
Internal and foreign policy of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. Russia's policy in the 17th century

The nickname of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov is Tishayshy. In some articles, its origin is due to the gentle disposition of the king, his ability to listen to the interlocutor, and never raise his voice. But more cautious experts find another explanation. They are based on the ancient postulate "peace and quiet", which symbolized a prosperous state. Alexei Mikhailovich rightly received this nickname, as his sons inherited a strong country, which neighbors began to be afraid of.

The first coach of the young king

Prosperity of the state was promoted by the domestic and foreign policies of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov (1629-1676). The tenth Russian tsar, the second The ruler of Russia of the Romanov family, whose rule fell on the "rebellious age", stood at the head of the state from 1645 to 1676. He ruled the country successfully. The XVII century was nicknamed "rebellious". It is easy to imagine that a person "likes this meek such" to keep the situation in hand is unlikely to be able to. That is, Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov exercised his rule harshly, and the language was more than sharp. On the throne, he ascended very early and was forced to rely on someone's opinion in the affairs of the sovereign. The adviser was unsuccessful - the self-interested and wayward BI Morozov, who concentrated almost all power in his hands, managed to set up all the estates of Moscow against himself in exorbitant bribes and bribes. And when he introduced an additional tax on essential goods, and the salt began to cost two hryvnia per pood instead of five cents, in 1648 one of the biggest urban uprisings broke out - a "salt riot". The young tsar barely managed to save the brother-in-law of Boris Morozov, who was the largest at that time state dignitary and the actual culprit of the riot.

Annual popular unrest

The historical portrait of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov can be continued by enumerating the popular uprisings that took place during his reign. Echoes of the "salt revolt" have reached other cities: Ustyug, Solvychegodsk and many others. However, the rebellions that broke out in 1650 in Novgorod and Pskov were much more powerful and more serious than the above. The reason for the uprising was the purchase of bread. He was needed to pay debts for the peasants who fled to Russia from the territories that went to Sweden in the Stolbovets world (1617). Obviously, there were kinks in the localities, and the peasants decided that the boyar traitors, having conspired with foreigners, want to cause famine in Russia. But all these shocks fade in front of the Cossack freemen, who grew into the Peasants' War of 1670-1671 under the leadership of Stenka Razin. It is unlikely that the "Quiet", in the timid sense, the tsar would be able to safely solve these social problems, yet the reformist internal and foreign policy of Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov did not change in a certain sense.

Enviable successes of the last tsar of Moscow Rus

He carried out reforms inside the country and waged successful wars abroad. He was a wise politician, usually achieving his goal. Being the last tsar of Moscow Russia, he managed to return to Russia Smolensk, the Seversk lands with Chernigov and Starodub, the western Russian lands, to annex Ukraine, to advance deep into Siberia, establishing new cities there - Nerchinsk, Irkutsk, Selenginsk. In 1647 Okhotsk was founded. And in the following 1648, S. Dezhnev opened the aisle between Asia and America.

Copper Rebellion

But popular unrest flared with enviable regularity during all the years of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. Thus, in 1662 a mutiny broke out in Moscow, known as the "Copper Riot." The tsarist government decided to introduce a new means of payment - copper money, which was equated with silver. But, paying the salary with copper, the treasury required payment of taxes in silver. In addition, copper money was well counterfeited, and the forged currency swept the capital. Money depreciated, essential goods became inaccessible. A new riot broke out, which was again successfully liquidated, as well as the subsequent uprisings in Bashkiria and Siberia (1663-1664).

Well-educated person and excellent politician

It should be noted that "Tishaishy" was an excellent negotiator and knew how to negotiate, and not only to suppress insurrections. The ability to conduct a dialogue was explained by literacy, erudition, and the readability of the tsar. He was the author of several works, he mastered the Russian language perfectly, he himself read the petitions, and the first of the rulers personally signed orders and other papers. In addition, he knew several foreign languages and was familiar with all European literature, on his orders began to translate into Russian foreign books, and in general there was a convergence of domestic and Western cultures. With him, the theater began to develop, and the post of Russia was established

Church split

The foundations of everything that his son Peter I became famous for , laid down Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov. In short, it can be described as a monarch, baking about the accomplishment of Russia, which has done a great deal to ensure that a monolithic country with a strong centralized and individual tsarist power took its rightful place among the great powers. Sometimes it took ugly forms, the most striking example of which could be Nikon's reforms that led to a church schism and the emergence of the Old Believers. This is one of the bloodiest pages not only during the years of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, but also throughout the history of Russia. The main goal of the reforms was to harmonize the patriarchal church of Moscow Rus and Byzantine, European and advanced. Some modern researchers believe that the whole idea was provoked by the Vatican, and Catherine II hated Nikon and believed that he dreamed of becoming a Russian Pope. The rejection of ecclesiastical innovations was great - one Solovetsky seat (the uprising in the Solovki monastery), lasted 8 years, which is worth.

A good foundation for further reforms

Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov exercised his rule wisely, and chose his assistants, guided first of all by their abilities, thus diluting the ranks of the tribal aristocracy. This tradition was developed and brought to the absolute by marrying a commoner and making him the first dignitary of the state of the descendant of the people, his son Peter I. And the comic forces of Peter the Great were initiated by Alexei Mikhailovich, giving his son a small but functioning cannon that is now kept in the Artillery Museum in St. Petersburg. The rebuilding of the army was also started by the "Tishaishim" - it modernized and improved, loyal to it streltsy regiments. He did not shave his beard to the boyars, but greatly diminished their power.

Strengthening the monarchy

The historical portrait of Aleksei Mikhailovich Romanov can be supplemented by information that he consolidated his one-man rule by the creation of an Order of secret affairs, which was only in his charge. He also ruled the central and local authorities personally. The abolition of the Zemsky Sobor, consisting of representatives of all classes, except peasant, and possessed considerable power, greatly strengthened the autocracy. And, finally, Alexei Mikhailovich published a new collection of laws - Sobornoe Ulozhenie 1649 (the first printed monument of Russian law), replacing them with the Code of Law, which had been in effect since 1550. Thus, serfdom was legalized. All these actions aimed at creating absolutism at that time were progressive steps that strengthened Russia. You can add and the fact that he was the first to establish a state monopoly on vodka.

Latitude of state interests

From all of the above, we can conclude that the internal and foreign policy of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov was thought-out and successful. After the Time of Troubles, the goal of Russia's foreign policy is the return of lands lost in previous years, and the strengthening of borders, especially the southern ones. "Quietest" lived 49 years - this is a very short time. Maybe that is why the internal and foreign policy of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov did not get its end: not all lands were returned, Russia did not get access to the seas, although it managed to snatch a piece of the Baltic coast. And the first shipyard, and the first military Russian ship "Eagle" were built under the second tsar from the Romanov dynasty. He did a lot for the prosperity of Russia, which his son Peter I turned into a great empire.

The main result of the board

During the 20 years of rule, this Russian tsar has done a lot. He transformed the estate-representative monarchy into an absolute monarchy. The years of his rule became a turning point between Moscow Rus and the Russian Empire. This was the policy of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. The table, reflecting the entire era of the reign of this monarch, is enormous. The compressed table, in which only epoch-making events are reflected, looks like this:

Domestic policy

Foreign policy

1. The activities of the Zemsky Sobor were discontinued.

2. The Code of Law of 1550 was replaced by the Sobornoye Code of 1649, according to which the peasants were permanently attached to the masters. (Serfdom)

3. Creation of an Order of secret affairs, Managed personally by the Tsar, which contributed to the strengthening of absolutism.

1. Return of the Russian lands, reunification with Ukraine.

2. Development of Siberia, the laying and construction of new cities.

3. Successful wars with Sweden and Rzeczpospolita, as a result of which the former refused to help the latter in the war with Russia, to which Smolensk and the western Russian lands were returned.

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