Food and drinkRecipes

Dishes from carp - no tail, no scales!

River fish in Russian cuisine has always been the most commonly used product. Before the revolution during fasting, the fish was allowed on certain days by the church and was almost the only food for two hundred and fifty fasting days a year. Caught - cooked or baked in the oven, which is almost free and very tasty. Now they do not like river fish: then, you see, it is bony, sometimes dry, then shallow. Oh, how wrong you are, people! Here are some excellent recipes for you - do not regret it!

Dishes from the river fish

First, when you buy, determine the freshness. The second freshness, as is known, the fish does not happen, it is impossible to fix it. If the mucus on the surface is transparent, and the fish shines - fresh. If the muddy or dry skin, scales pale - do not take. Meat should be strong, elastic. Gills are not dark, but pink or red. The abdomen should not be swollen - be afraid of parasites! To cook such a small fish is simple and fast, the dishes from the carrots are tasty extraordinarily, eaten instantly, as the seeds begin to click. First of all, it is necessary to clean off the scales, take out all the insides and gills, and rinse thoroughly. Roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. You can already eat. But it is possible and sophisticated, like distant ancestors with a Russian stove. Add fish with onions, tomatoes, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, grease with sour cream and bake in the oven for twenty minutes. Bones simply dissolve! And if each fish is cut all over from each side, as in the pictures, the bones will not be felt either. You can put fried fish in a mold, pour sour cream and bake. Do not be afraid to cook dishes from the carp, small fish - a major success. And if the fish is large, such as catfish or pike, cooking becomes even more interesting, and the result is no less amazing. But this is already in another article.

How to cook fish in foil

We will need now

Karasi - any number, onion, salt and black pepper, dried herbs, tomatoes.

How will we do this?

Fish clean, gut and rinse. If there is caviar - do not throw away, the dishes from the carrots provide for joint preparation. Grate the fish inside and outside with a mixture of salt, pepper and dried herbs, return the caviar inside if it was. On the baking sheet, unfold the sheet of foil, lay the chopped onion, on it - the fish. Inside, if the fish is larger and there is no caviar, also put a little onions and a circle of tomato. Cover the carp with onions and sliced tomatoes. Sprinkle it all generously with vegetable oil. Fold up the foil, seal. Bake for half an hour in an oven with one hundred and eighty degrees. Expand, sprinkle with lemon juice and brown for another fifteen minutes at the same temperature. Bon Appetit!

Fried crucian carp

We need right now

Karasi - how much you caught in the store, and those that are larger than your hands, - release back, because they outgrew. Still need flour, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

How will we do this?

Clean scales, gut it completely, heads and fins, and also tails do not tear! Gills can also be removed. Then arm yourself with a scalpel. A sharp knife must be sharp. Neutralize the small bones so that they do not stick into the throat. Perpendicularly every half a centimeter you need to cut the fish from the ridge to the beginning of the abdomen. At both sides. Then the small bones will all be burned out - even you will not notice them. Large bones that go from the spine, you do not need to touch, they are easy to clean when eating with a fork. Prisalivaem prepared Karas, podperchivayem. Pour the flour on a board or in a flat plate, mix it with pepper. We drop each fish on both sides and fry in a large frying pan in vegetable oil, which must first be warmed up and do not regret it, because the bones are burned, let it take the oil level to the middle of the fish. Fry over medium heat until the fish gets a bright brown color, then turn over and achieve the same result. Dishes from carp are a national delicacy! So one of them is ready!

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