Food and drinkRecipes

Harvesting grapes for the winter: pastille and homemade raisins

Homemade blanks from grapes are not only trivial juice, jam or jelly. Using modern electric driers or simply the energy of the sun, it is possible to cook pastilles and home raisins. You will like these new and unusual pieces from grapes. Recipes will help you decide and decide on an experiment. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

Harvesting grapes for the winter with the help of dryers

If you use an assembly based on the principle of weathering, and not the effects of high temperatures, you can dry the berries, retaining most of the vitamins and antioxidants in them. Do not tear off the fruits from the brushes in the preparation process, but cut off, leaving the tail. In this case, harvesting grapes for the winter as a whole will not lose valuable juice.

If you want to prepare a pastille, then the method of cutting will not affect the final result. For her, you need to take varieties without seeds and with a thin skin, grind in a blender with a peel. Sweeten if necessary with honey. It should take about one full tablespoon per four hundred grams of berries. In addition, honey also has a stabilizing effect on the grape mass. Therefore it is better to take it crystallized - rapeseed or sunflower. Shredded grapes with honey pour into trays and dry to medium softness. The mass should not flow, but should not harden. Pastila for storage roll in tubes and cut into pieces - you will get small spirals. An authentic recipe suggests dipping them in a special powder from the inflorescences, antennae and leaves of the grapes. Then shepherd is better kept. Powder is prepared in the spring. When pruning branches, young leaves (as well as tendrils and inflorescences) are preserved, separating from shoots. They are dried and grinded. You can grind it in a blender. Such a powder has a completely indescribable subtle aroma, it must be stored in a can under the lid and can be added as a seasoning to different dishes.

Harvesting grapes for the winter in the form of raisins

Home-made candied fruits and raisins of own preparation, despite the fact that these products we are used to buying in the markets, have their advantages. Dried homemade grapes can be made completely clean, which means, to avoid subsequently washing it and soaking it in boiling water. Also it is much more elastic and tasty than purchased. With the help of a dryer you can make raisins from grapes without pits. You can buy for this purpose crumbled berries from the branches - they are cheaper. They need to be cleaned and rinsed well. Then scalded with boiling water, discarded in a colander, wait until they cool down, and load into pallets. It is better to spread in one layer. When the raisins begin to dry up, it needs to be turned over several times. Then you can already add a thicker layer. Boiling water accelerates drying. Without scalding, the grapes will be dried longer.

Pastila without dryer

Harvesting grapes for winter is also possible if you have only a screw juicer. In this case, you can use even varieties with bones and technical ones. Juice is obtained with the pulp, and pasty even more delicious than in the dryer.

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