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Let's figure out how to understand a man

All of us, men and women - inhabitants of the Earth. But after reading the famous book "Men from Mars, Women from Venus", written by John Gray, we understand how different we are. In this regard, often a woman raises the question of how to understand a man, if he says one thing, does another, and thinks the third. In this situation, the Indian doctrine "On the relationship between a man and a woman" says: do not believe what a man says, but believe what he does. It is worthwhile to look closely at how his behavior changed in order to understand what is on his mind. If a man "shines" like a new penny, then his personal life has changed, and he wants someone to like, and he tells you that he has a meeting or a meeting with partners. How to understand a man, if he says: "I love you", but does it call from time to time? He does not like you - that's what it means!

And sometimes in a conversation with a friend the woman complains: "How to understand the attitude of a man, if he keeps silent all the time?" She just a silent husband who does everything for the family. It is clear that she is not indifferent to him. What is there to talk about? But a woman is arranged so that if she does not talk all the time about love, she begins to doubt her. After all, women perceive everything differently.

How to understand what a man wants?

Let's try to understand this issue. You can identify the basic needs of men:

  1. Power and superiority. It is inherent in nature. He is a hunter and an earner. A wise woman intuitively must feel it and, being close, support and respect him. If a woman does not respect a man, she will not be able to love him.
  2. About a man you need to take care of. He will always appreciate the efforts of a woman who will create coziness in the house, will be a good mistress, a caring wife and mother.
  3. A man wants to be understood and shared his interests. This does not mean that a woman should watch football with him, go fishing or spend hours in the garage near the car. No, she just should not be jealous of him to a hobby, but accept what he is, unobtrusively interested in his hobbies.
  4. A man wants to remain free, have his own personal space and time, even being married. A woman who encroaches on his freedom and makes from it an object, adapting to himself, has a low self-esteem. She is afraid of losing a man, and loses. The man begins to look "on the side."
  5. A man is looking for a woman with whom he will be comfortable and comfortable. Which one? This is set out in the first four paragraphs. And if a woman has learned the simple art of how to understand a man, she will be the ideal that he is looking for. She can give him what he wants - be a man!

We are different

Men and women should understand that only union will be psychologically healthy on the conditions of preserving the relative independence and individuality of each. No one should renounce himself or subordinate himself to another, but everyone must develop, opening new ways of improving relations. Only in this case a woman will not have a question about how to understand a man,   And the man - how to understand a woman. The most important thing is not to forget that only love allows them to complement each other.

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