
Find out the reasons why horned carrots grow

Planting seeds, people expect to get a quality and rich harvest. This is the meaning of any cultivation of a particular culture. But often nature gives out ridiculous embarrassments. Is it bad or fun? You decide. But knowing the reason and possible ways of eliminating such embarrassments will be helpful. Carrots are one of the most common cultures. It is useful and rather unpretentious. But often instead of a beautiful root crop grows horned carrots. What is the reason? Why grow horned carrots?


Can you blame the seeds or those who sell them in your poor harvest? It is on the merchants always lament gardeners. However, in most cases they are not to blame. The reason why horned carrots grows can be land, fertilizer, care, watering and so on. And only 15% of the seeds can be really worthless (no more). And this is subject to their purchase in the market. Seeds in bags (branded) can contain a maximum of 5% of the spoiled goods. And this is still the maximum figure. If the seeds are bad, they will not be bought. Producers know this, and therefore do not take risks. Good firms are always responsible for the quality of their goods. But if the seeds are in order, then why grow horned carrots?

Can I dig deeper?

If the seeds are planted in stony, clayey or acidic soil, then the root crop can grow clumsy. The reason why the carrot grows horny in such conditions is that it has to punch its way. Therefore, it is bent. If you choose the land for planting, then light loams, sandy loam or cultivated peat bogs are good. The ideal soil for carrots is when it is diluted with sand. In the autumn and in the spring, make sure to dig a site to prevent soil compaction. And this should not be a superficial loosening. It requires deep digging. Then the carrots will grow beautifully. The loose ground before planting should be diluted with sand, so that it becomes soft, pleasant, not heavy.

Fertilizer for carrots

The more they do not fertilize the root crop under consideration, so that it grows even. Often people do not even study the reasons why horned carrots grow. Sometimes gardeners add to the soil ash, lime or, worse, potassium chloride, which is generally contraindicated to it. Fertilizer is very important for growing carrots. But there are a lot of caveats here. Carrots do not tolerate land that was recently fertilized with manure. It deforms when this or any other fertilizer is poured with lumps. At the same time, its taste also deteriorates. Therefore, carrots can only be fertilized with compost. It is advisable to do this before landing. In such a land, the root crop will be comfortable and free. He can grow even and beautiful.

Insufficient care

Carrots are quite unpretentious. But still requires attention. If you do not take care of it, then you should not ask yourself the question: "Why does a carrot grow horned?" Moreover, there are pests in nature. There is one very unpleasant midwife - a carrot fly. This insect likes to eat thin beginnings, when the root crop is just developing. As a result of her machinations, the carrot spoils and grows clumsy. What to do with this malicious fly? You can find thousands of ways to deal with it. For example, you can treat the sown area with chemicals or various fertilizers. But there is one tried and tested method that saved not one gardener - onion and tomato. Plant the onions between rows of carrots. He will scare off the fly. Tomato also helps. But not in neglected cases.

To water or not to water?

Watering for many gardeners is a problem. It is not always possible to implement it in a timely and sufficient manner. Here are the basic rules. Carrots should be watered only in June and in July. In August, the plant no longer needs this. If the soil has not been watered and dried for a certain time, it can be assumed that the carrots will be uneven. The reason is that when this culture does not have enough water, the tip of its root dies off first. Therefore, watering should be permanent, but not excessive. After all, the spine can also rot. This is another reason why horned carrots grow. If you pay enough attention to watering, then the harvest should please you.


Well, finally, one of the most common mistakes gardeners. Many of them, thinking about the reasons why carrots are horned, do not notice the real facts. At its core, this is a damaged root crop. If you sow carrots close to each other, then very carefully prune it. Because of the excessive density of culture, there is nowhere to grow. It is thinned, but at the same time damage to neighboring shoots - root or tops. To avoid such cases, you need to plant carrots at a sufficient distance (5 cm). Then it will not need to be thinned out. If all the same it is so necessary, then do it carefully, without damaging the neighboring roots.

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