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Detritus is what? The meaning of the term in medicine and not only

The word "detritus" can be found in a variety of situations, beginning with the doctor's office and ending with the study of the textbook on the ecology of aquatic ecological systems. Let's figure out what might be hidden behind this term. After all, "detritus" is a word with many meanings.

Let's start with the fact that there are common in all phenomena, which are denoted by this term. Detritus is the product of the decay of any tissue (usually organic).

The most common term is found in medicine, so we will pay more attention to this issue. But first things first.

What is detritus from the point of view of the process of vital activity in aquatic ecological systems?

Despite the importance of this component in aquatic ecosystems, it is not well understood, so it will not be possible to give an exact and exhaustive definition.

In general, the word "detritus" is understood to mean the particles of dead organics present in the water, with the microorganisms that live on these particles (mushrooms, protozoa, etc.). It turns out that detritus is a kind of miniature ecosystem consisting of living and non-living organisms. Naturally, it functions in its own, rather complicated laws. And for the existence of any pond (no matter small pond or ocean) detritus is very important.

This can complete the decoding of this term from a non-medical side, since such a process will be of interest to narrow specialists, and move on to what many people in everyday life may encounter.

Detritus in medicine: what you should know

This aspect for ordinary people is more important, therefore, consider it from several sides. Studying medical reference books, you can find out that detritus is a product of the disintegration of body tissues. Also this term means scraping, which is collected from the skin of animals artificially infected with smallpox. It is necessary for the production of vaccines that protect against this disease.

Quite often in urology one can hear such a diagnosis as necrotic detritus - this is, in fact, the designation of the strongest inflammation of the urogenital system, which occurs with the detachment of the epithelium. Hearing this diagnosis, it is not necessary to panic: competent treatment, including surgical, will help localize the process, cutting the dead tissue, but keeping the patient's life and health.

Many people are interested in the answer to the question about what is detritus in the smear. It's perfectly natural! After all, most often such smears are surrendered by a gynecologist. Finding the word "detritus" in the conclusion, do not get upset. In fact, you will only learn that in your body there are remnants of the epithelium of the cervix and the already dead flora, characteristic of the female reproductive system. There is nothing terrible here. And the doctor, of course, will confirm this.

Another point when it comes to detritus is the interpretation of the results of the coprogram. In this case, detritus is not pathology at all. Rather, confirmation of the normal functioning of the digestive system. If there is no mention of mucus and leukocytes in the results of the analysis, then everything is in order. In the case where these elements exist, it can be assumed that inflammation takes place in the body. And without the help of a qualified doctor can not do.


Now you know how to decipher this word, depending on the context of its use. Hence, you are insured against many unpleasant moments!

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