
Correct and incorrect bite of teeth: description, photo, correction

A beautiful smile gives a great chance of success in personal and social life, it gives more confidence to the person. In order for the smile to be flawless, daily hygiene of the oral cavity should be given a little time. However, in the modern world, there are many different problems associated with the human oral cavity, the solution of which will take much longer than a few minutes a day. One of these problems is an incorrect bite of the teeth.

Basic concepts: right and wrong bite of teeth

The bite of the teeth is a certain structure of the human jaws. Any bite can be attributed to one of two categories: the right and wrong bite of the teeth. The wrong bite is called dizkoklyuziya. Each person has his own individual structure of the jaw and assess the state of bite can only the doctor-orthodontist. The fact is that an incorrect bite is not always a pathology and often does not require any maxillofacial interventions. Orthodontist - is a dentist with a high level of professionalism, engaged in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and various violations of the dentofacial part of the face.

Signs of a proper bite of teeth

The correct bite in a person assumes the arrangement of the teeth in such a way that the upper row covers the bottom row by one third and the upper molars closely contact the lower ones. With the right bite for the upper arch of the teeth, the shape of the half-oval is characteristic and its size should be larger than that of the lower one. With proper bite, there is no crowding of teeth.

A person with an ideal bite has a harmonious oval face with complete symmetry of the lower part. The bite of the teeth is correct and incorrect, one can say, a conditional definition, because The right bite occurs in a small percentage of people. More frequent small deviations from the norm.

Teeth do not overlap, but when closed, they form one even line and are clearly closed around the perimeter, this kind of joint of teeth is called a straight bite.

When the teeth are closed, the lower part extends slightly forward. This bite in dentistry was called prognosis.

When teeth are closed in one line, both jaws slightly rush forward, such bite in dentistry was called biprognatic bite.

It is worth noting that the defects of speech can result in a different bite of the teeth: right and wrong. Speech therapy will help to cope with various deviations in speech.

What gives the right bite

Correct and incorrect bite of the teeth in a person affects the state of the organism as a whole in different ways. Correct bite allows you to thoroughly chew food, which reduces the likelihood of problems with the digestive system, allows you to keep the full functioning of the teeth as long as possible. At the same time, the load on the jaw joints is evenly distributed, the periodontal tissues are not subject to mechanical damage, the speech abilities develop without complications.


An incorrect bite is a kind of pathology, which leads to serious violations.

The inability of the dentoalveolar system to cope with its direct functions makes a person's life not only uncomfortable in terms of eating, talking and breathing, but also develops various complexes in it. With a strong anomaly of the dentofacial department, the shape of the face is distorted. Incorrect bite leads to a large number of damaged teeth.

Varieties of incorrect bite

Orthodontists distinguish five main types of malocclusion:

  1. Distal, with this bite, the anomalous structure has both parts of the jaw: the upper part is strongly developed and the lower part is weakly developed.
  2. Mesial, with this bite, the anomalous structure has the lower part of the jaw. This structure negatively affects the appearance of the person and the basic functions of the jaw.
  3. Deep bite. Because of the wrong structure, the main load is borne by far teeth.
  4. Open - this is the most complex version of the anomalous location of the jaws in the mouth. With this bite, the upper and lower jaws do not touch each other. This pathology most influences diction, chewing food and swallowing.
  5. Cross bite is most often observed in children of small age, with this bite the lower jaw is mixed to the right or left relative to the upper part.

We examined the bite of the teeth right and wrong. The photo below will give an opportunity to get acquainted with a couple of popular anomalies.

The main causes of deviations

The reasons for the occurrence of an incorrect bite are completely varied, each case must be disassembled individually in the doctor's office. Thus, the distal bite is formed as a result of complex chromosomal mutations, transferred infections in early childhood or due to pathologies that are inherited.

Correct and incorrect bite of the teeth is greatly influenced by the transferred childhood traumas, connected with the damage of the dentofacial part of the face. Such childhood diseases as rickets or tumors also lead to the formation of pathologies.

Also, the process of forming the right bite is influenced by a balanced diet, which the child should receive according to his age. Already on the 20th week of life, the baby begins the process of mineralization of the teeth, if the baby is breastfed, then the mother needs to consume as much food as possible containing fluoride and calcium.

Another reason, because of which an incorrect bite is formed, is incorrect prosthetics.

Bite in children

The bite of the teeth is correct and wrong in children - the topic is separate. It is at an early age that the jaw is formed and the foundation of the future bite is laid. At children on natural feeding more often, than at children on artificial it is formed a correct occlusion. The main reason that can lead to pathologies is a large hole in the nipple, because the lower jaw is not involved in the work.

Another reason for developing an incorrect bite is bad habits, for example, sucking a finger. Because of this seemingly innocuous habit, a gap is formed between the teeth.

Also, the frequent colds (sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.) are adversely affected by the development of the jaw at an early age,

Prevention of abnormalities

To form a proper bite, it is necessary to pay special attention to the dentoalveolar department from the first days of the baby's life, this will allow to get rid of long-term and expensive treatment in the future.

During the formation of permanent teeth, it is necessary to get an orthodontist consultation, which, in the event of an incorrect bite, will prescribe the optimal treatment.


Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in the field of orthodontics are very extensive and are able to cope with very difficult cases. The bite of the teeth is correct and the wrong treatment is diverse, each patient needs to select his own set of measures.

The main methods of combating the wrong bite include the following.

Removable kapy. This method of control is suitable for patients who have not yet completed the process of forming permanent teeth. This group includes children up to 13-15 years of age. Kapu is convenient to wear at night, this method will help in dealing with small pathologies, such as single clumps and twisting of teeth.

Braces installation. With this method, braces are installed on each tooth, they can be both metal and ceramic. It is necessary to wear such systems constantly. The period of treatment depends on the nature of pathologies. It is worth noting that this is the most common method of dealing with an incorrect bite. Often, to correct a large grouping, one or more teeth must be removed in order for others to part. As a result, all empty spaces will be filled, the bite will equalize. The method is suitable for both an adult and a child.

Surgical correction of an incorrect occlusion. This method is used to correct very complex pathologies when other methods fail to produce a result. Usually such operations last for several hours, under general anesthesia. In the course of surgical intervention, it is possible to correct completely or partially the malocclusion of the third degree of complexity, various deformations of the dentofacial part of the face, asymmetry of the jaw bones.

Laser effect on the tissues of the oral cavity. This is necessary for the rapid regeneration of tissues, especially when surgical intervention is required. This is an additional method of treatment, it is not used alone to correct the bite. The laser can be exposed to the right and wrong bite of the teeth, as this promotes rapid healing and prevents the occurrence of complications.

The bite pathology is a common problem

The problem with bite occurs not only in humans, for example, dogs also suffer from this ailment. Bite of teeth in dogs is correct and irregular occurs as often as in humans. The main causes of this anomaly are very similar to the causes of human pathologies, these are genetic diseases, a large load on teeth, injuries. Fight this problem is necessary, since an incorrect bite often leads to trauma to the palate, tongue, complicates the process of chewing food. To determine the bite of the teeth is correct and wrong in puppies rather difficult, since after 28 weeks, when the whole milk row of teeth has been formed, a change occurs to permanent (radical) teeth.

Methods to combat malocclusion in dogs

The method of treating bite in dogs can be determined only by a doctor with a certain qualification. The most common methods without surgical treatment are removable and non-removable systems. To non-removable belong metal structures, similar to braces, which are installed by people. A removable plate includes acrylic or rubber rings. They fit tightly to the teeth of the dog and are removed during meals. This method is effective only up to a year, the further process of correction of occlusion occurs with the help of braces.

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