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Fat content of breast milk

Breast milk, according to experts, is the most amazing creation of nature, as well as not only the most valuable liquid for the baby, but also the foundation for its health, growth and full development. The composition of milk for each woman is different, its uniqueness and individuality sometimes gives rise to a variety of issues. For example, such a question as "is enough fat in my breast milk"? In order to get a reliable answer, you need to know what components it is forming from.


The surprising fact is that the final composition of milk in nursing mothers so scientists and not deciphered. At the moment, about 400 different components have been identified. The difficulty of deciphering is that in each breast-feeding mother, breast milk consists of different parts, it depends both on the woman's body and on the needs of her child.

Milk is front and back. In this case, the front is a transparent, faded liquid that the baby uses for food at the very beginning of the feeding. Such milk should provide the baby with liquid, carbohydrates and vitamins. But after some time the milk changes, becomes more dense and fat. Such milk is usually called the back.

Research scientists have shown that the fat content of breast milk is formed from fat molecules that produce the mammary glands. They are attached to each other or to the walls of the alveoli. After the milk is accumulated in the chest, it slowly begins to drain to the nipple, while the fat in their composition sticks in the ducts. During feeding or pumping, along with the milk, fat molecules also begin to move along the ducts.

Proceeding from all the above, we conclude that the longer the feeding lasts, the higher the fat content of breast milk. And all because fat molecules are becoming more and more. The same happens when we open the tap with hot water: first it flows cold, and then everything is hotter. The same changes occur with milk. The fat content of milk is also determined by its quantity. The less it is left, the fatter it will be. If you have a long period of time with honey, this also affects fat content. If you become less likely to feed your baby, the milk will not be so fat. And vice versa. Breastfilling also affects the fat content of mother's milk. It happens that at the end of one of the breastfeedings it is not as fat as at the beginning of the other. It should also be remembered that different babies saturate their stomach at different rates, so breast changes are important for the fat content of milk. Do not change your breast until the baby is completely full.

Determine the fat content of breast milk

Externally, the fat content of milk is not possible, because each mother has breast milk individually and the results will not be the same as that of a neighbor or girlfriend. The most fat milk to express a breast pump or hands is very difficult. Remember that this can only be done to the full only by your child, but it will not make it any easier for you, since you can not say how much you have fatty milk.

What to do in this case? Just watch your baby. If he has a blooming and healthy appearance, if he steadily gaining weight, if he has a good chair - it means that he gets everything necessary for feeding.

How to increase fat content in breast milk?

Many new mothers are wondering how to make breast milk fatter? The need to sit down on a special diet immediately disappears, since the fat content of breast milk is completely independent of what the lactating woman ate. It depends on the most from the time of feeding, seasonal and diurnal periods. So some experts think.

Other experts believe that the products still have an effect on the fat content of milk. According to them, a nursing mother needs to eat sour-milk products every day, various cereals, whole-wheat bread, eggs, beef, tongue, liver, fish, butter and vegetable oil, fruits, vegetables, berries, vegetables and prunes, as well as sweet compotes , Honey and jam.

To learn more about how to increase the fat content of breast milk, you can contact your doctor. But do not forget also that the fat content of milk is constantly different. It varies during the entire period of feeding, as well as during daily feeding and during the same application to the breast. At mum the organism is adjusted so, that the kid never will remain hungry.

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