Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Let's look in the dream book. A quarrel in a dream is a harbinger of happiness and love?

The meaning of many dreams can be easily solved without looking at the dream book. A quarrel with a loved one means that in reality you will become even closer. By the way, if you believe people's interpretations, unpleasant situations in a dream, in life mean the exact opposite. To see a loved one dead means that he will live a very long time. This is the simplest, but most accurate interpretation of dreams.

Any dream that has a bright emotional coloring carries certain information that is extremely important for us. Ignore it is not necessary, but the analysis should not be based on a dream book. A quarrel in a dream may well mean that the relationship with your loved one has stopped you from happening. How can we find out the real meaning of sleep without relying on someone else's opinion or book interpretations?

To understand the true meaning of the dream, your personal feelings from what you saw are very important. But even if you wake up with a sense of anxiety, this does not mean that the dream promises trouble. The more likely option is this way the brain encourages you not to wave off the signals being given. Sometimes sleep does not need a complex analysis, it is enough to be guided by intuitive guesses. But dreams, whose meaning can not be immediately understood, happen much more often. In this case, you will have to try to understand the meaning of sleep.

Of course, not one symbol or a certain situation needs interpretation, but the whole associative series. Even the color in such dreams has its significance. For example, the predominance of aggressive red indicates anger or irritation. However, even in this case the interpretation is very individual. Perhaps, personally, you perceive the scarlet color as a symbol of a passionate relationship with your beloved. Important for analysis is also your sensations in a dream. What did you feel during the scandal? Maybe it was uncontrollable anger or you just wanted to achieve what you wanted? Having analyzed the dream "by the stones", you will understand what it meant to you personally. Those who are seriously interested in the psychoanalysis of dreams, experts recommend keeping a diary and putting in it not only daytime events, but also nightly experiences.

Let's return to the subject of our consideration. What can mean a quarrel in a dream?
This is the interpretation given by the popular dream book. A quarrel in a dream means trouble and squabbling. Other skirmishes, which you are looking at in a dream, mean a disappointment in your work. We'll talk right away, the author of this book is quite well known and enjoys the trust of readers. Therefore, we will not question the correctness of the interpretations, but on their example we will try to understand how such dreams are deciphered.

If the situation is hot, the problems are ripe and the explosion is about to break out, the brain is in full alert at night and day. It is not surprising that a deplorable situation at work or at home pours out into nightmares. In this case, the right dream. A quarrel in a dream means difficulties in a relationship or a problem at work. But in this case, sleep is not a cause, but an effect. In general, you can not call such dreams dreams. For you, they are rather cautious.

This is the interpretation the "Modern dream book" offers us - a quarrel in a dream portends good luck. Logical explanation does not lend itself to, but, you see, the interpretation is pleasant.

By the way, this dream book is one of the wisest. There are practically no bad predictions in it. In addition, his interpretations are adapted to the understanding and way of life of modern man.

No less pleasant explanation is the French dream book. The quarrel with your beloved spouse is good news.

Sonnick Hosse and does argue that the quarrel with her husband means a happy marriage, and squabble with a stranger incites love.

Trusting or not trusting dream books is a private matter for everyone, but it's hard to imagine. That the meaning of the dream of "quarrel with parents" has the same significance for an adult and adolescent. The same can be said about the dreams in which you quarrel with your spouse or lover. Perhaps you are worried about any situation, and the subconscious simply insists that it's time to solve the problem.

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