
Liquid wallpapers: reviews, features, recommendations

As you know, a person can develop only in discomfort. And this is not a metaphor: all significant inventions of the world have emerged due to people's discontent with the conditions in which they are. The desire of mankind to make his life more comfortable makes bright minds work on the creation of perfect systems and technologies. Construction here stands in the forefront. Take at least a thin wallpaper. Reviews about them, frankly, very positive. But they do not know what qualities and characteristics they have.

What is a liquid wallpaper

This is a kind of decorative plaster, created on the basis of textile and cellulose fibers. The wallpaper has a special glue element, as well as some other fillers. What advantages, in comparison with other materials for finishing, have a liquid wallpaper? Reviews of specialists and ordinary consumers attest: there are a lot of them.

Advantages and distinctive features

In the composition of liquid wallpaper - natural components: silk, cotton, cellulose. When applied to a wall, a seamless, uniform coating with a textile texture is formed. The wallpaper does not require any special preparation of the walls. The conditions for their application are only three: the surface must be clean, dry and plain. In other words, it is enough simply to primed the water-dispersion enamel of the wall in white color or in the tone of the selected wallpaper. There is no need to level the surface, as the wallpaper itself covers small cracks, helping to give the walls a more even look. Numerous reviews of liquid wallpaper indicate: this type of finishing has good indicators of thermal insulation and antistatic properties.

A little about the application

Liquid wallpaper is actively used in suburban homes, where in the cold season often there are interruptions to heating. The presence of a large number of protrusions and corners on the surface to be glued can also serve as a good reason for their application in the interior. No less important for consumers is the absence of any smell and harmful fumes, so they are often chosen to repair the children's room. They are also recommended for people with allergic reactions to synthetic materials.

In contrast to vinyl, liquid wallpaper is not afraid of drafts, moisture level changes and temperature differences. With additional access to the air in the room or the inclusion of radiators, such wallpaper will dry faster and better. Therefore, if you want to speed up the process of drying the walls, you can safely include additional heat sources or open the windows, without fear of ruining the repair.

Liquid wallpapers: consumer reviews

Each method of interior finishing has both positive properties and negative properties. And, of course, the weak side is and the liquid wallpaper. This is their "breathing" structure, or vapor permeability. After all, the ability of wallpaper to absorb steam leads to the fact that they not only "breathe", but also absorb odors. Therefore, in wet rooms and in the kitchen, it is recommended to cover any liquid wallpaper with acrylic lacquer. Reviews of specialists and consumers agree that in this case the surface will acquire detergent properties, but together with them the ability of the wallpaper to "breathe" will be lost forever. No less important for the use of such wallpapers is the ability to use a spatula. No matter how beautiful walls are shown in the commercials about these wonderful finishing materials, without minimal skills in working with this tool, the process of applying the finished mixture to the wall will be quite labor-intensive for you. And if you are not sure of success, then you better entrust this work to professional masters.

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