
Midokalm, instructions for indications, dosing, side effects and contraindications

"Midokalm", the instruction indicates, is issued in two forms: tablets and a solution intended for injections. In 1 tablet of the drug contains 150 mg of the active substance - tolperisone hydrochloride. In 1-ampoule "Midokalma" (1 ml) is filled with 100 mg of tolperisone hydrochloride, diluted in a solution of lidocaine.

The drug is part of the clinical and pharmacological group of central muscle relaxants. "Midokalm", the description of the exact mechanism of action is not established, creates a membrane-stabilizing effect in the body, which prevents the transmission of excitation in the primary afferent neurons, blocks the group of spinal cord reflexes. As a result, reflex activity in the reticulospinal tract of the brain stem decreases. When using the drug improves peripheral circulation.

Lidocaine hydrochloride acts anesthetically at the injection sites, so the systemic effect on the body does not.

Tolperisone hydrochloride actively decomposes in the liver and kidneys into simpler substances, which are intensively excreted by the kidneys only 1.5 hours after the start of the procedure.

"Midokalm", testimony

The drug is prescribed:

At a pathological increased tone and spasms of the striated musculature caused by organic diseases of the CNS (lesions of pyramidal pathways, multiple sclerosis, stroke, myelopathy, encephalomyelitis);

With increased tone and muscle spasms, muscular contractures that appeared against the background of diseases of the organs of motion (spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, cervical and lumbar syndrome, arthrosis of large joints);

In rehabilitation after orthopedic and traumatological surgery;

With the combined treatment of obliterating vascular diseases (obliterating atherosclerosis, diabetic angiopathy, obliterating thromboangiitis, Raynaud's syndrome, diffuse scleroderma);

In diseases caused by violation of vascular innervation (acrocyanosis, intermittent angioedema dysbasia).

"Midokalm", instructions for dosing

The doctor appoints adult patients intramuscular injection of the drug with a daily dose of 200 mg, dividing the injections by 2 times.

If necessary, appoint intravenous injection of tolperisone hydrochloride daily dose of 100 mg, the solution is administered 1 time per day.

The initial daily dose of tablets (150 mg) is divided into several doses per day. On the instructions of the doctor, the dose is gradually increased to the maximum value - 150 mg two or three times.

Children are prescribed pills, the doctor calculates the dose based on the weight of the child.

"Midokalm", instruction for side effect

Disturbances in the digestive work are manifested by nausea, vomiting, a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen.

Disruptions in the work of the central nervous system are manifested by muscle weakness and headache.

Disturbances in the cardiovascular system are manifested by arterial hypotension.

Allergic reactions were rare, which manifested itself in the form of skin itching, erythema, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, dyspnea, skin rash.

"Midokalm", instruction for contraindications

The drug can not be administered:

With severe myasthenia gravis;

for children;

During pregnancy;


With increased sensitivity to components.

In renal or hepatic insufficiency, the appointment of the drug requires caution and constant monitoring of the patient, it is not recommended to reduce the dosage.

"Midokalm", instruction for special instructions

When taking the drug, special care should be taken for individuals who are self-driving or engaged in activities that require psychomotor skills.

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