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How should parents change their educational strategy with the advent of summer vacations?

Should parents somehow change their educational tactics when summer comes? It turns out, yes. Meet the situation in more detail, so that your warm months pass comfortably and happily for all family members.

Subtlety of education in summer

Specialists in child psychology are sure that in the summer a different approach is required for the child. Nevertheless, do not be afraid that in summer children are too relaxed, because the lack of a clear structure in the schedule can be even better for them. Modern children have a very tough schedule, they are under severe pressure. That's why it's worth letting them forget about the schedule in the summer. They should be able to do what they want, not what they should. Nevertheless, there are problems. Many parents are facing them, so it's necessary to know about them.

Summer deterioration in development

It has already been established that vacations somewhat worsen the level of skills and knowledge of many children and adolescents. In addition, the lack of order can seriously undermine discipline. How to get rid of the fall in the level of knowledge and help the child to behave well? Let's get acquainted with several simple control options and consider the most common difficulties! This will help you prevent an unpleasant situation and provide your child with warm memories of vacations!

Summer schedule

In summer, the schedule differs somewhat from the one that must be adhered to during the school year, even if the child has both parents working. The most important thing that parents can do is to discuss with children what will not change in the summer and what exactly they should expect. Perhaps you decide that the schedule of sleep is not worth changing, it may not change the responsibilities of the house. Children and teenagers need to get freedom from the clear structure that distinguished their days during the school year, but some things in their life should remain the same. It is this stability that can help you get rid of some problems with behavior. Try to have even free time had some kind of plan. Think about when a child can do his own things that will raise his mood. Do not think that summer is just a time when you can relax one hundred percent and use permissiveness. It is also worth trying to discuss with the child what contribution he will make to the family in the summer. Summer is not only a time for entertainment and parenting, children can also make efforts and help the family. For example, you can come up with a task that will require attention for several weeks. So you will teach the children to be permanent, in addition, they will learn the importance of working together on something.

Independent acquaintance with the world

It is important for children to have free time for games throughout the summer so that they can learn the world on their own. But when freedom becomes superfluous? Which restrictions are too strict? It all depends on how mature your child is. You must have noticed that your neighbors let their children ride on the street unattended. Is this the same for your child? You in fact know the kid, you for certain can imagine to itself, as it will behave in this or that situation. Independence with a minimum of control is very important. You can simply take the children to the park and watch them from afar. You give them freedom and expect from them responsible behavior. If the child does not cope with the responsibility assigned to him, try to control it a little more closely.

Games with older children

Part of the problem is to allow children to explore the world in summer, it is likely that they will meet older children. The world is then transformed, the child immediately wants to do what the older children do. This can be a source of problems. It is best that children communicate primarily with peers. Children can learn a lot from adolescents, adolescents can be extremely positive role models for babies, however, this requires that parents are well acquainted with these adolescents and are ready to leave their children in such a company. It should be a relationship built on respect and trust, so that everything went well. Otherwise, the child should not communicate with children who are much older than him, since this can only bring negative impressions.

Stay overnight with friends

In summer, many parents arrange parties for children with an overnight stay. There is nothing wrong with letting the child participate if the baby likes it and you are well acquainted with the parents from whom he will stop. From such an event a child can learn a lot, for example, he will understand how to spend more time with friends and how to behave. In addition, you can be sure that the child is not afraid of society and actively participates in his life. However, remember that refusing to stay overnight at a friend's house is not a sign of the problem. Parents should not criticize the child for such a decision, as well as the one who decided to return home in the middle of the night. Sometimes a child is simply not yet ready: some can not leave home even at eleven or twelve. It's absolutely normal, just listen to your child and do as you feel comfortable with him and you.

Summer reading and classes

How often should children read in the summer or do math? If you are like most parents, you start summer with a clear plan, but then you realize that sticking to it is too difficult. It is difficult to get children to do mathematics when they could play outdoors or bathe, especially if one considers that homework is not assigned to them. Try to agree on the minimum amount of time that will be spent reading and working on other skills for the summer. A constant practice is important. To the children's skills do not deteriorate, they need to deal with about four hours each week. Try to analyze at the end of the year, in which areas you are particularly important to do. A few hours a week - it's quite a bit, but it's quite effective. Such an amount you can easily enter even in a relaxed summer schedule.

Time before the screen

So, now you know that the child should be spending four hours a week for classes, but how much time should I spend with gadgets? What children learn with gadgets, shapes their consciousness. This is a cultural problem: children need stimulation in order to focus attention. Try not to let the child spend dozens of hours in front of the screen. Teach children to concentrate, create, write and read - entertain yourself without the help of electronic devices. If a child relies too much on external sources, he loses an important skill not to be bored alone with himself. In addition, a long time in front of the screen does not allow you to walk longer on the street, ride a bike or play in the park. The child just sits alone in a dark room - should such be the memories of summer? However, do not just forbid the child to use gadgets. Be sure to offer him an alternative, so that other options for spending free time seemed to him more attractive. In this case, he will get a lot of positive impressions and will not feel that you are restricting it in something too strict.

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