
How to grow mushrooms in the country. Growing of white mushrooms in the country

Mushrooms are loved by many, but often there is not enough time to go for them to the forest. Of course, you can just buy them. But there are some doubts: it is not known where they were collected and whether they are poisonous. Yes, and expensive. Therefore, you can learn how to grow mushrooms in the country. And try it yourself. This not only saves time and money, but also is an interesting activity.

The necessary conditions

On a usual bed in itself forest mushrooms to grow never will be. There must be at least one tree on the site. This is a prerequisite for the growth of many species of fungi whose mycelium are formed by the introduction of mushroom into the root system of the tree. From there he gets amino acids and carbohydrates. In return, it gives minerals and natural antibiotics that protect the tree from diseases and insect pests. The place for planting mushrooms should be selected away from berry, fruit and vegetable plantings. It should be as close as possible to the natural forest environment.

Growing mushrooms with a special solution

For a small but constant harvest, summer residents often use a special solution. It is prepared from overripe mushrooms (which are crushed in grind), one spoonful of flour and gelatin powder. This mixture is slightly diluted with water and watered the moist soil under the trees. Spores of fungi germinate, forming a mushroom root. After two seasons, abundant fruiting begins.

How to grow mushrooms in a dacha by digging

The collected young mushrooms are crushed and buried in the ground next to a tree, the root system of which consists of wrapping threads of mycelium. Then you need to keep this area moist. A year later, there will be several mushrooms. You can just scatter small pieces and cover the fallen leaves.

Breeding is common and oily

The optimal, but rather inconvenient and laborious method is to transplant the young trees together with the mycelium from the forest to the dacha site. Most of all, it is suitable for breeding oil and sprinkle. On the site you need to prepare a place in advance, if there is not enough lime in the soil, then fertilize it. Plant trees in such a way that they have enough sunlight. Young specimens easily tolerate transplantation and excel. Soil should be watered regularly, and in a year or two there will be an overgrown mycelium that gives a good harvest.

Cultivation of fowl at dacha

First in the forest you need to find old boletuses. Then put them in a bucket full of rain or well water. Mushrooms should be in it for several days, but necessarily in the house, at room temperature. During this time, they "crawl" along the threads. A mixture will be obtained, which, after mixing, is sprayed with a patch near the tree.

Growing with mycelium

How to grow mushrooms in a cottage with the help of a mycelium? First it must be found in the forest. The earth is neatly cut off by a small layer and transferred to the dacha site (so that it does not crumble). Drop the brought mushrooms to a new place right away. To do this, you must prepare a small hole in advance. Such a transplant is done only in the morning or evening. The best time for her is a transition from summer to autumn (plus or minus one week). At this time, there is still enough moisture and heat in the ground.

Watering the place where the mycelium was transferred is needed daily, even in inclement weather. If everything is done correctly, then in a year you can expect a harvest. To maintain it, you need to throw up pieces of mushrooms every year.

Cultivation of white mushrooms with mycelium

Grow white mushroom in the country can be with the help of mycelium. Before landing under the tree, the top layer of the earth is removed. Compost is placed on the exposed area, and on top are pieces of mycelium of mushrooms. You need to spread out in checkerboard order. Then put the removed turf on top and water it well. One tree requires 3 buckets of water. But water should be carefully, so as not to wash the soil.

To achieve a better and faster result, the place is covered with fallen leaves or straw. This helps to retain moisture, as the mushroom can not be allowed to dry out. In the water, which watered the site, it is best to add fertilizers. In the cold season, the mycelium is covered with branches, straw and fallen leaves - a thick layer, so that the soil is not strongly frozen. In the spring, this "veil" needs to be removed. White mushrooms will appear as soon as the mycelium has settled down. And they will grow on this site up to 4 years. When watering with fertilizers - up to 7 years.

Sowing of white mushrooms

Growing white mushrooms in the country is not so difficult. The main thing is that deciduous or coniferous trees must grow in the dacha section. Mushrooms soaked for 24 hours in a bucket of water. Then they knead with their hands to a homogeneous mass. Water is filtered through a rag or gauze. The remaining liquid pours out onto the roots of the tree, and the top is laid with the remaining mushroom mass remaining in it, covered with turf and abundantly watered. Then the humidity is constantly maintained. In a year you can get the first harvest.

Growing chanterelles

How to grow mushrooms in the country, if there are no trees on the site? In this case, they must first be planted or transferred from the forest. Mushroom with chanterelles forms a mycelium (mycorrhiza), which grows into the roots of trees. These mushrooms love pine and spruce. And also they can be found near beeches, oaks. But next to the garden plantings they do not grow. Therefore, there should be young forest trees in the cottage.

Some of the most favorite mushrooms of many gourmets are chanterelles. You can grow mushrooms in a dacha in two ways: to sow spores or to transfer the mycelium from the forest. In this case, it is best to grab some land on which the mycelium was located. This is the most reliable and fastest way to grow a chanterelle at a dacha. The disputes are sown in the ways described above.

Oyster mushrooms: cultivation, care and collection

Oyster mushrooms grow very quickly and give a good harvest . How to grow forest mushrooms at home and in the country? First, you need to select a room that will be used for growing mushrooms (garage, cellar, cellar, etc.). It is disinfected with a 4% lime solution. Then it closes for two days and after it is well ventilated, until the smell disappears. Such premises should be prepared two: sprouting and vegetable.

Prepare the substrate. It can be made from the husks of sunflower seeds, corn cobs, sawdust, straw or cereal plants. You can use several of the materials listed at once. Substrate preparation:

  • The mixture is poured in warm water for 20 minutes;
  • Dirty water is drained, the mixture is wrung out and poured hot water for 7 hours, bending is placed from above;
  • The water is drained again, and the mass is squeezed out;
  • Superfosphate, urea and a bit of ground limestone and gypsum are added to the resulting mixture.

Next, bags are being prepared, on which the oyster mushroom will grow. Any polyethylene will do. They make holes with a diameter of 2 cm, through which the mushrooms will then germinate. The distance between them should be 15-20 cm.

Bags are filled with a ready-made wet substrate. First by 15 cm, then - a layer of mycelium, etc., until the bag is filled to 2/3. Then he tied up and moved to the room. Bags can either be suspended or simply installed in rows.

The temperature in the building room should be kept between 22 and 24 degrees. In bags, not more than 28. Humidity in the room is from 90 to 95%. Lighting is not required. Bags are transferred to the plant room as soon as the substrate overgrows the mycelium. Pose or hang them at a distance from each other for good ventilation.

The plant room should maintain humidity from 90 to 95%, and the temperature - from 12 to 18 degrees. You can install automatic sprayers or leave a container with water in the room. But you must not let it get on the bags. Lighting should only work for 12 hours a day. Usual daylight lamps. Good ventilation is necessary.

When the oyster mushroom grows, the holes increase. Cut mushrooms can be on the eighth day. They are stored in special containers or plastic bags. The second crop appears in two weeks.

Oyster mushrooms can be grown directly in the garden. For this purpose the basis is selected - logs or pieces of wood. Then in them holes are made, furrows and humidified wood. The mycelium is buried in the holes and covered with bark. Then these pieces of wood are laid in small pits in the ground (on a layer of sawdust) and covered with a film. Good humidity is always maintained. Oyster mushrooms will appear for the second month and will bear fruit for several years.

What increases the chances of curing mycelium

How to grow mushrooms in the country? If the plot already has deciduous or coniferous plantations, it is better to take mushrooms from those that grow in the forest near the same tree. Keep after collection they can not more than 10 hours. Mushrooms can not be frozen. After defrosting, it is useless to plant them - they will not grow. When soaked in water, alcohol (4 tablespoons per 10 liters) or sugar (50 grams per the same number of liters) is added.

Place the future mushroom picker with a disinfectant solution 3 hours before planting. Basically, solutions are used from tannins (oak bark or black tea). Before watering, they need to be cooled. Mushrooms are well established if they are planted until the middle of September. If later - they may not grow at all or the mycelium does not get accustomed. The landing site in the heat is poured once a week with four buckets of water.


Many are interested in how to grow mushrooms in the country, so that there is a good harvest. There are several tips, following which one can achieve good results:

  • A landing place is better to choose in the shade;
  • If the soil lacks moisture, it is necessary to water additionally;
  • Mushrooms are planted no further than 1.5 meters from the tree, in the cool time of day;
  • Badly mushroomed near fruit trees.

Now you know everything to successfully cultivate mushrooms.

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