
Frequent problem of babies - sweating: treatment requires patience

Sweating in toddlers is not uncommon, especially in the summer and during the heating season. It appears as a small rash or speck of red. The size of the rashes - with a pinhead, they are bubbles with transparent contents. The cause of their appearance is covered in irritation of the skin afterwards. Eruptions are usually localized in the skin folds, including at the nape, in the groin and underarms - that is, in places with increased sweating, which ventilation is difficult at the same time. Sweating, which requires patience, can sometimes also cover the upper back.

To the appearance of a hot rash lead to hot, stuffy weather, tight clothes made of artificial fabrics, non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene. Constant wearing of disposable diapers by a child, especially in summer, can cause rashes on the buttocks of a baby. Many mothers themselves provoke the appearance of sweating, mercilessly kutaya their children. In adults, it can occur with excessive obesity. Sometimes during a disease accompanied by increased sweating, a sweating also appears. Treatment in this case depends on how soon a person cope with the underlying disease - while it usually passes by itself. Sometimes its appearance can also be caused by the application of a warming compress, especially in the heat.

Sweating, usually treated with special creams and powders, causes a certain discomfort, as its appearance is accompanied by severe itching. Cope with it will help with lotions with a solution of drinking soda (a teaspoon to a glass of water). The child can comb the swab, and the combs are often infected - so it grows into a pustular disease. First, 1-2 bubbles with purulent contents are formed on the skin: they need to be lubricated with greenery several times a day. If they become more, the baby should immediately show the doctor: pustular diseases in infancy are extremely dangerous, as they spread quickly and can cause serious complications.

The answer to the question of how to treat a chicken is simple enough. It is necessary, first, to take a shower regularly to avoid irritation of the skin afterwards. Baths with herbal decoctions are useful. The best way is to cope with the succession of the carpet and the oak bark. A pale pink solution of potassium permanganate also helps . After the bath, the skin is gently dried with a towel without rubbing it. The next stage is cauterization of pustules or individual, the largest spots of green. Finally, in conclusion, the skin is powdered with the usual baby powder: the talc contained in it perfectly dries the bubbles. Before the powder can be used "Sudokrem" - he also copes well with a rash. These manipulations must be made at least twice a day, and the baby should be powdered after each swaddling. Previously, it can be wiped with hypoallergenic wipes. Both adults and children should change their underwear as often as possible.

Adults can also wipe spills with salicylic alcohol (1%), but for babies this method of treatment does not work: on tender baby skin this product can leave a burn. Since getting rid of perspiring from time to time is not easy, one should not neglect her treatment, relying on the fact that the rashes will pass by themselves. In neglected cases, it can merge into wet foci. Coping with them is much more difficult than with a rash: a complicated sweating, the treatment of which requires consultation of a pediatrician or dermatologist, gives a lot of inconvenience, as it is easily damaged by clothing.

Prevention of sweating is, first of all, wearing clothes from natural fabrics and strict observance of personal hygiene. A baby should not be tightly swaddled, especially in hot weather. Very useful air baths: they not only help to get rid of unpleasant rashes, but also will warn the appearance of new ones. In general, the treatment of sweating is to dry the skin at the site of rashes with the help of various means - with an uncomplicated rash it is quite enough.

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