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Composition on the theme "My Contemporary". Useful recommendations and work example

People living around us, who are they? Do they have special needs, interests or requests? Perhaps one of them stands out from the general crowd. And who, in fact, are our contemporaries? The composition on the topic "My contemporary" is often found in the curriculum, so it is better to prepare in advance.

Who is a contemporary?

The first question that arises before starting to work with the composition, who is a contemporary. The definition of this word is brief:

A contemporary is an object or subject that is in the same time interval.

It seems that everything is simple. However, it is not necessary to generalize: grandmother and her grandson live at the same time, but they are not contemporaries. But the same grandmother with her friends can be called contemporaries. Pushkin and Gogol contemporaries, Calderon Pedro and William Shakespeare are also contemporaries.

Thus, a contemporary can be called a person who is not only present on this planet at the same time with another, but also lives about the same amount of time. Simply put, a contemporary can be called a person who is the same age or with a small age difference.

Features essay essay

The work on "My Contemporary" is an essay. By this genre in fiction is meant a story in which there is a detailed description of the hero or phenomenon. The description affects mostly social problems, there is no room for fiction. There are essays:

  • Portrait. In the text, you need to describe the personality of the hero and indicate how it differs from others. Specify the details that can reveal its nature. This is a more artistic genre than other varieties of essays.
  • Problematic. The author is obliged to highlight the social problem that is taking place at present or was relevant earlier. First, it is necessary to describe the problem itself, and then draw conclusions about it, guided by genuine data.
  • Travel. Perhaps, these were the very first essays in which the author was to describe the journey from one city to another. It was necessary to describe not only the nature, the road, the stops, but also the people with whom their mentality and morals had to meet.

The essay-essay "My Contemporary" should be written from nature in semi-artistic, semi-documentary genre. And here it is necessary to describe a real person, that is, to create a portrait essay.

Useful recommendations

The essay on "My Contemporary" should be written in a journalistic style. He admits the existence of rhetorical questions, exclamations, antitheses and other artistic and literary devices. The composition on the topic "My contemporary" can be constructed in several ways:

  1. Write about contemporary youth, their peers. Pay attention to what is said about the modern young generation, they say, it's not like that now. To indicate that each generation brings something new to the world and for it remains the right to choose what to take with them (ideas, values) and what to leave in the past.
  2. Describe your contemporary. Write about an outstanding personality, pay attention to what he brought to the world, the features of his character and how they relate to modern society.


"Portrait of a contemporary" (composition)

In the literature, the phenomenon of portraying one's contemporaries is quite common. After all, many writers described in the works of people who were the epitome of the era or some part of it. For example, Andrei Bolkonsky ("War and Peace"), Pechorin ("The Hero of Our Time"), Onegin ("Eugene Onegin"). There are a lot of such images, but very few people talk about real people, those who live here and now.

Epochs that succeed each other, differ in ideals and values, but people, as before, want to find their place in this world, the meaning of existence and be useful to society. And now we are talking not about literary characters, but about a real person from a distant country of the Rising Sun and his will power.

Yamashita Tomohisa was born on April 9, 1985. Because of the difficult situation in the family, he had to join a talent agency. Now he is a famous actor and singer. By nature, he got only a beautiful appearance, and all other skills were worked out by hard and hard work. Becoming a singer or an actor may not have been his plan, because in one of the interviews he said that he wanted to be a cook, though life was ordered differently. But he took all the opportunities that fate had planted, and realized them to the full, which he now does not regret at all.

Can we call him our contemporary? Definitely yes. Everyone wants to be happy, and when he finds himself in a difficult situation, he does everything to fix it. Someone can say that now most people live in the same scenario. But there are also those who take from life everything that it gives: both good and bad. Therefore it is good when there are contemporaries who personify will power and an irresistible desire to fight for their future.

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