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Do you know which countries are divorced most often?

Disappointment, anger and anxiety are the main driving forces that cause chaos in the world and lead to conflicts between people, including in a romantic relationship. This is the reason why people who are married are forced to break off their relationship, taking as a result a decision to divorce. Such an emotional breakdown in their lives people owe to a high level of tolerance in the face of different characters and many nationalities. In countries where the divorce rate is high, people are more liberal in both religion and culture. The US has always been considered the country with the highest level of divorce, but the facts have shown that Belgium has long overtaken America in this position. In fact, every year the statistics continue to change, revealing new aspects and forecasts. Some countries, mostly belonging to Third World countries, such as Southeast Asia, Jamaica or Mexico, have low divorce rates.

10th place: United States of America

According to the US Census Bureau, this country ranks tenth in the number of divorces. They say that in the United States every six seconds a married couple is divorced. Thus, the divorce rate in America is fifty-three percent. It turns out that Americans are engaged more often than in marriage. Some of the states have higher divorce rates than others, for example, Nevada, Oklahoma and Arkansas. But in New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey, such indicators are much lower.

9th place: France

France is a country of love. And the Eiffel Tower in Paris is a symbol of romance. But this is just an illusion, as France stands ninth in terms of divorce rates. This country is open to different communities, and also tolerant and liberal, allows for pluralism of opinions. This is the reason why most marriages in France end in divorce. According to statistics, the level of divorce in the country is about fifty-five percent. To overcome this sad tendency, the government is taking many initiatives.

8th place: Cuba

Cuba is the part of Latin America, where the divorce rate is the highest compared to other countries in the region. Since 1998, Cuba has been heavily criticized on this issue. The high level of poverty and the terrible housing conditions in Cuba are two important causes of divorce. All this creates serious problems for the population, as people suffer because of poor economic conditions. The divorce rate in Cuba is fifty-six percent. At present, special laws have been established in this country that will help to reduce the level of divorce.

7th place: Estonia

In Estonia, six out of 10 marriages end in divorce, which raises the level of divorce in that country to fifty-eight percent. This state is part of the former Soviet Union. Now, Estonia is a country with a multinational culture, tolerant of newcomers and liberal in a romantic relationship. This is an increase in the level of divorce. Also, Estonia does not impose any taxes on the severance of relations in couples.

6th place: Luxembourg

Luxembourg is located between the three world economic powers: Belgium, France and Germany. It is one of the smallest nations in Europe with half a million inhabitants. Luxembourg is visited by a huge number of foreigners traveling to different countries. The divorce rate in the country is about sixty percent. But in order to divorce in this country, several conditions are mandatory: both partners must be over twenty-one years old and are married for at least two years. However, according to statistics, people in Luxembourg are mostly divorced from the age of forty to forty-nine.

5th place: Spain

It's amazing that Spain also falls into this category. However, the country has gone far from its cultural and religious heritage, so a divorce is considered acceptable. New laws were adopted to interrupt an endless series of divorces. For example, you can get divorced only with the consent of both partners. Also, the couple should be married for at least three months. The financial crisis in the country has become one more cause of conflicts and divorce among the population.

4th place: Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is located in the center of Europe. However, it has one of the highest rates of divorce, not only in Europe but also in the world. Of the total population, about thirteen percent of women and eleven percent of men are divorced. The republic's divorce rate is sixty-six percent. About ninety percent of women receive full custody of children after the divorce.

3rd place: Hungary

Hungary is another European state that is "famous" for high rates of divorce. Over the past few years, the divorce rate in the country has increased significantly. The court obliges both spouses to confirm the mutual consent at the dissolution of the marriage. The ratio of divorced men to women is as follows: ten percent of men to twelve and a half percent of women.

2 nd place: Portugal

Portugal is on the edge of Europe and hit this bleak top ten thanks to the ever-growing number of divorces. According to the indicators it seems that she is copying the neighboring Spain. The nation has gone far from its Catholic traditions that prohibit divorce, and now follows a new modern path. The latest data showed that in Portugal the divorce rate is sixty-eight percent. Nevertheless, the number of marriages in the country is still high.

1st place: Belgium

Belgium is another European country developing under the auspices of European modernity. Despite its rich history and famous architecture, this country could not preserve the marriage institute as carefully. As a result, most marriages end in divorce. Annually almost thirty-two thousand Belgians sign documents on divorce. Thus, the divorce rate in the country soared to seventy one percent, which is the highest rate not only in Europe, but all over the world.

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