Spiritual developmentAstrology

Meaning of the name Alla. Allochka, will you discover something new for yourself?

For certain the origin of the name Alla is unknown. Some sources claim that the name came to us from the German lands, others say that it has Arab roots, still others are sure of the Greek origin, the fourth ones are in the Jewish origin. But in one they converge - in all languages the meaning of the name Alla bears in itself something sublime - "goddess", "masteress", "beauty", "other".

The meaning of the name of Alla from early childhood begins to predetermine her character. Alla is a very narcissistic and ambitious person. She will not miss the moment once again to show off before her peers a new dress, toy or knowledge. Very demanding of others - everything should be exactly as it is right in her opinion. Little Alla as a child has practically no friends and girlfriends, her girls shy away because of extremely arrogant behavior, and the boys are sure that they are not interested in her at all. Therefore, the best girlfriend for Alla is her mother.

The first courtship Allochka begins to accept already being old enough, in her student years. But the girl is drawn to young people who have, perhaps, problems with the law, or to foreigners. This fact is explained by the fact that Alla is not interested in ordinary people. She likes men different from the rest of the gray mass. Therefore, often the first marriage with her is unsuccessful and does not last very long.

The mystery of the name of Allah lies in her team spirit, self-confidence and her own strength, even some kind of despotism. Strong character Alla can subjugate any person, force him to do everything on her orders. But at the same time, excessive perseverance, arrogance and irritability often play a cruel joke with her. One of the positive qualities is its self-criticism and self-interest. If some of her ideas, assumptions, actions failed, Alla does not despair. She gets up off her knees and continues to work hard until she finally achieves the goal and the desired result.

The meaning of the name Alla also says that Alla never sits idle, without stopping something, she makes something up and comes up, she is energetic and inquisitive. These qualities help it achieve great heights in its own business. But, despite the eternal employment, Alla is an excellent cook, builds up life, has time to monitor her appearance and health.

Almost all Alla are very attractive people. But behind external charm, charm and even sometimes shyness, mercantilism, dominance, greed, and vindictiveness are often concealed. Alla do not really like children, are often dissatisfied with their spouses sexually, are prone to depression and hysterics. Therefore, their married life leaves much to be desired.

However, there is also a positive value for the name. Alla corresponds to her color - alomu. It is also bright, assertive, noticeable, beautiful. Alla is very independent at any age, used to solving all her problems and failures on her own. He will never give himself and his loved ones an insult. Sometimes she simply lacks a simple understanding, human warmth and sympathy. Then her command tone disappears, and in place of him tenderness, softness and openness come to him.

Among the celebrities with the name of Alla can be singled out the Great Martyr Alla Gotfskaya, singer Alla Pugacheva, head of the dance ballet "Todes" Alla Dukhova, actress Alik Smekhova (real name - Alla).

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