Food and drinkRecipes

Make delicious sauce from tomato paste for shish kebabs

Make a sauce of tomato paste for kebabs can be easily and quickly. The main thing is to use suitable seasonings and spices, and also to follow all recommendations of the recipe.

General information about the product

Homemade tomato sauce can be served to the table along with any dishes. However, most often it is made to a shish kebab, because it is not a secret to anyone that this meat dish is much tastier and smoother if it is dipped in tomato sauce.

Many modern housewives are lazy and get ready-made sauce in the store. However, such a product does not always meet all the requirements of quality and safety. In this regard, we recommend doing it yourself, especially since you do not need a lot of expensive ingredients for this.

Sauce for shish kebab from tomato paste: recipe

Few people know, but there is a huge number of recipes, thanks to which you can prepare the sauce for yourself on a shish kebab. The simplest versions will be presented in this article.

So, for the preparation of aromatic tomato filling, we need the following ingredients:

  • Medium-sized cloves of garlic - about 5 pcs .;
  • Natural tomato paste - 900 ml;
  • A large sweet bulb - 1 head;
  • Warm drinking water - 1 full glass;
  • Salt and pepper - use to taste;
  • Fresh greens - a small amount (add at will).

Cooking method

Before you make a sauce from tomato paste, you need to think about which product you want to get. If you need a savory dressing, then we recommend using slightly more spicy and spicy spices. Otherwise, only the aforementioned set of products should be used.

To make your own homemade sauce from tomato paste, take a deep bowl, put a paste in it and pour in warm drinking water. Stir components, put on a fire and slowly warm up.

After boiling the mass, add finely chopped onions, as well as table salt, fresh herbs and pepper. In this composition, cover the ingredients and cook on low heat for about five minutes.

A little boil the sauce and remove it from the plate. Then immediately add crushed garlic cloves to it and mix again well.

Then the tomato sauce should be completely cooled down (you can put it in the refrigerator). After that, it is served to the table along with the ready-made hot shish-kebab.

Making Caucasian sauce for shish kebab

Sauce from tomato paste for shish kebabs can be prepared using different components. For example, in the Caucasus, a dressing is very common, which involves the use of a large amount of greens and spices. How to cook it at home, we'll tell you right now.

So, to make a sauce from tomato paste for shish kebabs in Caucasian, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Drinking warm water - about 2/3 cup;
  • Natural tomato paste - about 450 g;
  • Garlic - 2-3 large denticles;
  • Fresh coriander, dill, parsley, green onion - along the middle beam;
  • Hops-suneli - 1 dessert spoon;
  • Sweet pepper and salt - add to taste.

Cooking process

Before you make a sauce of tomato paste, you need to prepare the foundation for it. To do this, the natural product is spread in a bowl, and then diluted with warm drinking water. The resulting mass is put on medium heat and gradually brought to a boil. In this case, the paste is regularly prevented, so that it does not burn to the sides and bottom of the dishes.

After the described actions, the ingredients are alternately added finely chopped fresh cilantro, green onions, dill and parsley, grated chives and various spices, including hops-suneli.

In this composition, the products are boiled for about three minutes, and then removed from the fire and cooled.

The finished tomato sauce is cooled in a refrigerating chamber, and then served to a meat dish in beautiful kremankah.

Do a quick sauce without heat treatment

If you do not want to expose sauce from tomato paste for barbecue heat treatment, then we offer you a simple and quick cooking option. To implement it, we need the following products:

  • Medium-sized clove of garlic - 1 piece;
  • Natural tomato paste - 4 large spoons;
  • Small red bulb - 1 head;
  • Warm drinking water - 3 large spoons;
  • Table salt and pepper - use to taste;
  • Dried basil and thyme - apply as desired;
  • Fresh greens - a small amount.

How to cook?

In the preparation of this sauce, there is nothing difficult. Tomato paste is spread in a bowl and mixed well together with several spoons of warm drinking water. Then to them add salt and sweet pepper, finely chopped red onion and grated clove of garlic. Also for taste and aroma to the sauce, add dried thyme and basil. If desired, you can lay out and chopped herbs.

Serve this sauce to the table preferably immediately after cooking. Keep it in a refrigerator is recommended for no more than a day. Otherwise, the product will fizzle out, become less fragrant and lose its flavor.

Let's sum up the results

As you can see, there are quite a few recipes for how to make a shish kebab sauce at home. If you do not want to use tomato paste for this, then we recommend using conventional tomatoes. Having beaten them with a blender and adding suitable spices, you will get the same delicious and aromatic sauce, which in addition will be very useful for the body.

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