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Cardiac arrhythmia-treatment with folk remedies

Arrhythmia of the heart is expressed in violation of the sequence and frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, as well as the disorganization of rhythmic activity. It can be caused by various causes, such as heart muscle diseases, alcohol and nicotine intoxication, neuroses and other factors.

Provoke arrhythmia in a healthy person can stress, some medications, abundant food and tight clothing. Risk of development
This disease is great in patients suffering from high blood sugar, often in combination with high blood pressure and obesity. Early diagnosis gives good results in many diseases, including such as cardiac arrhythmia. Treatment with folk remedies in this case should be aimed at restoring the rhythm of the heart and eliminating the causes of the underlying disease.

Respiratory arrhythmia of the heart in children is an increase in heart rate on inspiration. Some types of arrhythmia cause discomfort and lead to a violation of blood circulation. The so-called juvenile arrhythmia of the heart in adolescents can cause dizziness and unpleasant sensations of interruptions in the heart.

Arrhythmia of the heart - treatment with folk remedies

Begin treatment of the disease is necessary in the early stages. Traditional medicine offers the use of cardiac, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. In many cases, special anti-arrhythmic drugs, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed. There are some reflex effects by which the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle decreases. They are included in pressing on the field of eyeballs, as well as massage on both sides of the side surfaces of the neck. These techniques are not recommended for older people who have
Heart arythmy. Treatment with folk remedies includes mainly taking
Herbal infusions.

In addition to drugs and reflex techniques, cardiac pacemakers are widely used to help the myocardium restore heart rhythm in diseases such as cardiac arrhythmia. Treatment of folk remedies in addition to taking herbs recommends switching from the usual air temperature to a colder one. Patients are useful cooling bandages on the chest, prepared with camphor, sandal and rose water extracts. Treatment with folk methods should be conducted in courses for several months to obtain a stable result and improve the quality of life.

Recipes of traditional medicine for arrhythmia

- in 0,5 liters of broth of rose hips, add three teaspoons of honey, carefully move. Take before meals for 70-100 ml.

- with atrial fibrillation, a mixture of freshly squeezed radish juice and honey helps a lot. Use this mixture a few teaspoons a day.

- In a thermos brew herbal mixture, prepared in the following proportions: 2h. Spoons of dried black currant leaves, wormwood and sainfoin inflorescences, 1 teaspoon of chopped rhizome of tea penny. Infuse for 10-11 hours, then infusion should be filtered and squeezed. Drink the resulting infusion in small portions. The course of treatment is four weeks with interruptions of 4 days.

- arrhythmia of the heart, treatment with folk remedies gives excellent results when taking infusion from the leaves of the horsetail of the field. To get the infusion it is necessary to brew the leaves of the horsetail with a glass of boiling water and to insist for several hours. Filtered infusion should be taken 7 times a day.

- for a quick result, folk medicine recommends using a decoction of cornflower flowers, infused for 1 hour.

- excellent results are given by the use of an herbal collection consisting of herb tea, flowers of mountain arnica and buckwheat sowing, fruits of black elderberry and rosemary herb, taken in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of herb collection should be poured 0,3 liters of boiling water and insist until completely cooled. Take small portions.

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