HealthHealthy Eating

Kiwi than useful

People with high blood pressure and other diseases of the fruit of kiwi appreciate for the high content of iron and potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is these microelements contained in kiwi that it is useful for a person, create an ideal balance of the maximum of substances necessary for the human body and a minimum of "harmful" calories. Magnesium, for example, under stressful situations increases the body's resistance to external adverse effects, and also helps in regulating cell metabolism and in combination with vitamin C has a beneficial effect on cardiac function. No wonder doctors recommend this fruit to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, kiwi interferes with the development of hypertension and heart failure.

This fruit reduces the possibility of oncological diseases (especially colon cancer). The antioxidant and tonic effect of the actinidia of Chinese or Chinese gooseberries (this is also called the exotic fruit of kiwi) is proved by scientists. In addition to the antitumor effect, kiwi than is useful to people? The fact that increases efficiency and immunity, helps to fight rheumatism and nervous system disorders. Regular use of kiwi reduces the likelihood of formation of kidney stones, treats gastrointestinal diseases.

Thanks to soft, tasty kiwi skin condition improves because this fruit influences the development of such collagen necessary for beauty. The skin becomes smooth and clean. Long hair does not turn gray, the healthy complexion of those who regularly eat kiwi persists. What is useful is the miracle of nature? If the kiwi juice is rubbed into the scalp before washing, the hair will grow faster, at the same time become silky and shiny. The fragrant flesh of this delicious fruit is used in cosmetology, making it a mask for moisturizing, whitening, rejuvenating and cleansing the skin.

Is kiwi healthy for those who want to lose weight? Yes, it burns fats that block arteries, which means it prevents thrombus formation. If a person eats two or even three kiwi fruit daily for twenty-eight days, the amount of fatty acids that affect the appearance of blood clots in the blood vessels decreases in his blood. Kiwi is good to combine with any diet. Normalization of metabolism with the systematic use of kiwi also leads to weight loss. To after a dense dinner not to feel in the stomach of gravity and prevent heartburn and belching, it is recommended that after eating, eat a couple of fruits of kiwi.

Kiwi than it is useful for the weakened and transferred heavy infectious diseases of people? The fact that in one fruit there is as much vitamin C as needed in a day to an adult person. In kiwi (which is useful to a person) this vitamin is much more than in citrus (oranges, tangerines, etc.), and slightly less than in black currant berries.

What other vitamins are contained in kiwi, in addition to ascorbic acid? Here there are vitamins B (B2, B1, B6, B3), D, PP, E and A, as well as folic acid, beta-carotene, organic acids, flavonoids, sugars, fiber, pectin substances and actinidin - a plant enzyme that improves Assimilability of proteins. The acids that are part of this delicate fruit, and the dense skin of the "healthiest" among the fetus's friends, even with prolonged storage, do not allow to decrease the amount of vitamin C, which in kiwi is 100 grams as much as 92 mg.

Exotic fruit, which has become rapidly popular in Europe and the CIS (second only to pineapple), kiwi is used in folk medicine for cough, cold, dyspnea. Dietary salad of fruits of kiwi, honey and cinnamon for the night will easily cut your appetite, fall asleep more quickly and not gain excess weight.

There are only a few things you need to know when eating kiwi in your food. It can not be combined with dairy products. It should limit its amount in the diet to children and older people. Prone to allergies is also not recommended to abuse this wonderful fruit.

Impeccability of the original form and kind, the unconditional use of the exotic "doctor" kiwi from the southern countries has won among the representatives of mankind great popularity and love. Today, without this fruit, we do not imagine life.

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