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How to get rid of a cold in 1 day? How to get rid of a chronic cold

Knowing how to get rid of a cold in 1 day is relevant and necessary at the present time. This disease can immediately after the transition to a chronic stage. In this case, eliminate the permanent nasal congestion will be much harder.

In addition, the common cold significantly weakens the immune system. This fact increases the risk of catching other diseases. Getting rid of a cold in one day is very important not only for adults but also for children. In this case, the correct course of treatment should be selected. For babies, a prolonged cold is fraught with consequences such as sleep disturbances, decreased appetite and worsening of mindfulness.

All of the above has a negative impact on the overall condition of the child, and also affects his psyche, since the runny nose, especially in preschool children, causes a lot of stress. For this reason, it is extremely important to be aware of how to get rid of a cold in a short time, preventing its further development.

Methods of emergency treatment of the common cold

Telling about what means can help quickly get rid of cold, it is necessary to allocate some leading directions.

The attempt to activate the protective forces of the human body with the help of general strengthening and warming procedures is in most cases very effective. Very often stop the development of the common cold is obtained by the constant washing of the nasal cavity. Effective action is also provided by instillation of the medication, however, it is necessary to approach the choice of such a remedy with the utmost responsibility in order to avoid the use of a medicine that exerts too much influence.

Rinsing of the nasal cavity

This procedure is one of the most effective, because with her help an adult or a child in a short time will get rid of the infection. Usually, a warm saline solution is used for this.

To make this mixture you need to mix one teaspoon of sea salt or boiled salt with boiled water. The patient should dial the solution in a shallow vessel or palm and draw it with both nostrils alternately. Immediately after this action, blow your nose. Specialists also recommend washing the nasal cavity with beet juice solution (half a teaspoon per cup of boiled water).

If you are wondering how to get rid of a cold in 1 day, you can prepare a solution that has a very strong effect. To do this, add to the salt mixture for washing three to four drops of tincture of propolis or eucalyptus.

General strengthening and warming procedures

In order to urgently defeat the cold, it is important not only to take proper medications aimed at getting rid of the common cold, but also to help the body cope with the infection on its own. This is what alternative medicine is aimed at.

Thus, you can get rid of the common cold with folk remedies in the following ways:

  • Warming the feet with mustard, in warm water or while visiting the bath;
  • Drinking raspberry or lime tea, drinks based on herbal preparations;
  • A warming compress for the nose.

You should make sure that none of the ingredients of medicinal fees are able to cause you allergies. Also it is necessary to take into account that warming procedures can be used only if you do not suffer from elevated temperature.

To use many medicines for treatment, especially if the question is how to get rid of the cold from the child, it is recommended only after consulting a specialist. Therefore, the best option is to give preference to folk remedies in the early days of healing.

Burial of the nose

This method of treating colds is one of the most common. It is often recalled when a patient seeks a method how to get rid of a chronic cold.

For instillation it is recommended to use oil-based preparations, for example "Pinosol". They have a beneficial effect on the cleansing of the respiratory tract. The use of vasoconstrictive drops, such as "Nazivin" or "Brizolin", should be avoided.

Aloe or Kalanchoe juice is also an excellent helper. It is recommended to apply three drops every two hours during the day. This procedure contributes to a thorough cleaning of the nasal cavity, and also helps to answer the question of how to get rid of a chronic cold. The advantage of the juices of these plants is that they have bactericidal properties.

Other ways

There are also less popular, however no less effective methods, how to get rid of a strong cold. Below are the most accessible ones.

  • Chopped garlic should be warmed with butter and alternately two nostrils inhale steam.
  • It would be superfluous to pay attention to inhalations. The most effective of these are procedures using boiled potatoes and eucalyptus. When the vegetable is well boiled, you need to add two tablespoons of dry leaves of eucalyptus to the pan - they can be purchased at any pharmacy. Covering your head with a towel, you should breathe over the broth for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • How to get rid of a cold in 1 day? You should drink a lot of mineral water. The viruses that cause acute respiratory infections and ARVI do not tolerate the alkaline environment.
  • You can use drops in the form of a spray. They evenly irrigate the inflamed mucosa. Also effective is the application of softening drops based on menthol oil.
  • The recipe for the latter method is as follows: in a glass of warm boiled milk carefully stir a small piece of butter, a teaspoon of natural honey, juice ½ of an orange and fifty grams of liquor. Take this remedy in the morning and at night.


Typically, recipes that tell you how to get rid of a cold in 1 day include the combined use of several of the methods described above. In most cases, they are very effective, but if after three or four days you have a fever, you should consult a specialist.

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