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Curiously, which birds come first in the spring?

Which birds come first in the spring? Perhaps, the answer to this question may interest both curious adults and curious kids. So who are these birds, who, you can say, bring spring on their tired wings?

Section 1. What birds can be called migratory?

Every educated person knows that birds are warm-blooded creatures. Their body temperature averages 41 degrees Celsius. Theoretically, they can remain active at any time of the year. However, in cold weather they need more food, so many are literally forced to leave their homes with the arrival of frosts and go to warmer areas for wintering. The first birds arriving in the spring, as it were, become guarantors of the fact that with the winter is over, and the heat is inevitable.

In general, the number of migratory birds depends on how much the conditions of subsistence in the given area differ in summer and in winter. Of the cities and forests of birds, about half fly away, and the inhabitants of marshes, fields and reservoirs leave their homes in much larger quantities. This is understandable, because if in winter in populated areas there are chances to find grain and the remains of bread, then insects can not find them.

If we talk about which birds come first in the spring, we can not fail to mention rooks, ducks, starlings and greens. They are considered to be the harbingers of the retreat of winter cold and the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Section 2. Rooks have arrived!

This species can be easily confused with crows. By the way, many of us do, especially if the birds are high on the trees. But remember the difference is quite simple: crows always remain in winter, but rooks fly away. That is, it turns out that in winter our cities are inhabited exclusively by the first, while the latter appear later.

By the way, if they ask the representatives of the older generation, such as our grandparents, about what birds come first in the spring, they would not hesitate to call rooks. Their return has always been regarded as the arrival of spring and heat. It was for such good news that they had a reputation for pets, they were always tried to feed them and were particularly welcomed in their gardens and orchards.

To know about which birds arrive first are few. It is desirable to get acquainted with some of their features.

Here, for example, have you ever heard of the rooks' so-called "white beak"? The source of this name comes from those ancient times, when the plowmen, and then the tractor drivers, began to loosen the soil with the advent of spring. Grach was their non-replaceable companion, as, like the workers themselves, he was engaged in painstaking business, snatching out of the earth various insects - bugs, larvae, spiders and insects. That's why, erasing due to constant picking, the rook formed a "white beak".

Rooks, like all birds of the Voronov family, are very smart and smart. Thanks to their attentiveness, they learned how to extract the butter and milk left in the packages, and also soften the stale bread in puddles.

Section 3. Which birds come first in the spring? Ducks, of course!

These representatives of birds, as, indeed, geese, we are waiting with great impatience. And in the early spring on the streets now and then you can meet people trying to view someone high in the clouds. "Look, the ducks are coming back," they will notice. "So the winter is over."

If we talk about which birds arrive first in the spring and give examples of ducks, it is impossible not to delve deeper into their physiology. Why are they not afraid of the cold? The thing is that the ducks in the legs have no blood vessels and nerves. This is what allows them to feel absolutely comfortable, to swim in the frozen water during the winter and to walk on snow and ice without problems. By the way, thanks to the same webbed feet, ducks are able to move quite quickly.

But that's not all. Duck feathers have a waterproof grease that allows them to go dry from the water in the truest sense of the word. Far from each of us knows that the duck quack under the appropriate conditions echoes. This feature is few people can boast.

By the way, depending on sex, ducks-males are called drakes, ducks-females are ducks, and their small offspring are ducklings.

Section 4. Is your birdhouse ready?

About what birds arrive in the spring first, schoolchildren of the lower grades very often learn not from the lessons of natural history, but from employment on labor education. Why? Yes, because it is there that the teachers try not only to introduce the kids to the surrounding world, but, as a rule, they invite you to take an active part in it, for example, by erecting a bird feeder or building a real birdhouse.

By the way, strange as it may seem, there is not much that is known about these feathered ordinary townspeople. For example, most do not even guess that the male starling during the mating season has an interesting ability: he loses almost all of his plumage from his head. Of course, then the feathers again grow.

The starling differs from the female with shiny, iridescent black feathers. But the female is more brown and looks much more modest. In the wild, starlings can repeat the sounds of other speaking relatives, but in captivity they are able to imitate human speech!

Section 5. Modesty is always in price. Greenfinch

We have already told quite a lot about which birds arrive in the spring first, but it is impossible not to mention this bird. By the way, zelenushka has a different name, the most common among people, a canary.

You can meet a bird anywhere: in parks, in gardens, and simply on city streets. Their nests usually they arrange on fruit trees, but they do not disdain and usual, however, preferring those that grow on the fringes.

Zelenushka only looks weak and defenseless from the outside, in fact, with her beak, she is able to split even a fairly solid walnut shell. And still this bird very peculiarly drinks: it collects in a beak a small amount of water, and then throws back the head so that the water drips further into the throat.

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