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Classification, types and types of climatic precipitation. Climate and types of precipitation

Types of climatic precipitation must be considered inseparable from the notion of "weather". It is these elements that are fundamental, if we consider the conditions of a particular region.

Under the term "weather" is meant the state of the atmosphere in a particular place. The formation of the type of climate, its permanence depends on many factors that have their own patterns of manifestation. The same conditions can not be observed in separate areas. Types of climatic precipitation are different on all continents of the globe.

The climate can be influenced by such factors as solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, air humidity and temperature, precipitation, wind direction and strength, cloudiness, and relief.


The long-term regime of weather is the climate. A significant impact on it has the amount of solar heat entering the surface of the Earth. This indicator depends on the height of the Sun at noon-geographical latitude. The greatest amount of solar heat enters the equator, this value decreases to the poles.

Also, the most important factor affecting the weather is the mutual location of land and sea, which allows us to distinguish between marine and continental types of climate.

The marine (oceanic) climate is characteristic of the oceans, islands and coastal parts of the continents. This type is characterized by small annual daily fluctuations in air temperatures and a significant amount of precipitation.

The continental climate characterizes the continental zones. The indicator of the continent's continentality depends on the average annual variations in air temperature.

Another factor that affects the weather conditions, we can call the sea currents. This dependence is manifested in a change in the temperature of the air masses. There are also climatic precipitations near the ocean.

It is the air temperature - the next factor, whose influence on the weather and climate can not be overestimated. Changes in thermal conditions create dynamics of air pressure indicators, forming zones of high and low atmospheric pressure. These zones carry air masses. The different nature of the air masses encountered forms an atmospheric front, which is characterized by cloudiness, precipitation, an increase in wind speed and a change in temperature.

The complex interaction of the above-mentioned factors forms types of weather conditions in certain territories.

There are types of climate: equatorial, tropical monsoon, tropical dry, Mediterranean, subtropical dry, temperate marine, temperate continental, temperate monsoon, subarctic, Arctic or Antarctic.

Types of climate. Brief description of all types of climate

The equatorial type is characterized by an average annual temperature within + 26 ° C, a large amount of precipitation during the year, a predominance of warm and humid air masses and is common in the equatorial regions of Africa, South America and Oceania.

Types of precipitation are directly dependent on the region. Below, we will look at the types of climate that are characteristic of the tropical environment.

Types of tropical climate

The weather around the world is quite diverse. The tropical monsoon type of climate has the following characteristics: temperature in January is + 20 ° C, in July - + 30 ° C, 2000 mm of atmospheric precipitation, monsoons predominate. Distributed in the territory of South and South-East Asia, West and Central Africa, Northern Australia.

The tropical dry climate is characterized by air temperature in January + 12 ° C, July - + 35 ° C, insignificant precipitation within 200 mm, trade winds prevail. Distributed in North Africa, Central Australia.

The Mediterranean type of climate can be characterized by the following indicators: temperature in January + 7 ° C, in July + 22 ° C; 200 mm of precipitation, in summer, at high atmospheric pressure , anticyclones prevail, in winter - cyclones. The Mediterranean climate is widespread in the Mediterranean, South Africa, South West Australia, Western California.

Temperatures of the subtropical dry climate range from 0 ° C in January to + 40 ° C in July, with the climate type not exceeding 120 mm in the climate, dry continental air masses predominate in the atmosphere. The territory of distribution of this type of weather conditions is the internal parts of the continents.

The temperate marine climate is characterized by such temperature characteristics: from +2 ° C to + 17 ° C, precipitation at the level of 1000 mm, it is characterized by western winds. It is distributed in the western parts of Eurasia and North America.

The moderate continental climate shows a significant difference in seasonal temperatures: -15˚С - + 20˚С, atmospheric precipitation within 400 mm, western winds and prevalence on the inner parts of continents.

Moderate monsoon shows sharp temperature fluctuations from -20˚С in January to + 23˚С in July, precipitation at the level of 560 mm, the presence of monsoons and prevalence in the east of Eurasia.

Under the subarctic climate type, temperatures range from -25 ° C to + 8 ° C, precipitation is 200 mm, in the atmosphere, monsoons predominate, the territory is Northern Eurasia and America.

The Arctic (Antarctic) type, in which low temperatures are present -40 ° C to 0 ° C, insignificant precipitation is 100 mm, anticyclones, is widespread in the continental zone of Australia and the Arctic Ocean.

The types we consider prevailing over vast areas are defined as macroclimate. In addition to these, meso- and microclimates are also studied, which relate to relatively small areas with stable weather conditions.

The most important criterion for determining the type of climate is the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of atmospheric precipitation falling on a given territory.

Atmospheric precipitation and their types. Weather and the concept of climate

The Earth's climate is heterogeneous, and the quantitative and qualitative indicators of precipitation falling over the territory play a significant role in this. The factors on which they depend determine the scheme. Types of precipitation depend on the following factors: physical form, place of formation, nature of deposition, place of origin.

Let us consider each of the factors in more detail.

Physical characteristics of atmospheric precipitation

Types of precipitation are classified according to their physical state:

  1. Liquid, which can be attributed drizzle and rain.
  2. Solid - they include snow, grains, hail.
  • Rain is a water drop. It is the most common type of precipitation, which falls out of cumulonimbus and rain-cloud clouds.
  • Morossy called microscopic drops of moisture with a diameter of a hundredths of a millimeter, dropping out of stratus clouds or thick fog at plus temperatures.
  • The predominant form of solid precipitation is snow, the species of which are considered to be snow and ice cereals that fall out at low temperatures.
  • Hail is another form of solid precipitation in the form of ice particles 5-20 mm in size. This type of precipitation, despite its structure, falls in the warm season.

The influence of seasonality on the physical state of atmospheric precipitation

Depending on the season, precipitation falls in certain forms. For a warm period, the following types are characteristic: rain, drizzle, dew, hail. In the cold season, snow, croup, frost, frost, ice are possible.

Classification of precipitation depending on the place of formation

In the upper atmosphere , rain, drizzle, hail, croup, snow.

On the ground or close to the earth - dew, frost, drizzle, ice.

The nature of precipitation

According to the nature of precipitation, atmospheric precipitation can be divided into drizzle, storm and overburden. Their nature depends on many factors.

Frozen precipitation is long and has a weak intensity, storm showers are characterized by high intensity, but short duration, complex ones have a one-ton intensity without sudden fluctuations.

The nature and amount of precipitation, of course, affect the weather conditions of a certain area, which, in turn, affects the overall climate. In the tropics, for example, rain can be observed only a few months a year. The rest of the time bakes the sun.

Climatic Precipitation

The climate and types of climatic precipitation are directly dependent on each other. Factors affecting the distribution of snow and rain are temperature, air mass movement, relief and sea currents.

The zone of the equatorial climate is characterized by the greatest amount of precipitation on Earth. This fact is due to high air temperatures and high humidity.

Divide into dry desert and wet tropical climate species. The world climate has average precipitation values, which are within 500-5000 mm.

Monsoon type is characterized by a large amount of precipitation, which come from the ocean. The weather conditions here have their own periodicity.

The Arctic is poor in precipitation, which is explained by the presence of low atmospheric temperatures.

Based on the place of origin, all types of climatic precipitation can be divided into:

  • Convective, which prevail in areas with a hot climate, but are also possible in temperate climates;
  • Front, formed when meeting two different temperature air masses, are common in temperate and cold types of climate.


The Earth's climate, characteristics and types of climatic precipitation are the basic concepts that we have considered. On the basis of what has been said, it can be said that the Earth is a large system, each of whose elements is in direct or indirect dependence on others. This understanding of the issue governs the use of integrated approaches, when they consider the climate and types of precipitation as a sphere of interest in science. Only with a comprehensive study of these factors can you find the right answers to questions of interest to scientists.

Atmospheric precipitation, atmosphere, weather and climate - all these concepts are closely interrelated. In the study, it is impossible to miss even one of the sections.

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