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Discreteness in biology is what? Examples of discreteness

All systems in biology consist of separate parts that are in constant interaction with each other. Together they constitute an integral structural and functional unity. одно из свойств живого организма, которое проявляется на всех уровнях живой материи, где отдельные элементы функционируют как единое целое. Discreteness in biology is one of the properties of a living organism that manifests itself at all levels of living matter, where individual elements function as a single whole.

The concept of discreteness

In translation from Latin (discretus ) with the word "discretion" means "divided". All systems in biology include more or less isolated components, which nevertheless are in close interrelation and constant interaction among themselves. Discreteness in biology is the basis for the orderliness of all structures. All representatives of wildlife are more or less separated from one another, beginning with a single cell and ending with whole biosystems.

An important property of living organisms

What is discreteness in biology? юбой организм состоит из отдельных клеток, имеющих свои особенности, а в клетках также дискретно организованы различные внутриклеточные образования. An organism consists of separate cells that have their own characteristics, and various intracellular formations are also discretely organized in the cells. рерывистость строения биосистемы. Discreteness in biology is the intermittency of the structure of the biosystem. This important property allows regular self-renewal in various ways, including by replacing the lost elements of the structure without stopping the whole system.

Discreteness and Integrity in Biology

Such properties of living organisms as discreteness and integrity are opposite and at the same time complementary concepts, two sides of the same coin. Discreteness in biology is what? Integrity refers to the structural and functional unity of biosystems, the isolated components of which represent a single whole. The world of living nature is integral and discrete at the same time. And with these properties are associated different levels of organization of organic.

упорядоченности. Discreteness in biology is a property of living organisms, which is expressed in order. Every living organism can be called discrete, since it consists of units that have their own levels of organization: organs from tissues, tissues from cells and so on. If you look from the other side, then the organism itself is an integral part of various biological microsystems (species, population, biocenosis and so on). Biosystems are considered in accordance with their organization. They are graded in complexity levels and are usually included in each other. The following levels of relative organization of the organic world stand out :

  • Molecular-genetic;
  • Organism;
  • Population-specific;
  • Biogeocenotic.

The law of discreteness and continuity of biological information

According to the Morgan-Efrussy law, the division into genes, chromosomes, molecules, proteins, as well as individual reflexes of nervous activity, express the discontinuity of biological information. And its integrity is not reduced to the simple addition of all components, since the information definition, development and functioning of a living organism are complex and multistage processes that are carried out at the genomic, genomic and nadgenomic levels. What is discreteness as a common property of living things in biology? стало возможным благодаря выдвижению хромосомной теории наследственности и выяснению природы ДНК. At the genetic and molecular levels, the study of this issue became possible due to the advancement of the chromosome theory of heredity and clarification of the nature of DNA.

An additional opportunity for evolution

является базой для структурной упорядоченности. Discreteness is the basis for structural ordering. In addition, there is the possibility of replacing individual parts without interrupting the functionality of the whole organism. Thus, the process of evolution in the global sense becomes possible by extinction of unadapted individuals and the continuation of the preservation of organisms with the necessary characteristics in certain conditions. Describing examples of discreteness in biology, it is worth mentioning that this property is manifested at all levels of living matter. ри ожоге пострадавшие клетки отторгаются, функционирование остального эпителия при этом не останавливается. In the burn, the affected cells are rejected, while the rest of the epithelium does not stop functioning.

The general property of matter

применимо также и в физике, химии, математике и ряде других наук. Answering the question about what is discreteness in biology, it is important to understand that this concept is also applicable in physics, chemistry, mathematics and a number of other sciences. If we are talking about elements of living nature, this property means the division of all biological systems into separate isolated and simultaneously interrelated elements that form a definite unity at the structural and functional levels. биогеоценозов, связанных при помощи круговорота веществ и энергии, формирует на поверхности Земли целостную систему, называемую биосферой. With the totality of biogeocoenoses, connected by means of a cycle of substances and energy, forms an integral system on the Earth's surface, called the biosphere.

In such a science as chemistry, discreteness is represented in the form of dividing matter into the smallest components - molecules and atoms. Physics considers this concept at a more advanced level - the level of elementary particles. On discontinuity, quantum mechanics (electrons in atoms) is also based. The huge universe includes an infinite number of galaxies, stars, planets and so on, and this is already an area of astrophysics, where there is also a discreteness. математике - счетные множества, где концепция прерывности занимает не поледнее место в теории вероятностей, теории чисел и так далее. In biology, this division into cells, organs, species, populations, and so on, in mathematics - countable sets, where the concept of discontinuity takes no place in probability theory, number theory and so on.

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