Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

I saw a balloon. Why dream? Read the dream book

Happiness, joy, fun ... It is with these words associated with a balloon. Why does this attribute of almost every holiday dream ? The answers are very different. And they depend on the dream book, as well as on the circumstances of the vision. And to give an answer to this question, one should turn to the most authoritative interpreters of dreams.

Universal explanation

So, here's the first answer to the question about what the balloons are colorful for: trouble. A different kind. It would seem that a lot of balloons - so much positive! But no. They can be a harbinger of problems at work, conflicts with colleagues, partners, superiors. And in order to minimize the losses that the dream promises, it will take a lot of effort. We must in the near future try to be less contentious and quick-tempered, and also work harder.

And if you see a balloon in the sky? Why does it dream? They say that to the prolonged loneliness. And if there are a lot of balls, just an infinite number, then this is another sign. Most likely, the dreamer hardly has fun. And he should interrupt his ordinary life and start having fun.

Modern dream book

About what the balloon with the basket is dreaming, the modern book of interpretations tells in detail. If a person saw it on the ground, then it's time for him to relax. In real life, he is too keen on his problems, literally fixated on them. The ball here represents it, and the basket to which it is attached is the circumstances, the problems. And by the way, the more filled she is, the more trouble a person has, from which he can not free himself. It's time to untie the knot and release the ball into the sky. That is, free yourself from problems. Perhaps, even far-fetched.

And if a person sees that he is flying in a balloon (on the big, present), this is for the journey. Perhaps it was not even planned. And if it was in your thoughts to go somewhere, you can rest assured: the plans will be implemented. By the way, if the flight was a long one, then, from home, the dreamer will have to leave for a long time.

Sonnik Miller

He, too, can tell a lot about such a symbol as a balloon. Why dream of seeing him? Usually to conflicts and troubles. The more balls, the more unpleasant they will be. Perhaps, even a certain dreamer's fears and fears will come true. Probable and difficult at work. However, you should move forward and do not give up, without looking at the emerging situation.

Seeing how the balls burst, is also an unkind sign. Perhaps this is a dismissal from work. There is nothing to conceal: the period will not be easy. However, if the dreamer was a good worker, who has proven himself from the right side, it will be easy to find a new place. It is possible that the other work will be at times better and more promising than the previous one.

But the relationship with loved ones and loved ones is not affected by anything bad. If you dream of flying in the sky balloons, then in this case everything will be fine. A person is probably surrounded by kind and loving people who, in a difficult situation, will not leave him, but will be supported - not only in word, but also in deed. And their grief from them to hide is not recommended.

Dream Interpretation

Another book of interpretations, to which you can listen. She also tells in detail about what a balloon means. Why does this symbol dream? If a person cheats it in a dream - to boundless happiness. And then the principle works: the more balls, the more happiness. Perhaps, too, a person will soon have fun with friends. And it is possible that his luck will simply pursue in all good sense of the word.

But to see how balls inflate children - not good. So, in a short time a person will have to solve someone's problems. And you will have to do it very carefully and with all responsibility. It is interesting that the dreamer does not even have time to understand how all the affairs were shifted to him.

But if the balloons inflated by a person or by other participants in his dream are broken, then this is a financial problem. Decrease in wages, loss of bonuses, demotion, loss of money through negligence ... or even a person can be robbed. Also, the option of sudden breakage of expensive equipment is not excluded. In general, in the near future the dreamer needs to handle things more accurately than ever, and just in case save on everything that can be.

What else is worth knowing

So, above it was told about what it is dreaming to fly in a balloon, to inflate it or just to see it. But there are a lot of nuances that you need to know about.

So, for example, if the ball is pink, it's to disappointment in its second half. It is possible that the love bonds will soon burst, which will bring much suffering to both.

A large ball of unusual shape - to the appearance in the life of a too talkative person. But he will only talk a lot and make promises.

And why does a balloon in the sky dream? Slowly floating over a dreamer, he usually promises unexpected news. But if the ball sharply and unexpectedly rushes upwards and is lost from sight - to success in business or at work.

Important details

By the way, if there were inscriptions on the ball and it was bandaged with a golden ribbon, it's to an unexpected smile of fortune. And when he quickly climbs up, and then suddenly stops - to successfully develop business and career. Only for further prosperity will take a lot of effort. However, it will be worth it.

Watching another person cheat balls - to a waste of time and unjustified dreams. And to see in a dream a lot of children with balls - to the fact that in the near future the dreamer will not be able to rest, no matter how he dreams of silence and seclusion. By the way, if he himself kept the ball and suddenly released it, it's to forgetting a good chance or opportunity. It's worth remembering this and trying not to let it happen in real life.

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