
Compatibility of plants in the garden: table. Compatibility of vegetables in the garden

A countryside plot is used to grow a wide variety of vegetable crops. They belong to different families, and the planting dates do not coincide. On small gardens are used compacted cultivation. How in the limited space to ensure compatibility of vegetable crops on a single bed?

Good predecessors

Every year before the beginning of the garden season, it is necessary to carefully plan the placement of plants in the garden. It is best to make a plan for crops, which will be useful for the next season. Various vegetable crops can oppress one another or promote the spread of dangerous diseases. However, compatible plants, on the contrary, will promote better development and protect against pests. In order not to be mistaken, certain rules must be observed.

The area under the compacted planting provides additional nutrition with an increased volume of plants. To do this, the soil must be sufficiently fertile and clean. At the beginning of the season, crop rotation is planned. Plants that were grown in the past year, should not have the same pathogens and pests. In this case, they should have a beneficial effect on each other, so compatibility of plants in the garden is important. The table of the best predecessors is the instruction with which planning begins.

Carry out an analysis of last year's planting. The right choice will help to avoid many unpleasant moments when growing vegetables.

Table of predecessors

Cultivating any crops, you should observe a crop rotation. The information presented in the table will help to plan the site correctly.

Vegetable culture

The best predecessors


Legumes, cabbage, cucumbers



Onion garlic

Peas, cabbage, radish

Corn sugar

Potatoes, cabbage, beans

Sweet pepper

Cucumbers, beets, carrots, rutabaga, cabbage

Table beet

Cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers


Peas, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes

Multiple growing of plants in one place is also undesirable.


When cultivating vegetable crops, information on their mutual influence is necessary. To avoid unfavorable neighborhood, you need to know exactly about the characteristics of vegetable crops. Admissible growing conditions for plants that will be combined should be similar. This will help accurately plan the entire area under the garden and achieve successful cultivation of various plants on compacted beds. In addition, individual crops not only have a beneficial effect, but also repel pests. Compatibility of plants on a bed is rather important. A detailed list of representatives of different families, well neighbors in the garden, contributes to the unerring determination of their location. No less important information about plants with which co-cultivation is undesirable. They will oppress the growing vegetable crops.

Table of plant compatibility

For normal development of vegetables and obtaining a high-quality crop, they need to create favorable conditions. Proper agricultural technology combined with a successful combination of plants will help solve many problems. The data given in the table will be useful when placing plants on the site.

Successful combinations

Planning the crops, you should take into account the time of development of useful area, height and compatibility of plants in the garden. Perfectly combine carrots and onions. They are placed in rows. Alternate three rows of carrots with four rows of onions. These plants favorably affect each other and at the same time protect against pests. A trio of plants will be successful. This is a late white cabbage, cabbage salad and spinach, which is compacted by vegetable garden beds. You can name other examples of combinations of vegetables, which have a good compatibility of plants in the garden. The table will help everyone to find the best pair. For example, early cabbage and celery, which have different planting times. In early spring, planted seedlings of the first vegetable culture. Distance when planting early cabbage can withstand at least fifty centimeters. After three weeks, the celery is populated. Very well combined plants with different maturation periods. The compatibility of vegetables in the vegetable garden in this case is based on the fact that early-ripening crops are placed along the edge of the plant beds, the maturation period of which is longer. For example, the combination of planting tomatoes with several rows of dill on greens and onions per pen, as well as spinach will not prevent the longer development of tomato bushes. A classic combination is corn and winding beans. In this example, one plant serves as a trellis for another.


Many plants have a long period of germination of seeds. For the earlier designation of rows of such a vegetable culture, rapidly growing and early maturing plants are used. They allow earlier processing of soil and agrotechnical measures. An example is the joint crops of radish and carrots. While time will reach the ripening of root crops, early and early-ripening vegetables have time to ripen and release the area. In addition to radishes, lettuce, spinach and dill are used. They are sown along the edge of a bed of cucumbers, tomato and pepper.

Wards of vegetable planting

Do not forget the aromatic herbs. These plants are fragrant, creating an amazing atmosphere around. Nearby vegetables under the influence of volatile substances become more stable. They are able to scare off pests. Medicinal plants, such as valerian and yarrow, planted on the edge of beds, will be an excellent preventive tool that increases resistance to diseases. Salad and spinach are plants that can enhance the activity of the root system of neighbors. They will be good companions and have excellent compatibility of plants in the garden. The table of successful combinations of vegetable crops confirms this statement. Salad and spinach are often recommended for joint cultivation with other vegetables.

Adverse Neighborhood

Most plants perfectly coexist in the limited space of beds. Placing them, the compatibility of plants in the garden is taken into account. A table of successful combinations of vegetable crops will help to properly distribute them. However, we should not forget about plants that will depress the surrounding people. These include fennel and wormwood. For these vegetables it is necessary to take a separate corner of the garden, which will provide privacy.

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