Food and drinkWines and spirits

10 myths about alcohol, which you should not believe in

It does not matter if you prefer a glass of cool beer or a glass of red wine, you probably do not know about the alcohol of all the necessary information. On the contrary, you firmly believe in at least one of these myths. Let's see what facts are wrong.

Drinking beer before strong drinks causes a severe hangover

In fact, there are many theories - some people think that it is necessary to drink drinks in order of increasing their strength, and someone is sure that this is the way that causes the most severe hangover. Anyway, in fact the problem is only how much alcohol you consume in general and how fast you do it. It does not matter in what order you drink beer and strong alcohol, the main thing is not to rush, and then you will feel fine.

Caffeine will help to cheer up

Because of alcohol, you may feel that you are full of energy, in fact it's just the effects of intoxication. By combining alcohol with caffeine, you simply change the idea of how much you have drunk, and drink much more than it would cost. If you do not want to experience drowsiness, alternate cocktails with ordinary drinking water. Believe me, this really works.

Old wine is the best

In fact, many varieties of wine, for example Sauvignon blanc, must be quite young, they are customary to use during the first year after production. Remember the simple rule: the cheaper the bottle, the faster it should be consumed.

You should not drink alcohol while breastfeeding

In fact, you only need to wait three months. After that, you can drink from time to time - just wait a minimum of three hours before you feed your baby after a glass of Chardonnay. However, it is always worth consulting with a doctor.

Any "light" beer is more useful than usual

In fact, beer is considered "light" only with respect to the same grade of the usual version of this drink. Follow the calories in any case worth it.

It is impossible to keep open wine

Of course, oxygen can turn a bottle of wine into vinegar, but if you constantly return the cork to its original location, you can extend the life of the drink for three days after you have opened the wine.

After a serving of alcohol you will sober up in an hour

This is true only for the first glass. With each next drink add to the term for another half an hour, because the effect of alcohol is cumulative. For example, if you drank three servings of alcohol, you need about four and a half hours to sober up.

Pour a full glass of wine normally

Everyone loves generous portions, but the taste of wine spoils when it becomes too warm. Never fill the glass to the brim.

From cheap wine you will become ill

Any wine that is sold in the store has been tested and is safe enough, so do not think that cheap drinks will necessarily harm you.

A large amount of alcohol leads to ill-considered actions

In fact, the excess of alcohol slightly disrupts the connection between the brain cells, but it does not destroy it. Simply communication between neurons and synapses is much slower than usual. Do not throw all the responsibility on alcohol. Just try to control yourself more strongly and before each act wait a few minutes to think it over.

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