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Composition of the symphony orchestra. Composition of the symphony orchestra by groups

The symphonic orchestra is called quite a large group of musicians performing a variety of musical compositions. As a rule, the repertoire includes music from the West European tradition. What is the composition of the symphony orchestra? What is his difference from other bands? About this further.

Composition of the symphony orchestra by groups

In the modern collective four categories of music performers are involved. Where should we begin to consider the composition of the symphony orchestra? Instruments played by musicians are distinguished by their diversity, dynamic properties, rhythmic and sound characteristics.

The foundation of the band is musicians who play the strings. Their number is about 2/3 of the total number of performers. The symphony orchestra includes double bassists, cellists, violinists, viola players. As a rule, strings act as the main carriers of the melodic beginning.

The next group is woodwinds. They include bassoons, clarinets, oboes, flutes. Each of the instruments has its own party. In comparison with the bow, the wooden winds do not have such a breadth and variety in the performances. However, they have more power, brightness shades with compact sound.

The composition of the symphony orchestra includes also brass instruments. They include pipes, trombones, tubes, horns. Due to their presence, the performance of musical compositions becomes more powerful, as they act as a rhythmic and bass support.


The highest in sound is the violin. This instrument is characterized by rich technical and expressive possibilities. The violin is often entrusted with difficult and fast passages, various trills, melodic and wide jumps, tremolo.

Another stringed instrument is the viola. The way of playing on it is similar to the violin. It is generally accepted that the viola is somewhat inferior to the violin in terms of brightness and brilliance of the timbre. But at the same time this instrument excellently transmits music of dreamy-romantic, elegiac character.

The cello is twice bigger in size than the viola, but its bow is shorter than the viola and violin. This tool belongs to the category of "foot": it is installed between the knees, resting on the floor with a metal spire.

The contrabass is much bigger - it has to be played on a high stool or standing. This tool is perfect for performing pretty fast passages. The contrabass forms the foundation for the sound of strings, performing bass voice parts. Quite often he is part of the jazz orchestra.


One of the most ancient instruments in the world is the flute. The first mention of it can be found in the scrolls of Egypt, Rome, Greece. Of all the woodwinds, the flute is considered to be the most mobile instrument, and by virtuosity it is much superior to the rest.

The oboe is no less ancient. This tool is unique in that, thanks to the features of its design, it does not lose its customization. Therefore, all other "participants" are configured for it.

Another relatively popular instrument is the clarinet. Only he has a fairly flexible change in the strength of sound. Due to this and other properties, the clarinet is considered one of the most expressive "voices" that make up the brass band.

Drums. general information

Considering the composition of the symphony orchestra in groups, it should be noted percussion instruments. Their function is rhythmic. Together with this they form a rich sound background, decorate and supplement the palette of melodies with different effects. In accordance with the nature of the sound, percussion instruments can be divided into two types. The first include those that have a certain pitch of sound. These are timpani, bells, xylophone and others. The second type includes instruments that lack accurate sound altitude. They include, in particular, plates, drums, tambourine, triangle.


Ancient enough, like some of the instruments described above, are timpani. They were quite common in many countries: Greece, Africa, the Scythians. Unlike other instruments with leather, timpani have a sound of a certain height.

The plates are large metal round plates. In the center they are slightly convex - in this place belts are fixed, so that the performer could hold them in their hands. They play them standing - the sound in the air spreads so best. The symphony orchestra usually includes one pair of plates.

Xylophone is a fairly original device. As a sounding body used brusochki of wood of different sizes. It should be said that a xylophone often forms part of the Russian folk orchestra. The sound produced by wooden blocks, sharp, clicking, "dry". Sometimes they cast a gloomy mood, creating grotesque, bizarre images. The orchestra of folk instruments, whose composition may include not only a xylophone, most often performs in musical works with a special storyline - usually in fairy tales or epic episodes.

Brass brass

The trumpet entered the opera orchestra itself. Her timbre is not characterized by lyricism. As a rule, pipes are considered exclusively fanfare instruments.

The most poetic in the "collective" is the French horn. In a low register, its timbre is somewhat gloomy, and in the upper it is quite tense.

The saxophone occupies in some way an intermediate position between the wooden and brass winds. The strength of his sound is much higher than that of the clarinet. Since the beginning of the 20th century, saxophone has become one of the main "voices" that make up jazz ensembles.

Tuba refers to the "bass". It is able to cover the lowest part of the copper band range.

Single tools. Harp

The main composition of the symphony orchestra is described above. Tools can be entered and additionally. For example, a harp. This tool is considered one of the oldest in the musical history of mankind. It happened from a bow with a stretched string, which, when shot, sounded quite melodic. Harp refers to plucked stringed instruments. Beauty and appearance of it surpass all other "participants".

The harp has a rather peculiar virtuosity. It excellently produces passages from the arpeggio, wide chords, glissando, and flajulets. The role of the harp is not so much emotional, as to some extent colorful. The instrument often accompanies others. In addition, the harp give effective solos.


The sound source of this instrument is metal strings. Wooden hammers, covered with felt, begin to knock on them when you press your fingers on the keys. As a result, a different sound appears. The piano gained wide popularity as a solo instrument. But in some cases, he can act as an "ordinary participant". Some composers use the piano as a decorating element, bringing new colors and sonority to the sound of the whole orchestra.


This wind instrument was known in ancient times. At that time, the air was forced by furs manually. Subsequently, the design of the instrument was improved. In ancient Europe, the body was used in church services. This is a giant instrument, featuring a variety of different timbres. The range of the organ is greater than all the orchestra instruments taken together. The design provides for furs that pump air, a system of pipes of different sizes and devices, the keyboard - foot and several hand.

Pipes of a single voice in one set are called "register". The large council bodies have about a hundred registers. The coloring of sounds in some of them resembles the sound of a flute, oboe, clarinet, cello and other orchestral instruments. The more varied and "richer" the registers, the more opportunities the performer has. The art of playing on the organ is based on the ability to skillfully "register", that is, the use of the entire technical potential.

When using the organ in modern music, theatrical in particular, the composers pursued primarily an acoustic goal, especially in those moments where it was necessary to reproduce the church atmosphere. For example, List in the "Battle of the Huns" (symphonic poem) contrasted the Christian world with barbarians using an organ.

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