
MAO inhibitors: a list of drugs. MAO inhibitors - what is it?

Now, in connection with the increase in the level of stress factors, many are interested in how medication can reduce anxiety, strengthen disturbed sleep and stabilize one's condition. Among pharmacies that are dispensed without a prescription, there are often drugs that are recommended as antidepressants, but they are mostly homeopathic drugs that do not provide full-value care in some cases.

Pictures of depression

Before taking a great interest in MAO inhibitors, drugs should be thoroughly studied or consult a doctor. Preparations of the group "antidepressants" can affect many functions of the body: the above-mentioned MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidases) have a wide range of side effects, as will be discussed later. But even earlier it is necessary to realize whether the body requires such intervention, or it is just a whim, caused by the desire to ease certain moments of your life. Most people on Earth experienced depressive conditions, and their presence is determined by the need for stress.

A lot of authoritative works of our contemporaries and predecessors are written about the benefits of moderate stress. In most cases, negative perception of stress is due to the advertising of antidepressants, which offers consumers to get rid of it as a thing unnecessary, spoiling our lives, like "slag and toxins", so to speak ...

Stress is driving progress

However, stressful conditions serve as a kind of motor that helps a person to experience and experience the "black stripes" of his life so that he can see "white". If there was no darkness, we would not know what light is (F. Aquinas). If there was no stress, no one would feel calm. But, in addition to the theosophical, stress has a scientifically grounded physiological background. Stress increases immunity, stimulates the regenerative capacity of the body, improves memory and increases endurance. These facts are scientifically confirmed. Therefore, before using sedatives, antidepressants, drugs - MAO inhibitors, you should determine how much they are necessary in any given situation.

Preparations of plant origin (antidepressants and MAOI)

The favorite among prescription drugs that are weak MAOI is St. John's Wort. This plant has been studied for centuries, unlike new drugs, more studied. It is the main component of such popular drugs as "Negrustin", "Deprim". A cheaper analogue is an alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort, which is the least convenient in everyday use, but excludes the presence of additives, which in individual cases may exhibit effects of individual intolerance.

Valerian. It is also the basis for the preparation of many dosage forms. It does not belong to the group "MAO inhibitors". The list of drugs from the group of selective and nonselective monoamine oxidase inhibitors, contrary to popular belief, does not provide valerian as an auxiliary drug - because of incompatibility. Like St. John's wort, valerian is a drug with a balanced natural biochemical composition and is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

Motherwort. Some species of this plant are used not only in neurology, but also in general therapy and cardiology. Tinctures based on Leonurus have a calming and tonic effect with regular use. Medicinal collections based on motherwort serve as the basis for phyto-tea, and its extract in combination with eucalyptus is an effective means for inhalation.

Synthetic preparations

Preparations of non-destructive origin have a shorter history, and the experience of treatment "pioneers from the 50's" was very doubtful. However, in connection with the spasmodic development of the pharmaceutical industry, the drug market currently offers a fairly wide range of drugs that have more pronounced efficacy in comparison with medicines on a plant basis. A great leap in the treatment of mental disorders and borderline depressive states were drugs - MAO inhibitors. The list of medicines of this group includes 145 trade names.

How MAAO works

The principle of action of drugs of this group is based on the slowing down of the destruction of one or more groups of monoamines and the increase in the concentration of certain mediators between the two synapses. These mediators include noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, and others. In the further, by increasing the concentration of a certain mediator, the desired therapeutic effect is achieved. The question of what relates to MAO inhibitors selective, and what - to indiscriminate, is solved by a simple formulation. If the drug stimulates an increase in the concentration of one mediator, then it is considered selective. If several - then non-selective, respectively.

What are MAO inhibitors: a list of requirements and precautions for the use of drugs of this group because of the possibility of side effects

1. Compulsory medical intervention. Preparations of this group, with the exception of drugs of plant origin, mostly belong to a group of drugs that are only available on prescription. And not in vain (see next paragraph).

2. The exact dosage. The intake of drugs of this group should be carried out regularly and in certain doses, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the organism. Do not take these drugs, based on the principle of "more nervous - I drink more pills." The effect of overdose can be diametrically opposite to what is expected. Recently, unconscious poisoning with MAO inhibitors has often been observed. Drugs are taken in large doses in a domestic setting with the goal of "calming down." And, sadly, there are cases when people calm down for good.

3. Differentiation with the kind of human activity. In all instructions for the drugs of this group, the column "with caution" is indicated and a group of persons is named for which the taking of drugs in connection with the performance of a certain work is incompatible or inconsistent. Antidepressants of this group can affect the reaction rate, which can deplorably affect the work of drivers, pilots, and security forces. The presence in the blood and urine of residual enzymes of drugs of this group can show positive results in athletes (like doping).

4. The principle of calculating the side effect, common for the MAOI group. The drugs of this group can cause mental and somatic disorders. From the psyche - lethargy, a sense of fatigue, withdrawal syndrome. In complex cases - mental disorders: exacerbation of schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies. From the side of somatics: a violation of blood pressure, a negative effect on the parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys).

MAO inhibitors. List of drugs often used in the practice of neurologists and psychiatrists

Table-list of drugs with notes
A drug View Indications Note
Aurorix MAAO reversible action Depression of various etiologies, social phobia It is undemanding to a diet. Trade name of the active ingredient makklenid
Pirazidol Selective MAOI Depression of various genesis, withdrawal syndrome, b. Alzheimer's Domestic drug at a democratic price
Bethol Selective MAO of reversible action Shallow depression, hypochondria Domestic drug
Inkazan Selective MAO of reversible action Depression of various genesis. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis Also known as metralindole
Slegelin Selective MAOI Parkinson's disease, polytheological parkinsonian syndromes (excluding drug) Synergism with levodopa

These drugs are the most frequently used in practice because of the high efficiency and predictable prognostication of the therapeutic effect. These are the most beneficial drugs in the price / effectiveness ratio among the group of "MAO inhibitors". The list of drugs with a similar and similar effect and other commercial names is more extensive, since the products of 43 pharmaceutical manufacturers are supplied to the domestic market, and many drugs are generics.


However, in the price / quality duet, you should include the third element, which many consider to be the "third superfluous". This is an individuality. It is possible to determine exactly which drug from antidepressants is suitable for a certain person, only a doctor can. And decide what place depression takes in a person's life, whether he is happy or not, can only himself.

The data given are not recommendations for self-treatment and are published for informational purposes only.

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