates. In the "Moshoztorg" ordinary employees are constantly and unfairly fined, punished and loaded with work.

Some employees are not shy in expressions. The leaders of "Moshoztorg" are called simply rascals, swindlers, deceivers. But there are almost no positive feedback on the leadership of the corporation.

If you believe some reviews, you can come to the conclusion that the organization does not like to communicate with pregnant women. The leaders here are trying to do everything to ensure that the woman in the "interesting position" left work. Or the authorities are looking for an excuse to terminate the employment relationship under the article.

About duties

"Moshoztorg" reviews of employees are not the best also gets for the distribution of duties in the workplace. The thing is that when you get here you need to be ready to work long and hard. And not only do your work here.

So, for example, when taking a job as a PC operator, people are forced to turn into universal subordinates and fulfill the duties of movers, sellers and cashiers.

There are no more significant complaints about duties. People working in the sphere of trade are not surprised at this phenomenon. Similarly, duties are distributed in most stores.

In addition, the corporation's executives compose a mandatory monthly plan, the failure of which is threatened with reprimand and fine. We have to literally run after every visitor and in every way incline him to buy one or another product. These responsibilities are far from being available to every person.

Some employees emphasize that taking into account all the features listed above, the work in Moshoztorg does not deserve attention. It pumps out the most important resource from time to time. Work here will have a long, a lot and hard, but it will not get a decent pay.


Now it is clear what employee reviews about the company "Moshoztorg" can be found. As it was already possible to notice, this firm does not have the best reputation among Moscow employers. Nevertheless, new personnel are still coming here. At work here take almost all, therefore problems with employment will not be.

In the "Moshoztorg" a large staff turnover. People come here and leave very quickly. What else stands out "Moshoztorg"? Feedback from employees of a negative circumstance led to the fact that this employer was on the black list of companies recruiting staff for work. But this does not mean that you need to stay away from the firm.

Despite the abundance of negative reviews about the company Moshoztorg, it should be noted that no opinion has any documentary evidence. Accordingly, it is impossible to say with certainty that this employer is as bad as they say about him. In general, this company is not much different from the main retail chains in Moscow. Here it is necessary to work a lot, to put up with extravagant bosses and fines, but the corporation offers official employment.

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