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Metrorrhagia in postmenopause. Postmenopausal problems: treatment

Metrorrhagia in postmenopause is a bloody discharge from the uterine cavity, which is irregular in nature and independent of the menstrual cycle. The cause of the appearance of such secretions can be a state of severe stress, physical or mental overstrain, the consequences of intoxication of the body or disruption in the endocrine system.

To determine the diagnosis, the vagina, cervix, urinary tract and rectum are examined. External examination reveals or excludes pathological changes, such as: polyps, tumors, injuries, foreign bodies. The next stage excludes the causes associated with intrauterine and ovarian pathology. Such uterine bleeding can occur with the wrong appointment or taking hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

In the laboratory, clinical and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound of pelvic organs, take blood to determine the level of hormones. If there is a suspicion of the presence of tumors, an analysis is made for tumor markers.

Metrorrhagia in the period of postmenopause

Metrorrhagia in postmenopause can be characterized both cyclically and acyclically. The causes of such bloody discharge may be age-related changes in the vaginal endometrium or more serious diseases, so self-treatment is unacceptable.

Metrorrhagia in postmenopause is expressed by such clinical manifestations as prolonged uterine bleeding, lasting from 7 days or more. Often occur after a delay in menstruation, have an irregular nature and can cause anemia.

Metrorrhagia, causes

Before the appointment of treatment, it is necessary to determine precisely the cause of uterine bleeding. To this end, a number of laboratory studies are conducted that help to identify the disease, the consequence of which is metrorrhagia. In some cases, this can be caused by an overdose of drugs with a high estrogen content.

In this case, it is recommended to stop using the drug, replacing it with another, or completely abandon such therapy. Sometimes the appearance of uterine bleeding during the period of postmenopause is caused by the onset of cancer of the body and cervix.

If anovulation is observed, then scraping is done from the uterus body for diagnostic purposes and achieving a therapeutic effect. Immediately after scraping, a hormone therapy complex is prescribed. If such treatment is not effective, and bleeding occurs again, the doctor prescribes surgical removal of the uterus.

Uterine bleeding in menopause can also be caused by the appearance of polyps, inflammatory phenomena in the uterine endometrium, hormonal-active neoplasms in the ovaries, hyperplasia, hypertension, tekomatosis.


For the timely diagnosis of metrorrhagia apply:

  • Collection of anamnesis of the patient's lifestyle, of the transferred diseases.
  • Clinical examination on a gynecological chair.
  • Blood tests for hemoglobin, clinical, biochemistry, clotting, hormones.
  • Analysis of smears from the cervix and endometrial biopsy.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Treatment of metrorrhagia

Treatment of metrorrhagia depends on the pathology. When glandular fibrotic polyps are detected, they are removed under the control of hysteroscopy. If after this there is a relapse and there is a suspicion of cancer, a removal of the uterus and appendages is prescribed. But on an individual basis, the use of the oxyprogesterone course intramuscularly, for up to 4 years, may be recommended.

Such treatment is carried out under strict control with a regular fetal scraping of the endometrium of the uterus. If it is not effective and relapses still occur, the only solution to this problem will be removal of the uterus and appendages.

In detecting chronic inflammatory processes, which are the cause of the appearance of uterine bleeding, intrauterine injection of a mixture of dimexide, deoxyribonuclease, ribonuclease, chymotrypsin, lidase, hydrocortisone and isotonic sodium chloride solution is prescribed. The doctor determines the proportion.

What else should I do?

In the event that staphylococcus joins the inflammatory process, an alcohol solution of chlorophyllite is added to this mixture. This is a long-term therapy, the course of which has a duration of more than 1 thousand procedures. The prognosis of treatment depends on the nature of the inflammatory process. Metrorrhagia in postmenopause is treated by eliminating anovulatory dysfunction, eliminating metabolic-endocrine disorders, using hormonal contraception.

In addition to the treatment of the cause of uterine bleeding, the patient is given complete rest, bed rest, cold on the lower abdomen, preferably an uplifted position of the pelvis 25-30 cm above the level of the body. Thus, you can alleviate the condition, reduce blood loss.

Uterine hemorrhage in menopause can be significantly reduced by applying herbal remedies that can reduce or stop bleeding, but remember that these are only ancillary methods of struggle and they can not be used as the main treatment. Improvement of the condition after phytotherapy is observed after 2-3 weeks. Before use, you should carefully study the composition, contraindications and the presence of side effects.

Physiology and pathology of the postmenopausal period

Postmenopause is the period of a woman's life after the termination of menstruation. The state of menopause can be made on the basis of estradiol levels (less than 30 pg /) and an increase in FSH of more than 40 IU / L in the serum. The average age of the onset of menopause is 51 years. In connection with a decrease in the level of estrogen, this age period accounts for the greatest number of cancers of genital organs.

Changes in the ovaries and adrenal glands start before the onset of menopause. Decreased levels of progesterone, estrogen and estrone cause many disorders in the body. On the one hand, it is a normal physiological process, and on the other hand it can cause significant damage to a woman's health. About 70% of women are affected by such diseases, related to the violation of normal ovarian activity.

Symptoms and Treatment for Menopause

Elderly women are more likely to experience urogenital disorders at 2-5 years from the start of the postmenopausal period. Under the influence of a decrease in the level of estrogens, a symptom of such diseases as atrophic vaginitis, dyspareunia, a decrease in the lubrication function and pistourethritis, pollakiuria, incontinence. During this period, genital prolapse may also appear.

In connection with the appearance of estrogen deficiency, the number of cardiovascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis increases. Help in the fight against such symptoms can preventive measures: exercise and healthy, nutrition. Diseases of this nature are treated for appointments and under the close supervision of a doctor.

Elderly women face problems with the appearance of unwanted facial hair. Her decision can be depilation and hormone replacement therapy.

Loss of elasticity of the skin leads to the sagging of the breasts, the contours of the face and body. To help come massage courses, exercise, healthy food, skin care products and hormone therapy courses.

Another of the most serious consequences of postmenopause is osteoporosis, which makes bones brittle and thines the skeleton. In addition to hormone replacement therapy, a diet is prescribed with a high content of calcium, magnesium, sunbathing and gymnastics.

The walls of the vagina atrophy, thin out, there is itching. With this problem, it is necessary to fight with the help of creams with estrogen, the use of artificial lubricants. A good measure is the continuation of sexual activity.

The increased risk of arthritis is reduced with regular exercise, taking light painkillers, applying ointments for joints. Severe pain can be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.

Often postmenopause is accompanied by infectious diseases of the urethra and enuresis. Infections are "killed" with antibiotics. Enuresis is treated with hormone therapy in combination with strengthening the pelvic muscles and a diet high in dietary fiber.


Discharge from the vagina during the postmenopause does not change its consistency, color and odor - this is the norm. Postmenopause does not affect these indicators. Except for only the amount, which is significantly reduced. But if the discharge after menopause has changed, this may be the first symptom of the development of pathologies. The cause can be both an infection and a hormonal failure.

In the period of menopause, urogenital disorders can develop. Depending on the rate of progression of the hormonal deficiency, there are complaints of dryness in the vagina, itching, burning sensation and extreme discomfort. Against the background of such symptoms, a secondary infection can be attached. Allocations acquire an unpleasant, specific smell, change color, increase in volume.

Against the backdrop of all the changes that characterize postmenopause, discharge is one of the first sources of information for a woman that the body has failed, which requires immediate treatment.

The hormonal imbalance that occurs during this period can lead to bloody discharge, which should cause an urgent appeal to the gynecologist. Problems of this nature are solved by both medicamental and surgical methods.

Painful postmenopausal syndromes

The pain of menopause is experienced by most women. The nature and location of the localization may differ.

Pain in the chest is due to the replacement of glandular tissue in fibrous and fat. If there are no diseases of the mammary glands, the cause of such pain can be severe psycho-emotional stress.

Painful sensations in the abdomen indicate the presence of problems in the genitourinary system or the intestines, the cause of which may be a decrease in the level of estrogens.

Headaches are the constant companions of menopause. They are the usual reaction of the body to stress and depressive state. The treatment will be the elimination of the causes and the taking of analgesics.

The pains in the back, waist, joints should not just be stopped by pain medication, as they are a manifestation of arisen diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis, osteoporosis. A comprehensive treatment under the supervision of specialists is necessary.

If the nipples hurt with climax or unclear discharges from them appear, it can be a symptom of serious diseases, such as: papilloma of ducts, mastopathy, mastitis, galactorrhea, mastectal duct ectasia, cancer. Consultation and examination of a mammologist is simply necessary.

Pain in the chest during menopause is often confused with pain in the heart. Cardialgia is one of the climacteric moons. It is manifested by the appearance of chills, increased sweating, and tides of blood to the head. These symptoms are worse at night. The appearance of such signs should become an occasion for visiting the doctors of a cardiologist and rheumatologist.

Phytotherapy in postmenopausal women

Phytotherapy for the treatment of postmenopausal manifestations has a very effective effect on the general condition of the patient. However, it can not be a substitute for hormone therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

In nature, there are plants that are organic substitutes for estrogen. These include:

  • Saint John's wort. It is used to treat climacteric neuroses, reduces the frequency and strength of tides.
  • Ginseng. Reduces fatigue and reduces stress levels.
  • Licorice. It causes estrogenic activity of the body, improves the condition of bone tissue.
  • Angelika Sinensis. Improves sleep quality, relieves anxiety and irritability
  • Sage. Significantly reduces sweating, and is also used for insomnia, nervous exhaustion, rapid heartbeat. Ziziphus and astragalus have the same properties.

Lifestyle during postmenopause

Significantly facilitate the manifestations of postmenopause will help all known "three whales" of healthy life.

  • Change your diet in favor of healthy. It is absolutely necessary to switch to proper nutrition, taking into account the age requirements of the organism in vitamins and trace elements.
  • Doing sports and physical activity does not harm anyone, and during the postmenopausal period, it will also help reduce the risk of joint diseases and also energize.
  • Stressful and depressive conditions help to overcome a full, healthy sleep, counseling psychologist.
  • It is absolutely necessary to abandon bad habits, such as smoking and overeating. Excess weight leads to a decrease in the production of estrogens, which is not enough at this time. Therefore getting rid of these habits will help the body to feel better.


To prevent the onset of postmenopause, like the climax itself, it is impossible, but in the power of every woman to improve her condition and quality of life in this difficult period. And the clinic of women's health and its specialists will help in this difficult test.

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