
Lecithin: patient feedback

Scientists have proved that the reserve of the human body is designed for 120 years of life, but only the Japanese in the majority are approaching the 100-year boundary. Yet the rest of the people are hopelessly behind. The phenomenon of Japanese longevity lies in food: along with seafood, fish, soy products, the people of the Land of the Rising Sun consume high doses of lecithin contained in them.

What is lecithin? It is a substance that our body needs. Without it, growth and development do not occur, the nervous system does not function , the human intellect does not develop. Without lecithin, women can not give birth to a healthy child. The liver, kidneys, heart - no human body will not work normally without this substance. Its lack leads to brain exhaustion, nervous irritability, frustration and fatigue.

The main source of lecithin is fish, soybeans, brewer's yeast, cereals, egg yolks. And lecithin of plant origin is more effective than animal. From the point of view of biology, he belongs to the group of fats. Its lack in the human body leads to a change in the myelin sheath of nerves, which is observed with multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases. In order to make up for the deficiency of this substance in the body, doctors prescribe the medicinal product "Lecithin", reviews of which can be found in the press and on the Internet.

This medication is prescribed for people suffering from fatty liver dystrophy, acute or chronic hepatitis, atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia. It can be taken with ischemic stroke and after it, with chronic pneumonia and acute obstructive bronchitis, with toxic liver damage caused by alcoholism. Pregnant women, suffering from toxicoses, should use the drug with great caution.

Children are also prescribed a drug "Lecithin". Feedback on the results of the course of application indicate that their memory improves and the vocabulary increases, focal pathological symptoms disappear and sleep improves. The drug can improve the brain, normalize the nervous system and promote the absorption of vitamins.

Assign the drug "Lecithin" for children (doctors' reviews confirm this) depending on the disease. Children older than 7 years can take 1 capsule daily before meals, for adults the recommended dose can be doubled: 2 times 1 capsule.

But to increase the dosage prescribed by the doctor independently is undesirable, although the drug is non-toxic and does not have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on the body.

For people with increased individual sensitivity to lecithin, the use of the drug "Lecithin" is contraindicated. The reviews confirm that side effects are extremely rare when using the medication: dyspepsia, nausea, excessive salivation. With caution, it should be used by patients suffering from cholelithiasis, since it stimulates the secretion of bile, which can cause movement of the stones.

In pharmacies, you can purchase various forms of release of the product - in capsules, powders or granules. People who used, for example, the drug "Lecithin" granulated, argue that the quality of the drug from the form of release does not change. The granular and powdery preparation can be added to soup, salads and second courses or dissolved in water, juice, tea, other beverages. You can also eat it separately, simply by washing down with water.

The drug in capsules is a liquid form in a soft gelatinous membrane. Capsulated drug "Lecithin" (reviews of people who accept it, confirm) is especially convenient to use.

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