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Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice": a brief summary. "Pride and Prejudice": a description of the novel

The most famous novel by Jane Austen is "Pride and Prejudice." The basis of the plot of the work is English provincial society and the role of women in it. Art analysis allows you to understand the depth of this topic, but also should outline and a summary. "Pride and Prejudice" is one of the first works that relate to the genre of the female novel. But thanks to the author's talent, he entered the collection of world literary masterpieces.

about the author

Jane Austen is an English writer whose years of creative work fell at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. A feature of this period is the transition from the Enlightenment to realism and romanticism. Works of the writer still arouse the interest of both researchers and readers. Universal human values, which were the theme of her work, are relevant at all times. In Russian literature, one of the most tragic female images is a non-dowry. Jane Austen has more optimistically considered this topic in the novel "Pride and Prejudice."


It was not easy for girls from poor families in the late nineteenth century. And it was extremely difficult for parents. To give a daughter a married husband for a wealthy and decent person, without a dowry, for the father of a provincial family was a task almost insoluble. And if he has five daughters, then there is nothing to talk about.

A similar situation has developed in Mr. Bennet's family. His wife had no intelligence, no upbringing, no origin. However, she had a high opinion about her own person. Of course, it was impossible to find spiritual support in it.

Daughters also did not inspire hope. At least three of them. The older ones, Jane and Elizabeth, inherited their mind and spiritual qualities from their father. The twists and turns in the fate of the Bennett family are described in the novel Pride and Prejudice. The summary of the chapters is the best way to present the plot of this work and to make a detailed analysis of the main images.

Trouble in the family of Mr. Bennet

Once in a small town Meryton rumor was heard about the arrival of a young rich and, most importantly, an unmarried man. His name was Bingley. He arrived not alone, but in the company of Mr. Darcy - a man who has the same positive qualities, that is, well-being and the absence of a wife. What became this message in a respected, but a poor house, where lived five virgins for marriage, can not be explained. However, Bennet's sisters reacted to her in different ways. As already mentioned, the elders possessed intelligence and prudence, which other representatives of this large family could not boast.

The problematic of the novel is connected with the collision of human vices, which are present in the title. Pride and prejudice reigned in the Bennet house, as well as throughout the town. The summary of this work can not be described without the description of its main character, the owner of one of these vices. However, in this case, it was, rather, a dignity.

Image of Elizabeth

The nature of this girl combines such contradictory features as tenderness and stubbornness, steadfastness and mercy. She is very attached to her father and cherishes every minute spent with him. A special relationship developed between her and her older sister. They always treated with deep tenderness towards each other, when Jane falls ill, Elizabeth walks several kilometers on foot to visit her beloved sister. This is the main heroine of the novel "Pride and Prejudice." A brief summary of the subsequent chapters reveals its character in more detail by the example of a complex relationship with Mr. Darcy.

Love and dislikes

Already at the first party, where the acquaintance of Bennet's sisters took place with the young people who arrived, intrigue is tied up. Mr. Bigley and Jane begin to feel sympathy with each other from the first minute. The relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy is contradictory. Each of their dialogues is a verbal duel. It looks all ceremoniously and courteously, but nevertheless these people experience mutual dislike. Or love ... The stubbornness and independence of judgments have these characters in the novel Jane Austen.

"Pride and Prejudice," a brief summary of which is set out below, in the translation of Anastasia Gryzunova, according to some literary critics, most adequately conveys the author's tart and ironic style. To make sure of this, it is better to reread several versions of the novel, of course, in full. However, we are a little distracted. Analysis of the work can not do without the description of the protagonist. We now turn to him.

Character of Mr. Darcy

He is cold and has a certain insight. Mr. Darcy is very different from all those young people that Bennett's sisters met before. But he makes an impression on them rather unpleasant. The reason is the extreme arrogance of this man. Later it turns out that behind the mask of coldness and contempt for others is a sensitive and kind soul. But this will only be known in the final chapters of the novel Jane Austen ("Pride and Prejudice"). A brief summary of Darcy's first encounters with Elizabeth is the clash of two very similar people. They almost from the first days of their friends' arrival in the provincial town are in love with each other, but they do not want to admit it even to themselves. Pride and prejudice prevent them.

The summary, description and analysis of a popular novel by an English writer gives an idea of the manners and prejudices that prevailed in the early nineteenth century. Mr. Darcy is in love with Elizabeth, but tries to suppress this feeling in him, because marriage with her would become a misalliance. The girl's family is much poorer than all members of the aristocratic family, to which this young man belongs.

Mr. Collins

As it should be in any story about a non-dowry, an unwanted groom appears on the stage. This storyline was used for the first time precisely by D. Austin.

"Pride and Prejudice," the summary of which creates the impression of a work with a rather unoriginal plot, is still a novel created in an entirely new genre. This is the innovation of the English writer.

Mr. Collins is a man of no aristocratic origin, but extremely purposeful. In addition, a careerist. He is in the confidence of Lady de Behr, which has a favorable effect on his fate. And, having achieved significant in his representation of heights, Collins decides to favor Elizabeth with a proposal of the hand and heart. Needless to say, this self-assured person of a small mind gets rejected?

Miss Bennet is Darcy's future wife, although at the time of her acquaintance with Collins he does not even suspect it. This is the idea of Austin's novel "Pride and Prejudice." The summary of the work should not be burdened with the description of complex explanations between the failed fiance and the proud Elizabeth. It will be more correct to return to the image of her chosen one, who in the second part of the novel acquires new unexpected features.

Other Darcy

Traveling with her relatives, Elizabeth visits a beautiful castle, according to the stories of local residents, the master is a certain young gentleman. This person is none other than Darcy. In the chapter that describes these events, he appears before Elizabeth in a different light. There is neither arrogance nor contemptuous cold eyes that irritated the girl so much.

It should be said that this unexpected meeting was preceded by no less important events. Darcy once confessed to Miss Bennet in his feelings, but did it in such arrogant form that only increased his unpleasant impression. Making a proposal to the girl, he noticed that this step for his social situation would be almost disastrous. And later his reputation in the eyes of Miss Bennet was finally ruined by the deceitful story of Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth later found out the truth, and for a long time she blamed herself for being unfair with Darcy. And his new image, in which he appeared in the castle, proved to be very useful. From that moment Elizabeth no longer opposed her feelings.

Our article is a concise retelling of the plot, which has the novel "Pride and Prejudice." The summary does not include descriptions of some minor but still important images. And most importantly, in no way can not convey the unique English humor that is characteristic of the famous writer of the nineteenth century.

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