
Itching all over the body

Let's define with the very concept of "itching". Someone decided to call this word the desire to itch. A somewhat funny definition, but in a different way - in no way. Itching (especially if it is strong), gives a person a lot of trouble. You can not go out quietly, you can not sleep, you are constantly nervous and, in the end, make yourself nervous. Sometimes the itching of the body can be so strong that the skin is combed to the blood, the combs heal for a long time, leaving then lifelong scars.

Itching of the skin of the body has not been fully investigated. Although there is already knowledge about the role played by the nerve endings for the skin, why is histamine thrown out, which sometimes causes itching all over the body, and what are the causes of such unpleasant sensations.

First of all, it should be noted that itching is not a disease, but a symptom. Therefore, the doctor always tries to find the cause of what caused the itching throughout the body, or in individual areas. Of course, it is impossible to do this only with a single visual inspection. Now we are talking about generalized itching (itching all over the body). There is also another form of manifestation - localized (separate areas).

So, what can cause itching all over the body?

- Diabetes (after treatment symptoms usually disappear);
- jaundice (can occur secretly, without particularly noticeable skin changes, and only a blood test done will give a true picture);
- liver disease (violation of the functions of this organ, often itching acts as a sign of liver cirrhosis, including alcohol);
- kidney disease (the reason may be delayed excretion of nitrogen slag by natural means with further excretion through the skin);
- Lymphogranulomatosis (abnormalities in the lymphatic system, in addition to sensation of itching, lymphatic glands are enlarged, circulation to the hematologist is required);
- Tumors in the digestive tract;
- Nervous disorders;
Presence of parasites;
- dystonia vegetative-vascular (usually in autumn and spring, seasonally);
- allergies (down of poplar, pollen of flowering plants, dust, chemicals, etc.);
- Itchy senile (liver function with age, malfunction, worse glands (sebaceous and sweat), skin is more dry and prone to peeling);
- reaction to individual medicines;
- Pregnancy.

Before you begin to treat the itching, you need to find out exactly the cause of it. Visit a dermatologist, he will conduct the necessary examination, prescribe tests and only then he will establish a diagnosis. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to visit a number of other specialists. Depending on the results, either local treatment or systemic treatment will be prescribed. Do not start self-medication. The drugs used before going to the doctor can complicate the diagnosis.

Local treatment is usually reduced to treating the skin with a 3% vinegar solution and using powders with a high talc content. Probably, other preparations (ointments, suspensions) will be appointed or nominated.

With general treatment, when the itch over the entire body is caused by a high level of histamine in the skin, Suprastin, Eryus, Tavegil, Zirtek, and Loratidine are prescribed (these drugs are antihistamines). If the itching appeared on the nerves, prescribe, as a rule, sedatives (to calm the nervous system): sodium bromide, tincture or valerian tablets, bromkamfar, valocordin, valosedan, Bekhterev's medicine, motherwort grass, passiflora grass.

What to do if there was an itch all over the body, but immediately go to the doctor the opportunity is not? Do not itch, no matter how much you like (the irritation will only increase, there will be a risk of infection). Do not take a hot bath (the skin from it is dried, the itch becomes stronger).

• If the skin is dry, use products that do not include soap.
• Use when making a shower tincture of calendula, chamomile, lice, mint. They act on the skin soothing and relieve inflammation. You can use cold compresses after a shower.
• In a bathroom with warm (not hot, namely, warm) water, add half a cup of apple cider vinegar and lie in this bathroom for 15 minutes.
• Rub the body of the potato juice, it will relieve the inflammation.

Also do not tighten with consultation at the doctor. Be healthy!

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