LawCriminal law

Mode of the colony of general regime. The difference between a strict-regime colony and a general

Correctional colonies in Russia call the type of institutions whose purpose is to ensure the serving of punishment by persons sentenced by a court decision to imprisonment that have reached the age of majority.

Depending on the type of crime, the degree and nature of the public danger, there are several types of such places for convicts.

Types of correctional colonies

Depending on the severity of the conditions of detention, there are several types of colonies. These are correctional institutions with a special, strict and general regime. They are also colonies-settlements.

In institutions with a certain maintenance regime, separate sections with different norms may be created. For example, in a strict regime institution there may be a section with a general regime of maintenance. Let us consider them in more detail.


In these institutions are people convicted of crimes that have occurred through carelessness. Also there are prisoners who are transferred from colonies of strict or general regimes. And yet - for illegal acts of medium or small severity (provided that the person has not previously been sentenced to imprisonment).

General correctional institutions

Colonies of general regime in Russia contain several groups of prisoners:

1. Persons convicted for the commission of a serious crime intentionally, previously not deprived of liberty by a court decision.

2. Those who were transferred by a court from a colony-settlement due to a violation of the order established in the institution.

3. Convicts who have reached adulthood and transferred to a correctional colony with a general regime.

4. Prisoners who committed serious or especially serious illegal acts at a minor age, who reached it by the time they pass sentence.

5. Women who committed crimes of special gravity or serious (also including relapse).

6. Convicts who have repeatedly committed medium or small serious illegal acts. Also committed crimes by negligence, which the court did not order punishment in the form of taking into custody in colonies-settlements before the onset of a relapse.

7. Persons who have reached the age of twenty-one and transferred by decision of the head of an educational colony to an institution with a general regime.

Strictly correctional institutions

In the colonies with strict regime there are several categories of persons:

1. Convicts transferred on the basis of a court decision from a colony-settlement due to violation of a certain order established in the colony.

2. Persons who have committed crimes of special gravity. They were not previously deprived of their liberty by a court decision.

3. Persons who have served a sentence in an institution with a special regime are not less than half the time and transferred to a colony of strict content.

4. Prisoners who have already served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, as well as those convicted of dangerous recidivism.

Special regime prisons

The institutions of such a plan contain convicts sentenced to life imprisonment. There are also people who, in order of pardon, the death penalty is replaced for life. Also people convicted of crimes of special gravity.

Female correctional colonies

The severity of the committed crime determines the conditions and regime of the institution established by the court verdict. Female colonies can be with a general regime or strict, as well as a colony-settlement.

Prisons with a strict regime of detention contain dangerous recidivist. In the colonies-settlements there are women who committed crimes of medium or small severity. Also there are illegal actions committed by negligence. There are also women transferred from more severe conditions of serving punishment. Colonies with a general regime contain convicts who have committed crimes of special gravity and serious acts.

Any female colony of the general regime includes strict, facilitated and usual conditions for serving the sentence.

For all prisoners entering the correctional facility, the content is provided in the usual framework.

Women who committed crimes intentionally during their stay in correctional facilities for violation of a certain order are transferred to strict conditions. Also persons redirected from facilitated or ordinary conditions of detention.

The mode of a colony of the general mode provides moving from strict conditions in usual frameworks. The transfer is carried out not earlier than after the expiration of six months of serving the sentence, provided there is no violation of the order on the part of the convict.

Change of conditions of serving is possible only by decision of a special commission.

General Mode Colony Mode

In the institutions in question, convicts are held in special rooms - dormitories or isolated closed sections. Prisoners in the colony are entitled to monthly expenditure of a certain amount of money from an individual personal account. The regime of the colony of general regime, depending on the conditions, provides for the convict's right to six or two short visits a year. They are conducted using a telephone. Long-term visits in the colony of general regime are provided in the amount of two, four or six times a year. Convicts are entitled to receive parcels and parcels. Their annual number depends on the conditions of detention.

The correctional colony of general regime contains a residential and industrial zone (for work). There is also a chamber type of premises, and penal isolators with a walking yard.

The residential zone is divided into three sections of content: light, strict and usual conditions. The convict, subject to certain requirements, has the right to transfer from one condition of detention to another. All this is done on the basis of the decision of the special commission.

Accommodation in dormitories is allowed under facilitated and normal conditions of detention. At strict rates of stay convicts are kept in isolated locked rooms.

High Security Colony Mode

In the colonies with strict regime convicts are kept in hostels. Conditions of detention are strict, light and ordinary with the possibility of transferring from one condition to another. Convicts are entitled to spend money on their personal account. The amount to be spent depends on the conditions of detention. Also convicts, depending on the conditions of detention, are entitled to two, three or four short visits and three, four or two long ones; On four, six or two parcels and four, six or two packages a year.

Strict conditions for maintenance provide for the convict's residence in locked rooms, increased control and supervision of them. Their right to move is significantly restricted, and the degree of isolation is increased.

Differences of correctional colonies strict from institutions of general regimes

The colony of strict regime and general have significant differences from each other. In order to study them, use the table.

General content mode

Strict content mode

The men who committed serious crimes who do not have a criminal record are serving their sentences. Also - women in the commission of crimes of special gravity, serious, including relapse.

The men who had not previously been brought to criminal responsibility for crimes of special gravity serve their sentence, if the crimes recur (if they were not previously sentenced to deprivation of liberty).

Conditions for keeping: light, ordinary and strict.

Content in conditions: light, ordinary and severe.

Under normal conditions of detention, the regime of a general-regime colony envisages the residence of convicts in hostels; Monthly it is allowed to spend money from personal accounts in the amount of three minimum wages; Six short and four long visits per year are allowed; It is allowed to receive six parcels and the same number of parcels or transfers per year.

Under ordinary conditions of detention, convicts: live in hostels; Monthly have the right to spend money from personal accounts in the amount of two minimum wages; Have the right to three long and three short visits and to receive four parcels and four parcels or transfers within a year.

The maintenance in a colony of a general mode under the facilitated conditions assumes: residing condemned in hostels; The authorization to spend monthly from personal accounts of the funds without restriction; Six long and as many short visits during the year; The right to receive twelve parcels, as many parcels or transfers per year.

According to the decision of the head of the correctional colony, the prisoner may be released from custody six months before the end of his term, which allows him to work and live outside the correctional colony. For such convicts, the administration of the colony conducts surveillance.

Women may be allowed to live outside the colony in conjunction with children and the family.

Under facilitated conditions: live in hostels; Are entitled to spend (monthly) from personal accounts of funds in the amount of three minimum wages; There are four long and short visits per year; Have the right to receive six parcels or transmissions and the same number of parcels per year.

The correctional colony of the general regime under strict conditions of detention presupposes the residence of convicts in locked rooms; From personal accounts the expenditure is not more than two minimum wages; Visits - two long and the same short-term during the year; Three parcels, three parcels or transfers a year; Daily one and a half hour walks. The same rights are enjoyed by women.

When kept in strict conditions: convicts are kept in locked rooms; From personal accounts they are allowed to spend money at the rate of one minimum wage; There are two long and one short meetings a year; It is permitted to receive two parcels and parcels or transfers; A daily one and a half hour walk.

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