HealthDiseases and Conditions

Complications after the flu. Causes, Symptoms and Proper Treatment

The concepts of "flu" and "ARVI" have recently begun to unite a large number of diseases. The autumn-winter period is a traditional time, when the waves of epidemics "roll" across the country. It is necessary to try to understand the nuances of how these viral diseases proceed, and to identify the main symptoms, the treatment strategy, and the prevailing complications after the flu.

Influenza refers to an acute and infectious disease that affects a number of body systems. Influenza is very contagious, because it spreads through microorganisms that enter the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. The incubation period is small, it starts from several hours, and the virus enters the surrounding atmosphere with the sneezing and coughing of the infected person. Therefore, the flu is affected whole families, regardless of the species, and it causes real epidemics.

The main symptoms of classic ARI: rapid increase in temperature, pain and aches throughout the body, runny nose, redness of the throat and cough. In the normal course of the disease, these symptoms gradually go away after five days. If they stay and keep the heat, we can say that the complications after the flu are not excluded, and we'll talk about them below. Let us dwell first on what to do if a person falls ill with ARVI.

The classical treatment for influenza is as follows. The patient is prescribed antipyretic and immunostimulating drugs. It is important to drink a lot of liquid, but in small doses, as well as adherence to a certain diet and bed rest. In no case should you take antibiotics for ARVI, because the disease is caused by the virus, and not by bacteria.

Rapid "treatment" of influenza, which involves the use of a large number of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, is unacceptable. Such suppression of symptoms leads to the deterioration of the human immune system and to the appearance of complications after the flu. The body must "fight" with the virus itself and defeat it with little help from medications prescribed by doctors ("Arbidol", "Influcid"). Breaking the traditional treatment scheme and trying to transfer the virus "on legs", a person receives toxic effects and the following complications after the flu:

  • Pulmonary diseases - for example, pneumonia, lung abscess;
  • Cardiovascular complications - pericarditis, myocarditis;
  • Diseases of the nervous system - neuralgia, neuritis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, polyradiculoneuritis, meningitis;
  • Complications of ENT organs - tracheitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media;
  • Muscular diseases - myositis and many others.

In addition, with the wrong treatment and with the highest pathogenicity of the virus, influenza can also lead to death.

Lethal pneumonia, which develops within three days, affects the walls of the lung and leads to internal bleeding.

The appearance of a deadly infectious-toxic shock can result from an extreme degree of intoxication. This increases the number of cardiac contractions, but the blood pressure drops to a critical point.

Wrong treatment can provoke the appearance of those diseases that "slept." For example, against the background of the course of influenza, the first hypotonic or hypertonic crisis, radiculitis, neuropsychic disorders, etc., may appear.

It is dangerous for your health not to pay attention to the aching muscles, because during the disease in the urine myoglobin rises, which leads to impaired kidney function.

Therefore, it is by no means necessary to carry the flu "on legs", but it is mandatory to call a doctor and observe the rules and terms of treatment of the disease.

Be healthy!

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