
Error accessing the Zona server: how to fix the problem

The Zona application is known to almost all Windows users. This software helps to download files from the Internet using the BitTorrent protocol. However, as it happens with all programs, sometimes there are some errors in the work. They lead to the fact that downloading files becomes impossible. A common problem in use is the error in accessing the Zona server. What to do to eliminate it, we'll talk in this article. Let's talk about how to fix it, and do not forget to discuss the causes of the problem.

Causes of the problem

Those who encountered a problem in using the program know how the error of access to the Zona server occurs. And those who do not know, now tell. When the user adds a new file with the Torrent extension to the program, there is a possibility that in the upper right corner there will be an inscription on the pink background: "Error accessing the Zona server. Please check the settings of the antivirus and / or firewall." Do not rush to grieve, the problem is solved, we'll talk about this later, and now we will touch on the reason for its appearance.

Most often, this error appears because of what is written in the message itself - problems with the antivirus. The matter is that the antivirus can for some reason consider the Zona program dangerous for the computer and prohibit it from performing operations related to uploading files, and in particular with the Internet. Along with the antivirus, a firewall and firewall can do this. But, fortunately, this problem is solved.

In addition to problems related to third-party programs, there is one more - this is a problem with the Internet. An error in accessing the Zona server may also occur due to the instability of the Internet connection. The same problem is associated with a huge range of reasons. It can be to blame both the provider and the user. Often there is such that on the computer a virus is started, which constantly interrupts the Internet connection. On the solution of this problem, we will also talk just below, well, now - about the third reason.

This reason is very specific, because there are no solutions at all - these are the technical works of the Zona servers. Yes, it is very amusing that the error asks you to check the work of your antivirus, but in fact it has nothing to do with it. But as mentioned above, there is no solution, there is more to eat, but only one thing is to wait. After all, technical work will end sooner or later, and then you can return to downloading the file from the Internet.

How to fix the error

We continue to talk about such an issue as the error of access to the Zona server. How to fix it, we will discuss right now.

First of all, I want to add to the last statement about the technical works of Zona. Yes, you just have to wait, but wait for a relatively short time, and such problems happen very rarely, so do not rush to think that if the file does not download, the developers of the program are to blame for this.

What to do if the problem is with the Internet

It was also mentioned above that the reason for the error could be the poor Internet or its absence. Fortunately, you can take the decision of this problem in your own hands, but, on the other hand, it's not so easy, because the cause of a bad Internet can be an incredibly huge number of factors. It is because of this in this article such a topic will not be dismantled. I want to say only one thing: first check whether there is Internet. This can be done by logging into any browser. If there is, but still writes "Error access to the Zona server", then call your provider and ask him if there are problems with the connection. If everything is okay there, then the problem is deeper. Contact a specialist or try to find a solution for yourself.

But best of all try to manipulate the firewall. How to do it, we'll talk right now.

Configuring the firewall

There is a possibility that the error in accessing the Zona server is due to the fact that you did not allow access to the Internet through the firewall at the start of the program. In this case, the program will start, and its interface will be in perfect order, but as for the main purpose of downloading files from the Internet, it will not be executed. To solve this, you need to restart the program, upon restarting, the firewall window will appear again, and this time, click the "Allow access" button.

If the window does not appear, we will go into the firewall settings independently. To do this, go to the Start menu, and then click on the "Control Panel". The first in the list should be the category "System and Security" - click on the inscription. Now below the inscription "Windows Firewall", click on "Allow the program to run through the Windows Firewall".

Now before us - the necessary settings. You need to find two lines in the list - Zona and Zona.exe. Opposite to the first one, there should be a tick in the column "Public", and the second one - "Home or work (private)". If this is not the case, click the "Change settings" button and change the settings. Then save the settings and test the program. The error should disappear.

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