HealthAlternative Medicine

Herbs for the liver and pancreas: recipes and instructions for use

Traditional medicine was able to accumulate a huge number of invaluable prescriptions for the treatment of the liver and pancreas. But before you start using this or that collection, you need to understand exactly what it is from, and what needs to be treated. Some symptoms of diseases of other organs can be mistaken for some diseases. An appeal to a specialist to clarify the diagnosis is mandatory. In this article, we will look at herbs for treating the liver and pancreas.

Which herbs are suitable?

Let's start with the main thing. Herbs for the treatment of the liver and pancreas are used completely: roots, stems, buds, leaves, inflorescences, fruits and seeds. Of these, you can make a tincture, herbal tea or infusion, and make a valuable collection. Herbs, for example, motherwort or valerian, are even compressed into tablets. The concept of "herbal treatment" also includes the use of parts of trees and shrubs in gatherings.


Harmful habits, malnutrition, hereditary predisposition, trauma can cause various serious diseases. Of these, the most common is pancreatitis (chronic and acute form), it is also possible the appearance of various tumors, cysts and stones.

With each disease, there are necessarily herbs for the liver and pancreas that can help in the treatment. Such plants often have a complex effect.

Visible to everyone

Herbs for the liver and pancreas are used to prepare medical fees. They can be made from such plant-wide public components:

  • Bark - buckthorn;
  • Roots - dandelion, valerian, parsnip, kalgan, elecampane, burdock;
  • Kidney - birch;
  • Grass - bitter wormwood, yarrow, St. John's wort, celandine, three-color violet, birdwort, horsetail, oregano, parsley, flax, chicory;
  • Leaves - mother-and-stepmother, mint, sorrel horse, plantain, nettle, wild strawberry, birch;
  • Flowers - immortelle, hawthorn, chamomile, linden, calendula, tansy;
  • Seeds - cumin, dill;
  • Fruits - barberry, hawthorn.

These herbs can be harvested with their own hands or take chemist's fees.

Rare grass

Rare herbs for the liver and pancreas:

  • Icelandic moss expels stones;
  • Tea from Japanese Sophora buds is used for liver diseases and pancreatitis;
  • When pancreatitis helps gazlega;
  • The function of the prostate recovers the mulberry cortex;
  • Houseplant golden mustache in nature is not found, while it is good for pancreatitis;
  • A three-leafed watch may split glucose instead of a prostate.

Storage and harvesting

To herbs for the liver and pancreas had the desired effect, you should properly prepare them. Collection of different parts of the plant is carried out in a certain period of time:

  • From blossoming to falling, leaves;
  • In autumn and early spring - the root;
  • Before bud blossoming;
  • Till the moment of blooming - grass;
  • At the beginning of flowering - flowers;
  • In the spring when sap flow - the bark;
  • When fully ripe, seeds.

Collect herbs in the distance from roads and various industrial plants. Separate species are stored separately, in addition, different parts of the same plant. In this case, it is better not to crush the raw materials. Well suited for storing a dry, ventilated, dark room in which there is no access of direct sunlight.

Medicinal products and herbs

Not all medicines can be used with herbal medicine together:

  • Valerian - do not drink together with the means stimulating the central nervous system;
  • St. John's wort - tablets of aspirin can not be used in parallel;
  • St. John's wort, plantain, motherwort - people who drink heart pills, they should not be taken;
  • The bark of the buckthorn is forbidden in combination with anemia.

Herbs for the liver

Many herbs that are used to treat the liver are well known to people who are far from forests and fields. Of course, everyone knows the next collection of herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, calendula. But many do not even realize that these herbs are very useful for our liver:

  • Chamomile flowers have carminative, choleretic effect, and also relieve spasms. They are used for hepatitis, cholecystitis.
  • Peppermint, medicinal properties and contraindications of which are due to its composition, improves the outflow of bile, and also allows you to get rid of the feeling of heaviness after eating, reduces the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine.
  • The herb of St. John's wort acts favorably on the bile ducts, the liver. Improves the autonomic and central nervous system, increases efficiency, eliminates apathy and depression, helps with headaches, and improves sleep.
  • Flowers of calendula help as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic in liver diseases, accelerate the metabolic processes in it, in addition, improve its secretion.
  • Corn stigmas are choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, reduce appetite, normalize metabolism.
  • Grass remake perfectly regulates the functioning of the liver, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in the treatment of cholelithiasis, cirrhosis and hepatitis.
  • Tansy is used as an anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent in liver diseases, as well as giardiasis, hepatitis.
  • Milk thistle seeds effectively purify the body of slagging, improve metabolism, heal the liver, are used for cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, all kinds of poisoning.
  • Immortelle removes spasms from the biliary tract, increases the secretion of bile, flushes small stones and sand.

Use the herb data for the liver in the ways described below.

Treatment of pancreatitis

Most of all recipes are aimed at fighting chronic pancreatitis:

  1. The collection includes the root of valerian (30 g.), Peppermint, medicinal properties and contra-indications are familiar to many today (30 g.), Hawthorn (20 g.), Barberry (20 g.). All components should be brewed as tea and used for ½ cup on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
  2. A tablespoon of ordinary crumpet is brewed with a glass of boiling water, for an hour insists, is used for ¼ cup before meals for 21 days. After 10 days, the course should be repeated. The broth for 3 months completely improves the work of the pancreas and liver.
  3. 2 spoons of Japanese Sophora are poured into a glass of water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, then it is cooled, then filtered. It is used on a tablespoon before eating for 5 days. Reception is resumed after a week-long break.
  4. The peppermint, the root of the ara, the valerian, the immortelle (the herb, which you read here read) and the chamomile are mixed in equal parts, then a table spoon of this collection is poured into the thermos, filled with a glass of water, insisted. The finished product is used for a glass after breakfast and dinner in an hour.
  5. A tablespoon of chicory root boils in a glass of water for 5 minutes, is drunk in small sips all day for 21 days. You can repeat after a week break.
  6. A spoonful of sea buckthorn leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water, 40 minutes. Insists. Tea is used after each meal for half a cup. He drives out bile from the liver, cleans the pancreas.
  7. Tea from the roots of burdock, sage leaves, dog rose and licorice is consumed daily for 30 ml each meal.

Treatment of stones

Icelandic moss in a fresh form helps with this disease. It takes two tablespoons. This raw material is infused with a glass of high-quality apple cider vinegar for two days. A teaspoon of this tincture is divorced from ¼ cup warm water, used at night for two weeks in a row.

Treatment of cysts

The cyst should be treated only surgically, while its growth can be slowed down if one takes 2 collections alternately. Now you will learn how to drink grass is clean for this. You need to take in equal proportions celandine, calendula and yarrow, make a mixture of a glass of water. It is necessary to drink tea a month for ¼ cup for 30 minutes before eating. After a break of 1 week, the second collection is drunk. For him, marigold, tansy and psyllium arrows are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1: 2. The collection is prepared and adopted in the same way as the first. The time of such a herbal treatment is 4 months.

Treatment of cholelithiasis

Gallstone disease is treated with a wonderful folk remedy - grass sporisha. The instruction for its use is simple - take the bark of buckthorn (2 shares), the proportion of chamomile, sporish (3 shares), St. John's wort and herbs of immortelle for 4 shares. All herbs must be crushed and mixed. 50 gr. Ready-made dry mix should be poured 4 cups of boiled or filtered cold water, leave overnight. Boil in the morning, cook for about 5 minutes, cool, drain on a sieve. One glass should be drunk on an empty stomach, while the rest of the amount divided into 4 identical portions, eat an hour after eating. Drink until the result, a maximum of 7 days.

Herbal tea, tincture or infusion of medicinal plants can help restore the liver, pancreas and other organs of the digestive tract, pushing aside all kinds of pills. But in the practice of phytotherapy, it is necessary to inform the attending physician, in addition, to agree with him the use of medicinal fees.

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