
How to take paracetamol: before meals or after? Indications for use, prescription for children and adults

Today we will talk about a drug called Paracetamol. Before meals or after taking it? How often can you drink it? What can he help with? These and many other questions are of interest to people who have nothing to do with medicine. It is for this reason that we decided to write this article. From it you will learn about adults and children's dosages, when you can take a medicine, and when you should avoid it.

A remedy like paracetamol, before meals or after is worth taking? We will also tell about this in our work.

To begin with, this drug is the most popular antipyretic for many years. The formula of paracetamol is a real miracle, allowing to lower the temperature in a number of diseases. Among them we can see quite common, especially in the cold season:

  • flu;
  • ARI;
  • ARVI and many others.

It is also important to know that most antipyretic drugs are based on this drug, despite the fact that they are sold in pharmacies under different brands. That is, they have similar effects, indications and contraindications. Only dosage can differ, therefore, read the instructions always very carefully. Also remember that even the most harmless medicine can do harm, so do not self-medicate. The drug and dosage should be prescribed by an experienced doctor.


To understand what the effect of paracetamol, you need to know a little about what he is. For this reason, do not skip this section, although it is an introductory section.

To begin with, we mention that paracetamol is an analgesic. What it is? This is a special tool that can remove pain. It can be of different origins, namely:

  • Natural;
  • Semisynthetic;
  • Synthetic.

Be careful, the instructions to the drug may say that the drug is intended for analgesia. Do not be frightened by the last mentioned term. It also means softening of pain.

Further, paracetamol is also an antipyretic. This allows you to reduce body temperature with fever. Do not worry, paracetamol will not lower the temperature below the prescribed one, it can return it to normal, but it is not a means to shorten the duration of the fever period.

What else you need to know about this drug? It is a non-narcotic analgesic, for this reason it can be sold in pharmacies without a prescription prescribed by the attending physician. Paracetamol has a very weak effect of anti-inflammatory effect. Reception in large quantities can lead to disruption of work:

  • Liver;
  • Circulatory system;
  • Kidney.

Therefore, the instructions for use will be described below for the preparation Paracetamol. At the temperature this drug is taken quite often, but the dosage for children and adults is very different, what it can lead to, we already mentioned, be very careful. Also, with caution, you need to be people who consume alcohol, since the risk of overdose in this case is greatly increased, they are prescribed a small dose.

Than he is better than an aspirin?

We have already said that the agent we are considering has the property of analgesics. It is also often taken by people suffering from a headache. Now we will talk about what is better to use for headache - paracetamol or aspirin.

It is important to understand that both drugs can reduce pain and body temperature. When you have a choice - paracetamol or aspirin, you need to know that although they are similar to their effect, but their activity is manifested in different areas of the body. Additional advantages also differ.

What additional benefits are there in aspirin that paracetamol does not have?

  1. Weakening of inflammation.
  2. An anticoagulant effect.

Let us explain what anticoagulant effect means. This is to ensure the "fluidity" of blood. That is, aspirin prevents the formation of blockages in the bloodstream. The blood becomes lighter, which has a good effect, provided that the blood vessels are intact. But we have moved away from the topic a little.

What kind of drug should I give my preference to? This can tell you only an experienced specialist, since everything depends on the situation, the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. It is better to consult a doctor about a more suitable means, rather than self-medicate.

For adults

The drug "Paracetamol" for colds is one of the first that we seek to drink to ease our condition. Most drugs that have antipyretic and analgesic effect, contain this drug. Now we will talk about the appointment of this tool for adults. Why do we seek to use paracetamol? His wide range of effects and a meager price make him a sales leader for many years. Let's analyze when you can use paracetamol. When:

  1. Elevated temperature.
  2. Toothache.
  3. Pain in the gums.
  4. Headache.
  5. Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
  6. Hangover.
  7. Presence of acne and acne.

As you can see, a fairly common drug is Paracetamol. Dosage for adults and children prescribed different. We will write about the method of reception a little later. Now we find out what this drug is for children.

For children

Now let's talk a little about why paracetamol (syrup) is needed for children. First of all, it's worth saying that you can see this drug under a different name. Here for an example some of them:

  • "Dofalgan";
  • "Panadol";
  • "Kalpol";
  • Meksalen;
  • "Dolomol";
  • Efferalgan;
  • "Tylenol."

Since they can still be listed for a long time, we believe that this list will be quite enough. There are also many forms:

  • Capsules;
  • Syrups;
  • Candles;
  • drops;
  • Elixirs;
  • pills;
  • Chewable tablets;
  • Effervescent tablets;
  • Solutions;
  • Solutions for injection.

It is necessary at purchase and on it to pay attention. Your baby will not be suitable for all forms of such a drug as paracetamol. Syrup for children is most often used. It also has many different names. But now let's talk about why and in what cases it is given to children. Of course, at elevated temperature. This is necessary, since a fever in children up to three years old can cause seizures. Plus paracetamol in this case is a decrease in temperature and prevention of an attack.

How to drink it?

Now we will answer the question of how to take paracetamol - before meals or after. Remember, this drug is taken after eating.

Almost all drugs should be taken three times a day after meals, but such a number with paracetamol will not work. Why? It's very simple, paracetamol is traditionally produced and produced earlier at a dosage of 200 milligrams, which is almost five times less than the norm for an adult. So to each drug there is a special instruction for use, which tells in detail about the dosage and method of use of a drug such as paracetamol. Suspension (the instruction prescribes it), syrup, tablets and all other forms of the drug can be taken by adults, children are supposed to prescribe mainly syrup.


On instructions to paracetamol it is written that it can be prescribed for children of the first year of life. It can be used at the end of three months. With the question of how to take paracetamol before meals or after, we sorted it out. To drink it it is necessary (for the best mastering) after two hours after a meal, washing down with a lot of water. As for the dosage, now we'll talk about this in more detail.

Paracetamol (dosage to adults) from the age of 12 can be taken at five hundred milligrams up to four times a day. For patients younger than this age, the dosage is different. As a rule, paracetamol-suspension is used, the instruction to the product is attached. The following dosages are usually used:

  • 6-12 years - 200 milligrams to four times a day;
  • 3-6 years - 120 milligrams to four times a day;
  • Up to three years - following instructions up to four times a day.

Paracetamol does not cure the source of infection, but helps to remove unpleasant symptoms (temperature, pain). Proceeding from this, it is not necessary to use it for treatment: if there is a temperature, it is better to drink, if not, then there is no need to use paracetamol.


What are the contraindications for taking Paracetamol? Instructions for use for children and adults prescribe the same contraindications. Now we will outline the main ones:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • The so-called aspirin triad ;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Bleeding GIT;
  • Impaired renal function;
  • Hyperkalemia;
  • Period after coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • Newborns of the first month of life (this applies not only to paracetamol, but also to preparations containing it);
  • alcoholism;
  • Ischemic disease;
  • heart failure;
  • Cerebrovascular disease;
  • liver failure.

Still here it can be mentioned that the drug "Paracetamol" is not recommended to take in the form of a syrup to people suffering from diabetes.


Paracetamol (instruction for use for children and adults recommends adherence to the rules of admission) is a dangerous medicine if dosages are neglected. What will lead to an overdose of the drug? When poisoning, four stages are distinguished:

  1. Primary symptoms of any poisoning (poor health, vomiting or just nausea). They can be manifested both together and separately (it all depends on the degree of poisoning). During this period, all laboratory indicators are within the normal range. The next stage remains 24 hours.
  2. Now you can find the first signs of liver damage. At this stage, in the laboratory, it can be shown that the liver enzymes in the blood have increased (more than 1000 units per 1 liter of blood).
  3. After 96 hours, the death of the liver begins. There may be bleeding, this condition can flow into a coma. What is found in the blood: hepatic enzymes (more than 10,000 units per 1 liter of blood), elevated bilirubin level, low glucose level.
  4. Thanks to the amazing possibility of the liver, which consists in regeneration, the process of recovery takes place at the 4th stage. This period can take a long time (several weeks).

Interaction with other drugs

Now we will consider the action of paracetamol with other drugs. Adults with strong heat can take paracetamol together with a cup of coffee. Caffeine enhances the effect of the drug, the body receives a dose of the energy it needs. With headaches, caffeine together with paracetamol lead to anesthesia and vasodilation, which is very helpful in this condition.

A severe headache (with fever) in young children will take place when taking medications:

  • "No-shpa";
  • Paracetamol-containing.

Now about paracetamol with analgin. These drugs take together there is no sense, and the burden on the kidneys will be much higher. You can alternate. The same applies to Aspirin, which has a lot of contraindications. Alternate medicines so you avoid overdose. "Analgin" and "Paracetamol" can not be taken together with other antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A good substitute for Paracetamol is Ibufen. They should not be drunk together, since the latter has the same effect, and the anti-inflammatory effect is many times greater. Consequently, with a high temperature, it will cope much faster.

"Nurofen" and "Paracetamol" are also analogues, only the first acts longer, it is less harmful. If the heat can not be knocked down for a long time, then it is necessary to take the drugs together. The main thing is to stand the necessary intervals.

"Paracetamol" for colds in people who are susceptible to allergies should be taken together with "Suprastin". The same combination is recommended to children after vaccinations, if the temperature rises above normal.

Harm and benefit

"Paracetamol" from temperature to children is prescribed quite often, as well as for adults. But what harm can they do to the body? So, the main danger is high-dose hepatotoxicity. If you exceed the norm, you can get serious liver and kidney disease. In children this is less pronounced, but despite this, do not exceed the daily dosage. If the norm of paracetamol is exhausted for a day, then give preference to preparations based on ibufen. Refrain from taking paracetamol during pregnancy, especially in the 3rd trimester, do not give the drug to children of the first month of life.

Despite these shortcomings, it remains one of the best antipyretic and anesthetic. Paracetamol is harmless if you observe the rules of admission indicated on the instructions to the drug.


To begin with, let's say that the domestic "Paracetamol" 500 mg significantly differs in price from foreign analogues. The latter, which have big names, do not differ much in their actions, but they can hit the wallet considerably. Give preference to the domestic drug "Paracetamol" 500 mg, which costs about 10 rubles.

If you consider imported drugs, then the baby will cost from 90 rubles, and an adult - from 50. Read carefully the instructions for the drugs, do not exceed the daily allowance and be healthy!

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