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Massage with cans from cellulite at home. How to make a can of massage

Cellulite for a woman is one of the most difficult problems. To get rid of it is more difficult, than from excess weight, after all "orange peel" can be formed even at that lady who does not have special problems with superfluous kgs. A girl can conscientiously adhere to a diet, play sports and even in time to decrease in volume, but at the same time to see that problematic places still remain bumpy. The fact is that the "orange peel" is not superfluous kilograms, but a liquid that is stagnant in the subcutaneous layers. For such a struggle, other approaches are required. For example, today it has become popular to massage with cellulite banks at home. But how correctly to carry out this procedure and what do the reviews of girls who have already experienced this method themselves say?

Suitable ointments

At the very beginning it is worth buying a massage oil. Anti-cellulite or other cream is not suitable for this procedure, because they are quickly absorbed, the body becomes dry, and the pot either can not create a vacuum, or stops sliding on the body. A special drug can be purchased at the pharmacy or, if desired, done by yourself. For example, to olive can add a few drops of essential oil, but not too much to not damage the skin. It is good to use sesame oil or derived from apricot kernel.

Preparing the body for the procedure

To massage the banks from cellulite at home has given the desired result, you should follow the following procedure. First take a normal, and then a contrast shower. First, the skin should be clean. Secondly - well heated. And thirdly, the vessels must be prepared for intensive exposure. To do this, it is advisable to use a body scrub. The skin should be well wiped with a towel. The places of the massage are applied with oil. And these parts are rubbed up with hands red. Or a light massage with your fingers. By the way, it is worth noting that a quality contrast shower will reduce the risk of microtrauma.

Instructions for use of cans

Next, anti-cellulite massage by banks at home. How do I do the procedure to see the result? To do this, take the bank, from the bottom along the edge is smeared with oil and lightly squeezed by fingers on the sides, in this form it is brought to the body and touches it. Uncoupling the hand, and at this moment the skin is drawn in, and a vacuum forms inside. Begin to slide the jar on the problem area. In this case, you should be careful. It is important not to squeeze the jar first. Otherwise, the skin is too tight. And then the massage will turn out very painful, it will be unpleasant to pull the body while moving the can, and bruises will appear. Our tool should be relatively easy to slide, but at the same time you need to have pain symptoms present. If they are not at all, the effect will be weak. Also, massage by the banks (anti-cellulite) at home requires special vigilance. If only a few seconds to stay in one place, you are guaranteed to get a bruise that will hurt. Therefore, once the jar touches the body, immediately proceed to a massage without stopping until it detaches from the surface.

Scheme of the procedure

To perform massage by the banks from cellulite at home is necessary according to a proven scheme, so as not to cause harm. To begin with, it is worth remembering that all actions are performed smoothly and slowly. Massage on the hips do up and down, on the stomach - clockwise, without touching the navel. The bank is leaned against the skin in the area of the stomach and starts to drive. Also, the waist region is studied according to the "bottom-up" scheme. The radius can vary. To the area of the buttocks, banks suck the hardest and often do not hold at all. Therefore it is important to take such a position that the fold under the boot is straightened. To do this, you can put your foot on a chair, bending your knee.

After the massage, massage your hand with this hand in the direction of the can. The first procedure is best done short, just five movements for each area of the problem area. Follow-up massages should not exceed 10 minutes by the time of exposure to one skin site.

We fix the effect

After the massage is carried out by the banks from cellulite for weight loss, the treated areas can be tightly wrapped with food film and soak for about half an hour. If this does not just sit, and do fitness, the effect will intensify. After such a procedure, excess fluid will come out and remain under the film. Having finished such therapy, it is necessary to put an anti-cellulite cream. It is recommended to perform massage every other day, the course can be different - from ten times to a month. Changes will become noticeable after about four procedures.

What else needs to be considered

Also, to massage the banks from cellulite at home was really effective, it should be carried out in conjunction with the sport. But it is equally important not to neglect the principles of healthy eating. In addition, during the procedure, it is desirable to beware of using products that contain pepper, citrus components or ginger. The skin is already heavily exposed, and such aggressive products will contribute to irritation. During the procedure, the bank can "get unstuck". This suggests that you have squeezed it too weak before attaching to the body, or you have been badly smeared with a little. It is also important not to forget that such a massager is not driven under the knee and on the inside of the thigh (there are many lymph nodes).


Having figured out how to do a can of massage at home, it is worth knowing about its contraindications. First of all, this method is not suitable for women with highly sensitive skin. They prefer to give preference to manual massage and a contrasting soul. With exacerbations of diseases or with colds, such therapy is unacceptable. Women during childbirth and after childbirth (1.5 months) also should not conduct this procedure. People who have thrombosis, varicose veins and similar vascular diseases, too, can not do canning massage. In addition, in the presence of other pathologies, inflammations and infections should be careful and seek advice from the therapist. Do not forget that health is more important, so it's better to be safe.

Selection of cans

Of course, before you start the procedures, you should buy cans of cellulite. Massage at home with the use of an inappropriate device will only bring inconvenience. Between banks can differ in material and value. The most inexpensive ones are glass ones, but after them, bruises are very often left. To create a vacuum inside the jar for 10 seconds is placed burning cotton wool torch. In order not to get burned, you need to make sure that the glass is not too hot. Also massagers from this material come with a rubber nozzle, which can be compressed and create a vacuum. Another option is to purchase a latex jar that is suitable for a delicate body. It is slightly more expensive, but easier to use. Also in pharmacies there are such massagers from silicone, bamboo, rubber. In addition, invented more expensive devices with magnetic suckers, which are simplified and do not require squeezing with your fingers. The most popular and favorite are silicone. Each product should always be accompanied by instructions, following which, you can more effectively use massage jars.

"Miracle Bank": customer reviews, all pro and contra

Many women have already experienced this anti-cellulite remedy. Some of them used the "miracle-bank" every day for 15 minutes for several months and were satisfied with the result. At the same time, the girls tried not to grab the skin so much that there were no bruises left. The result became obvious after a couple of weeks: from the waist and sides began to go away the extra centimeters. But other reviews suggest that after the application of these cans, the girls on their feet had bruises at first, and a few days later a capillary net appeared, which never came off. There are also opinions that massage by banks eliminates cellulite, but not 100%. But these are the cases when in the fight against this problem, nothing helped much earlier. Such women conduct this procedure for prevention.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other method for getting rid of cellulite, it also has its own strengths and weaknesses. The advantages include the efficiency of the procedure, the ease of implementation and the low cost of materials. Also, this event will not take much time, and with a competent performance on the body there will be no bruising.

The disadvantages of the method include the following:

  • Not suitable for use in the summer, because after the procedure there is redness, and with mismanagement there are bruises.
  • There are painful sensations. Their intensity depends on the strength of squeezing the can and the pain threshold of an individual.
  • If there is a predisposition to varicose veins, a mesh of capillaries may appear, which will not pass.
  • In some parts of the body to hold an independent massage is difficult.

And finally, it should be noted that the result depends on how long you suffer from cellulite, and also from your perseverance. In addition, do not forget about active life and walks in nature.

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