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Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in women. Causes and methods of treatment of CMV infection

Unfortunately, cytomegalovirus infection today is considered one of the most common in the world. No such person is insured against such a disease, regardless of gender and age. It is worth noting that in some cases, the activity of this virus can lead to extremely unpleasant and even life-threatening consequences. That is why today many readers are interested in questions about what a cytomegalovirus infection is. Symptoms in women, possible complications and effective methods of treatment - all these moments are valuable information for every reader.

Cytomegalovirus: what is it?

What is dangerous cytomegalovirus infection? Symptoms in women, treatment, feedback from patients who have been treated - all these and other issues we will discuss in the framework of our article. But to begin with, it is worthwhile to learn more about the nature of the pathogen.

Cytomegalovirus is a representative of the genus of herpesviruses and when it enters the human body leads to the development of cytomegaly. It is a DNA-genomic viral particle with a diameter of 150-200 nm, which is covered with a closed capsid consisting of 162 capsomers.

This causative agent can stay in the body for years, without leading to any violations. Nevertheless, it should not be ignored. Cytomegalovirus infection in women (photo demonstrates how the virus looks like under a microscope) can lead to a mass of complications. By the way, the infection remains virulence at room temperature. According to statistical studies, approximately 70% of the world's population are carriers of cytomegalovirus.

Main ways of transmission of infection

To date, there are several basic methods of transmission of this infection. This diversity is due to the fact that viral particles can be released into the external environment along with blood, saliva, breast milk, semen, vaginal secretions, tear fluid, etc.

Quite often, the transmission of cytomegalovirus occurs during unprotected intercourse, not only vaginal, but also anal and oral. Much less often, infection occurs by the household way (as a rule, if the sick person is in the active phase of the disease). In addition, it is possible to catch the infection through the blood, for example, with transfusion, organ transplantation , etc. Infection of the child can occur both during intrauterine development and during passage through the birth canal.

In any case, it should be understood that the occurrence of cytomegalovirus infection in women, or rather, its activation and the intensive formation of new virus particles, in most cases is due to the impact of several other factors of the internal and external environment.

What can provoke the disease?

As mentioned above, the virus can exist for years in the tissues and cells of the human body without causing any disturbances or complications. So, under what influence of factors does cytomegalovirus infection in women activate? The reasons (the photos used in the article, confirm this information), as a rule, are somehow connected with the weakening of the body's immune defenses.

For example, inflammatory and protracted infectious diseases (in particular, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia), which undermine the body's defense system, can be attributed to risk factors. In addition, the state of immunity affects hormonal failures, severe hypothermia, physical and mental exhaustion, persistent stress and nervous overexertion.

Activation of cytomegalovirus can occur against the background of taking cytostatics, immunosuppressants and some other drugs. The same is often observed with cancer, as well as after organ transplant surgery. Any decrease in immune activity is fraught with a mass of complications, including increased amplification of the cytomegalovirus.

What organ systems affects the infection?

In fact, cytomegalovirus can affect any practical organ systems. The most frequent high concentration of viral particles is observed in the salivary glands. In addition, the infection can affect the tissues of the intestines, lungs and respiratory tract, as well as the nervous system.

If we are talking about women, then cytomegalovirus can penetrate into the organs of the reproductive system - often the consequence of the disease becomes erosion of the cervix.

Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in women

It is worth noting that the latent form of the disease proceeds without any signs - the problems begin only after the virus is activated. So how does a cytomegalovirus infection appear in women? How does this ailment manifest itself?

Quite often, the clinical picture resembles a common cold or flu - that's why women simply ignore the problem and refuse to see a doctor. First, there is an increase in temperature. In addition, the patient complains of constant weakness, rapid fatigue, aches in the body of joint pain - these are the main signs of general intoxication of the body.

What other disorders cause cytomegalovirus infection? Symptoms in women, men and children - it is also an increase in lymph nodes, a sore throat, which can increase with swallowing. Often patients suffer from a decrease in appetite and associated weight loss. Much rarer on the lips and skin there is a rash that resembles a rash with chicken pox. Sometimes the infection affects other systems of organs.

The generalized form of the disease and its features

Occasionally during a medical examination, a generalized cytomegalovirus infection is diagnosed. Symptoms in women can be different. For example, a virus can damage the eyes, which leads to poor eyesight. When the cells of the digestive system become damaged, abdominal pain of varying intensity appears, nausea, vomiting, and a decrease in appetite. Much less often patients complain of severe diarrhea and jaundice.

In the event that cytomegalovirus primarily affects the tissues of the respiratory system, patients experience dry cough, muscle weakness, decreased appetite, chest pain and excessive sweating.

More dangerous are cases when the virus is localized in the nervous system. Symptoms of this form of the disease include severe headaches, as well as drowsiness, impaired mobility or sensitivity of different parts of the body.

How else can cytomegalovirus infection appear in women? The photographs, laid out on specialized medical topics, demonstrate that the virus often affects the reproductive organs. This is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, soreness during urination and sexual intercourse, as well as the presence of uncharacteristic leucorrhoea bluish.

What are the complications of the virus?

Quite often during the examination, cytomegalovirus infection in women is diagnosed. How dangerous is this situation? Immediately it is worth mentioning that severe complications of cytomegalovirus, as a rule, causes in patients with a very weak immune system. For example, AIDS patients, as well as people who undergone organ transplantation, and patients of oncology departments can be referred to the risk group.

In particularly severe cases, the virus causes severe damage to various organ systems. In particular, the list of complications includes inflammation of the intestine, pleurisy and segmental pneumonia, as well as hepatitis and changes in the number of enzymes in the liver. Extremely rare and dangerous lesions of the nervous system, in particular, encephalitis.

How dangerous is cytomegalovirus in pregnancy?

Naturally, many future mothers are interested in the question of how dangerous is cytomegalovirus infection in women. Signs of such a disease during pregnancy - it's an alarming bell, signaling that the expectant mother needs immediate treatment.

First of all, it should be noted that the virus can be transmitted easily from mother to child even during fetal development or during childbirth. And, according to statistics, infection of the fetus during pregnancy is more dangerous. If cytomegalovirus is activated in the body of a woman during the first trimester, then it is fraught with a spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Infection of the fetus at later stages is also fraught with consequences, including some congenital defects, heart defects, epilepsy, nervous system disorders.

Activation of infection in the body of a child after his birth can also be dangerous. In some cases, cytomegalovirus may lead to further delay in physical or mental development, progressive deafness, speech retardation, etc.

Cytomegalovirus infection during lactation

Another important question: is cytomegalovirus infection in a woman a contraindication to breastfeeding? In fact, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, since this problem is solved individually and specialist consultation is required. After all, everything depends on the stage at which a woman's disease is and whether the baby is infected. For example, if the mother is a carrier of a cytomegalovirus, and in a child it is found in a latent form, then it is not advisable to interrupt breastfeeding.

Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in women

If there is a suspicion of infection, a laboratory blood test is performed. When analyzing the analysis, specialists pay attention to the presence of specific immunoglobulins M and G, which are produced by the immune system only when penetrating the organism of this pathogen.

Cytomegalovirus infection in a woman in the process of laboratory testing can give different results. For example, the presence of immunoglobulin G in the body, along with the absence of signs of disease, speaks of a latent phase, and that infection occurred more than three years ago. But the increase in IgG more than four times indicates an active stage of the disease. The presence in the blood of both types of immunoglobulins confirms the secondary activation of the infection.

What methods of treatment does modern medicine offer?

Now you have read information about what constitutes a cytomegalovirus infection, the symptoms in women. Treatment, of course, exists, but, as a rule, it makes it possible to suppress an outbreak of activity - it is almost impossible to completely cleanse the body of the virus.

Of course, in the first place, patients are prescribed antiviral drugs. For example, "Acyclovir", "Ganciclovir", "Famciclovir", "Valaciclovir" etc. are considered quite effective. Reviews of women who used these medicines are mostly positive. But the medicine should be selected by the doctor, since everything depends on the severity of the patient's condition, the activity of her immune system, and the area of injury. Often antiviral therapy is combined with drugs containing interferon - experts say that such treatment allows to achieve good results.

Symptomatic therapy is something that also requires cytomegalovirus infection (symptoms in women). Treatment may include taking antipyretics, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs, depending on the symptoms present in the patient. Naturally, doctors also recommend taking vitamin complexes and other immunomodulators that help strengthen immune defense.

Basic preventive precautions

Today, more and more urgent are the questions about what constitutes a cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms in women (reviews of patients and doctors indicate that there is little to enjoy in this ailment), we listed, discussed also effective methods of treatment. But is there effective prevention?

Unfortunately, there are no specific drugs that can protect the body from infection. The only thing that doctors can recommend is to carefully follow the rules of hygiene, avoid contact with the carriers of the virus (which is almost impossible, since many people do not even know they have their own problem), and also support the activity of the immune system. Experts argue that such measures help prevent the activation of cytomegalovirus. In addition, it is recommended to periodically take blood tests for the detection of certain infections, especially when it comes to pregnant women.

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