
Future moms: development of the embryo by weeks

The appearance of a child in the light is a very complex and responsible process. Every future mother wants to know how the embryo develops by weeks. After all, this action is reliably hidden from the eyes of the people, but thoroughly studied by scientists.

So, the development of the embryo by weeks

The first few hours after conception. The spermatozoon penetrates into the egg and the process of fertilization takes place. Up to eight weeks, the resulting fruit is called an "embryo."

1-2 weeks . There is an active division of cells. The embryo moves along the fallopian tube, enters the uterus and is fixed to its mucosa by the end of the second week. The sex of the unborn child is already determined at this stage, and it depends on the set of chromosomes that contained the sperm that fertilized the egg.

3-4 weeks . Despite the fact that the fruit is very tiny, his heart begins to throb. Gradually the nervous system, bone and muscle, is born. As a rule, during this period a woman starts to guess about her pregnancy, since menstruation is absent.

5th week . The length of the embryo is about 6-9 millimeters. He already develops the brain and spinal cord, the central nervous system is formed. The heart recovers, hands, feet, a head with holes for the eyes, mouth and nose appear.

6th week . The placenta is formed. During this period she serves the kid with liver, lungs, kidneys, stomach.

The 7th week . The length of the embryo is already 12 millimeters, and the weight is 1 gram. The fetus has its own vestibular apparatus and begins to move, but because of the tiny dimensions the movement of the woman is not felt at all.

The 8th week . Development of the child for weeks of pregnancy proceeds dynamically and systematically. The embryo has already formed a body. You can distinguish between the face, nose, ears. The nervous system continues to improve and the skeleton grow. The first rudiments of the genital organs appear.

The 9th week . The entire body of the baby already has sensitivity. He can touch himself, the umbilical cord.

10-13 weeks . This stage is one of the most important in the process of intrauterine development, as the nervous system and most organs are actively developing. The fetus begins to make the first swallowing movements. As a result of active development of the skeleton, its dimensions are rapidly increasing, which entails the growth of the pregnant belly. During this period, the baby hears, the vocal cords are formed.

14-16 weeks . The kidneys and bladder begin to function, the fetus makes the first breaths and exhales, opens the eyes. Significantly increased motor activity.

17-20 weeks . Photo embryos for weeks during this period show that all parts of the body are already clearly visible. The baby opens his mouth and blinks. Due to the fact that its dimensions already exceed 14 centimeters, the expectant mother begins to feel light shocks.

21-25 weeks . Rapidly increases the weight of the fetus, the first fat deposits appear. The baby's lungs are sufficiently developed, and in case of his premature appearance after the 23rd week there is a great chance of survival with intensive therapy. The heartbeat of the child begins to be listened to, if you put your ear to the belly of a pregnant woman.

26-30 weeks . Development of the embryo for weeks during this period is very active. So, a sucking reflex is formed, the first hairs on the head and eyelashes can appear, nails grow.

31-35 weeks. The skin of the baby becomes thicker. During wakefulness, he opens his eyes, closes in a dream. The brain develops actively, the number of convolutions increases. The lungs are fully formed, the grasping reflex develops.

36-40 weeks . Waiting period and birth preparation. Starting from this moment, you can expect the first bouts - harbingers. The abdomen is lowered, the cervix is shortened. The body is preparing for childbirth. At this stage, the development of the embryo completes for weeks. The baby calms down, pushes less, because because of the considerable size it becomes cramped. From the age of 38 weeks the child is considered full.

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